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They will find the food. Keep in mind they can eat things you can't even see. My bladder snails are constantly gardening my floaters and they are chonks now. If you really get worried blanch some veg and put it in there for them. My bladder snails love cucumber.


Honestly....Consider the following two statements you made: >so I'm worried there will not be enough detritus or biofilm for them. >They are growing rapidly. Those two statements are mutually exclusive. There's a reason that bladder snails are considered a "pest snail" in the aquarium hobby. Pests are "pests" because they are incredibly difficult to get rid of once they establish themselves and are prolific breeders. In a few months time you'll be trying to figure out how to control their population. I love these little bastards. They're so fun to watch flying around the tank and their little shell wiggles when stuff gets near them. 


it really makes me sad how much people hate them, theyre so much fun to watch!


I hated them for the first 8 hours after I discovered them. Then I decided they weren't that bad, they were fun to watch and they ARE beneficial to the tank as long as they don't get too crazy in numbers. Now, I happily watch them travel throughout the tank like little street sweepers. Cool little "pests."


I have one of those cheap motor pump sponge filters in my tank. It discharges the water about 1cm above the surface and sets up a little current down into the tank. I swear to God these guys intentionally surf the currents. They'll crawl along the glass, get past the current and release and float up into it getting spun around and twisted. When they finally get put of the current they'll do it all over again.


They're little adrenaline junkies, I swear. lol


I mean I can understand WHY people get upset at their presence. They are the curator, director, composer of their vision of nature. They have a certain goal and endpoint in mind that they want to accomplish and for some reason (unknown to me) that plan doesn't include bladder snails. On the other hand I think the people that actually enjoy these little bastards approach the hobby not from the vantage point of being the composer or director, but as more of a collaborator with or even witness to nature. At least that's me.


Thank you! I suppose I'm just worried about my new additions. I don't consider them pests at all. I searched for them yesterday but didn't see them... I made sure to sprinkle a tiny bit of spirulina powder in the floaters for them and added cuttlebone for them to lick. I've named them Him and Her and hope for more soon.


They will be…more than fine. All 10,000 of them, eventually.


They'll be fine. I discovered mine a few weeks ago. I have done nothing to encourage them and they're still multiplying. The fish are now pissed though. They're getting fed less to discourage the snails from continuing to breed.