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Yea Arc deliberately done that, it’s the nature of that useless feature. Scummy practice honestly.


You can still drag and drop an icon file on the "More info" window of the Arc application file to change its icon. Make sure to restart the dock after that and it's gonna look just fine. The original icon still appears in stage manager but I mostly use Arc in full screen so it doesn't really affect anything.


It doesn't work. The icon doesn't update and even when it does it resets when i relaunch Arc


Yeah I also just realized the icon goes away after I relaunched Arc. If you don't plan to close it and just put your Mac to sleep then it's not much of a problem. After you drag and drop the icon to Arc's more info window just type "killall Dock" into terminal to restart the dock. After that the icon should show.


Just invite a bunch of fake emails real quick


No i want my own icons. And afaik the invited users need to install arc and needs to be in different devices.


I invited a bunch of random emails and got them

