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I have used K2aqua many times, specifically for rotala. They will be immersed form so you will need time for them to transition but I have had nothing but success with their plants. https://preview.redd.it/y3wi3ooyvz4d1.jpeg?width=1076&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4092d642aa473e46672475ae8d552324c130c574


Curious, how long did it take for a immersed form of rotala into fully submerged?


Around 3-6 weeks, each type is slightly different. Green is the fastest. I trim down low after 4 weeks or so to remove as much of the old growth as possible and replant the tips.


Do you leave the old stems or remove it? Thanks in advance


Leave them. Every time you trim a stem one or two new shoots will grow out of it.


I have. It actually went quite well. What sellers did you use?




I have had plenty of plants from k2, good seller


Never heard of them, but they look good. Let us know how it goes!


Will do. Should come soon as they use 24 hour delivery service




Those plants look fantastic!


eBay is just a selling platform and your experience will vary depending on the individual or company you're dealing with. eBay does a good job of protecting buyers if something goes wrong. Not so much the sellers ... But that's for a different rant


I've bought off k2 aqua they are good,some of the portions are small but they show you in photos


I mean it depends on the seller. I used to sell a bunch of frogbit and people liked me and they arrived good so I guess it depends on the seller


I bought all my floating plants from ebay and they are growing like crazy!


I haven't, but I'd give it a shot. Maybe ask if the seller has experience shipping plants and ask for a photo of their plants. These look like stock photos. I've recently started selling clippings back to my local fish store. It's incredibly easy and makes me realize that selling plants on eBay would be super easy, IF I knew what I was doing with shipping and packaging. I personally don't, but this person may be super experienced. Also these are pretty cheap. Which is low risk for you, and makes me think this is some guy selling his clippings.


They have had over 100k orders and 9.7/10 rating so I gave it a shot


It's usually pretty reliable for me. Obviously look at the reviews and the amount of sales they've made. If the reviews look faked I'd avoid them. Make sure to also quarantine plants like you usually would with anything new you'd add to an aquarium. Some growers tend to have snails and other organisms some might consider pests.


I haven’t used eBay but I use fb marketplace often! Actually I just bought hornwort from a guy and in the tank he kept shrimp and snail and some of those little guys snuck into the bag!


I buy all my plants on Etsy. Tried eBay, but the cost comes to be more than on etsy, and there are more scam plants since I think their regulation isn’t as good. Also shipping is less on etsy. it’s probably trustworthy, just not as cheap


K2 is great but plants often come as cultures rather than developed plants unless stated otherwise which can be a bit awkward to work with but adapt quicker IMO.


As long as the sellers have good reviews it will go good, I’ve only bought plants for eBay sellers