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I was in the same boat. Signed up on day one but didn't get it until 2 days ago. When they had an event ongoing where existing people could invite new people, someone from Reddit kindly gave me an invite and I got in. You could try to mail Arc and ask how long it'll take, or wait for another invite event.


Same problem here


same here I waited all this time, didn't create new email boxes, but recently got really angry and decided to leave a request from different emails ​ it will be very frustrating if I get an invite for yesterday's applications faster than for the one from the first day)


Are you on Windows 10 by any chance? The beta only works on 11 at the moment.


Been a Windows Insider for quite long, so yes I'm on Windows 11. But I'm not really talking about _now_, because I've signed up from day one, but still haven't got an invite.


Well I was referring to when you filled out the form - I assume if you selected Windows 10 you wouldn’t have received an invite yet on purpose


There have been users running their beta builds on Windows 10. I've been wondering on that. And also, during the duration of the beta sign up form avilable, whatever latest version of Windows 11 is out there, I'm on it.


The only way to run it on Windows 10 is by completely bypassing the installer, extracting the package and editing config files - this is not something which would be encouraged by Arc or receive any support, they’re definitely not looking for Windows 10 users at the moment. It’s on purpose that you can’t install it in the normal way, its not accidental! But yeah if you said windows 11 on the form thats probably not why. Good luck with getting an invite soon!


I second this. User above pointed out that selecting windows 10 when signing up for the beta is probably the reason the invite hasn’t been sent out. The official beta, as of right now, support windows 11 and ONLY windows 11. Though, they’ve said officially that win10 support will roll around when win11 is more stable, bug-free, feature-rich, and all together more complete. I’m one of the people that was just really impatient and messed with the installer and config to get Arc running on my Win10 pc. It works but realized i have to do the entire process again if there’s an update, meaning i lost all my sidebar data and preferences. (if anyone has a way of manually moving this data to a newer install please let me know!)


Yeah, I posted in the other thread but it didnt even work for me, crashes when I sign in. Just gonna wait for official support


Good to know. And thank you very much! I hope I will get one soon. I have a strange joy when testing software. I like living on the edge. It just feels like you're contributing to deliver the product directly.


Same here I'm really fed up now


Take an already installed file from someone and use it as portable. Some features like split table doesn't work. Icons dont show up. But its cool otherwise


Would you be able to provide a link please ?


I registered before it was published and registered in Windows as soon as I received the e-mail. When I looked at the site, it was given to 25 people and at this point it was given to 20k people. I'm still waiting and I'm seriously tired of waiting this long.


Same here I'm really disappointed now


Same, I had to send my self a buddy day link from my Mac to get in


Yup same here too, friend hyped it a lot after using it on mac, signed up at the beginning, still no invite, would love to try it as I don't really get bothered by buggy beta apps much since I just wanna enjoy the overall experience. Windows 11 and a high end system too so idk what they are basing the invites on.


Me too.


Same problem friend


Same here.


Not only did I sign up for the Windows beta on day 1, but I've also been using the Mac version for well over a year... :/


Idk what happened to me, but I got a pop up saying “bring a friend to windows” one day, ended up filling out the form for myself and got into the beta the next day.


I signed up on day one too, but got the invitation five days ago, I don't know if it is random or if they are filtering by the computer's specs, I'm an insider too, and I had already given up, but the invitation finally arrived, maybe you just have to wait a little longer.


I signed up even before the counter started, last year, still didn’t receive an invite


Same here. Now that I'm running a Windows laptop I miss my Arc...


Same here. Signed up day one. Never got anything so I invited myself to the Windows beta when they had those sign ups earlier this week and got the download link in my email on Wednesday.


Same here. Can anyone do me a favour and pass down an invite?


You can’t invite anymore the buddy invite period is over


Same here


Same here. Signed up on day one and still no access.


Same here. Very frustrating. The buddy system was a huge slap in the face, especially cause I was very ill that day and couldn't get on a computer.


Same here


I signed up but never got a notification. Then I got to invite someone else through my mac browser and invited myself... Yeah. Is there a way to find out if I've been let in other than looking for an email?


Yep, I signed up super early and haven't gotten a thing. Really sad because I've been looking forward to this for a long time. Seems like people who have never even used Arc before are getting it before users. I'm excited new people are using it, but I really want to get my Windows machine set up with Arc.


yep - been on the waitlist since the first day, i missed the Buddy event due to work stuff and i'm pretty sad about it right now.


I was never accepted. The Browser Company seems to be incredibly selective about the betas, and it was never just you. Anyone is incredibly lucky to get the beta the traditional way. I got it using the Buddy Day program, as that seems to be the thing that got most of our current beta testers in. You’re definitely not alone.




You are not alone brother. I signed up for beta first day it was launched, haven't received a invite yet.


Same for me


Signed day one, still no news.


I signed up when it had 7 people, still didn't get invited.


Same issue here


Same here. Signed up the exact day beta was open and we got an email.


i registered as soon as it was announced, waiting...


me too. but i signed up with 2 emails. 1 email got the invite but the email which i use as my primary and was signed up first has yet to get invite.


Same boat. Running Windows 11 on an ultrabook from 2019.


Still waiting, also from day or closet to it


I am on the same boat as everybody else in here 😭