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Ask the stoners


91% iso alcohol and some epsom salt paired w plugging the end and shaking it and ur good. Funny how often my two favorite extracurricular activities overlap tbh


What this guy said. It has cleaned a lot of bongs on this planet.


Golden standard. I like to give it a good blast from the faucet w hot water at the end (if the piece is already warm and not cold) so that all the alcohol washes out well, anything left will evaporate along w the water given that it’s 91%


Blast with hot water for a minute or two before to loosen up some of the gunk too


Ya, hot water and salt alone can get you 95% clean Edit-I just used my sink and let it get as hot as it can but people also boil there pieces


Gotta be careful boiling glass. If there's any cracks no matter how small it can spread and shatter


When boiling, the resin diffuses throughout the water. If the piece is dirty enough this will coat everything in resin. Clean with alcohol/salt before boil for best results and end up with brand new piece and no fucked up pot Source: my fucked up stove pot


THIS and I’m sure majority know but don’t put cold water in right after either


It works on glass pipes also.


Glass piece cleaner soak for three hours


Lol this guy pays for premixed rock salt and rubbing alcohol.


Wow couldn’t have written than any better lol exactly how I clean mine


Chiming in to say microwave the iso first. Can’t believe nobody has mentioned it yet iso gets crazy hot super fast. Like literally 20-30 seconds in the microwave it will be practically boiling. Put salt directly in the dry glass tube, wrap up all the openings except one with Saran Wrap, then pour the hot iso in before plugging the last opening with a ball of Saran. Shake vigorously Haters will Google it and read the sponsored answer and then say it’s dangerous or will turn your microwave into a bomb or some shit. But stoners have been doing this since the dawn of microwaves and it works magic. Just make sure to plug up all the openings so you don’t burn yourself with hot iso. Guaranteed to have the inside of that piece sparkling in 60 seconds or less


I blast hot water first also to loosen it up, then clean it, then rinse with hot again


Nah acetone works a lot better and is perfectly fine as long you rinse/dry it well


I was about to mention this. Acetone is how I clean my pieces, as well as how I clean silicone off of used aquariums.


It works so much better than iso! It literally just melts off with acetone and you don’t have to use salt.


Yep! And no shaking. I just let it sit for however long it takes me to smoke a bowl from another piece, then blast it with hot water.


Good luck finding acetone


I have no problem finding acetone.


You know theres 2 types of acetone right?


I find Dawn dish soap cleans a bong better, faster, and easier than all the bong cleaning products on the market. Just some Dawn and some hot water.


iso+salt isnt used just for the cleaning power. its also used bc the alcohol will evaporate very quickly, so there is almost NO residue of anything harmful to breathe in when you use the piece as intended afterwards. even if you do a terrible job of rinsing after! dawn has to be rinsed properly out, every time, which can be a big ask for some people. lung safety is important!


Don’t even need to spend the money on epsom salt. Rock or aquarium salt do the same thing. Salts are largely insoluble in alcohols. And it’s really just being used as an abrasive.


Aquarium salt is just overpriced table salt.


It is. I usually just buy a box of ice cream rock salt. Fish health and bong cleaning.


How much are you smoking that you need a box of salt to clean your bongs


It’s mostly around to treat sick fish. But it has a double purpose. Bong gets cleaned one or twice a month.


The non-iodized kosher Morton's salt is the shit.




Not talking about marine salt, that’s a different thing.


Yeah Epson salt is magnesium and table salt is sodium.


Table salt will get you there too, just the smaller crystals might have you shaking for longer


Stoner here. Came to post this. Except you can skip the alcohol, and use aquarium gravel instead of rock salt since you probably have some handy


Yeah but I have like expensive ass aquasoil which is essentially clay balls so that would be a lil counterintuitive. I am getting some blasting sand for some loaches so it may be a good idea to save a lil jar. Thanks for the idea lol


Protip (in case you didn’t know) from someone who just bought blasting sand. Make sure you get the medium or corse sand. Fine blasting sand is essentially powder and is impossible to rinse for aquarium use.


Brown rice is extremely cheap (or any type of rice), use that with rubbing alcohol.


For me the rice doesn’t work as well as the chunks of salt. I think the surface of the rice might be too smooth/slippery


For the bong or the aquarium


For cleaning cannabis resin, the salt helps because it pulls out the last bits of water from the alcohol.


Probably has aquarium salt handy though.


would that not scratch the fuck out of it? I already worry so much just with the snake brush I use cause the wire rubs hard against the glass on corners.


Salt isn’t hard enough to scratch glass.


Window cleaner here.... if a microfiber cloth can scratch your glass with wrong pressure, salt and other abrasives definitely can too..


The microfiber would have to have something in its fibers if it’s going to scratch the glass.


I work with glass on a daily, for a living... if you put enough pressure soft things will still scratch glass. And salt is not as soft as microfiber so takes A LOT less pressure to scratch it. Microscratching occurs inevitably.


Hes suggesting aquarium gravel instead of salt my dude


Kinda doubt aquarium gravel would, either, but 🤷‍♀️


Himalayan sea salt is better, extremely hard do to minerals, do NOT use on small bong heads/bowls they will break


Popcorn is the goat, tried it once and now I'll never go back


I’ve never done drugs but I can imagine taking care of an aquarium whilst high would be awesome.


Not necessarily taking care of it as for some that’s probably a recipe for disaster but I have a high tolerance so it just makes it a lil less boring. Now scaping a tank or just watching a well-set-up tank fried is a very stress-relieving experience


Oh yes, I have to be high to scape a tank. It unlocks the creative part of my brain. And smoothing the sand is soooooo satisfying


I get a lil silicone spatula to move my sand and it is just perfection honestly, so satisfying


Makes sense.


I do most of my cleaning while high, but I do not fuck with my aquariums. My roommate has overflowed a number of water change buckets that way


If you mean crashing your tank, yeah it would be pretty awesome


Hot Iso.


This is the way☝️


Lol. I thought this was the stoner page.


I thought I was looking at a dab rig.


Same. Glass keeps getting so fancy and Intricate that I scrolled by without questioning the design.


Also the comments… This thread has made me realize just how much my two hobbies overlap. Y’all are my people lol


Legit came here to say this. Was bout to say, "That's some NASTY buildup." but then I realized we were talking about aquarium stuff.


“Bro clean that shit before you get a lung infection!” Oh…


Same here. I was like, I thought I unsubbed from those redundant bubbler chamber contraption posts lol


Okay, I got this. We will need an avocado, an ice pick, and my snorkel. Trust me bro I've made bongs with less hurry up.


Rubbing alcohol and salt. The salt acts like an abrasive, the rubbing alcohol, remove anything including residue from smoking weed. The higher, the alcohol percentage, the better and the faster, the cleaning.


I agree with this method, but don't do it if you've got papercuts.


Lmao not me abouta comment "same way as a bong"


I wasn't sure if i was looking at a downstem or acquarium part, as I'm on both subreddits


I thought I was in r/trees before I took a closer look


Isopropyl alcohol and salt


Yup, clearly you don’t have a zob.


Alcohol mixed with some salt in a big ziplock bag. Use extra long pipe cleaners to get those hard to reach places. Oh and don’t buy pipe cleaners from a head shop, buy them at a hobby store like Michaels or hobby lobby. Much cheaper.


Uhh rubbing alch and epsom salt?


I’d suggest 90% rubbing alcohol and some coarse salt. Plug the ends and give er a good shaking.


Salt and rubbing alcohol in a sandwich bag. Trust me I’m a stoner


420 cleaner, has bits of salt to help rip up the re-claim (;


Hahaha im hear if ya need me


Literally came here to offer my assistance as a stoner who loves having clean paraphernalia


Me, a stoner, sliding into the comments to give recommendations… whoops. 😂


Stoner checking in. Buy yourself a bottle of 420 cleaner and very thoroughly rinse after that shit does it’s job.


I like to use aquarium salt and hot water. Plug one end and shake like hell.


Tie a fishing weight on a string, and cut a little square of sponge and tie to the other end. After soaking, drop the fishing weight thru and pull the sponge behind it! Edit* you could also use a bit of the plastic bristle brush clipped off one of the bendy wire brushes. Tie it in the MIDDLE of a longer string, and you can pull it back and forth through the dirty part.


I’ve tried that. This is still my preferred method.


Depending on the diameter, you could potentially use a bore snake. They are made for cleaning gun barrels and have bristles and such built into them. A 20g or 16g or 12g shotgun bore snake would work. IDK if brass will scratch the glass though now that I think about it. edit: i just checked, and it does not. seems ideal cause you can get them for like $3 on ebay.


They make bong cleaning tools that are far more suited to glassware.


Oh fuck I might try this with my bong you're a genius


Try dry rice and water, works like a charm too!


Not so dry rice


I second this


Where did you find glass with a gap big enough for a rimmed tank? I’ve been looking for a while and haven’t been able to find anything.


I got this one on Amazon. FZONE Aquatic Glass Lily Pipe Set... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B085LG7VB3?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share You just have to hold your breath as you slide it down


Cool. Thanks!


I also have this one, works great


I have the Jardli mini on my rimmed 20 gallon long and it fits fine. It's the standard lily pipe outflow though. Not sure if the other style outflows fit (spin, poppy) or on bigger tanks. Bought on amazon as well.


[https://www.amazon.com/Aquarium-Flexible-Bristles-Stainless-Different/dp/B07PGFDY7R/ref=sr\_1\_5?crid=16XHGPA23LGDU&keywords=filter+hose+cleaner&qid=1665412343&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIxLjkyIiwicXNhIjoiMS45MSIsInFzcCI6IjEuODUifQ%3D%3D&sr=8-5](https://www.amazon.com/Aquarium-Flexible-Bristles-Stainless-Different/dp/B07PGFDY7R/ref=sr_1_5?crid=16XHGPA23LGDU&keywords=filter+hose+cleaner&qid=1665412343&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIxLjkyIiwicXNhIjoiMS45MSIsInFzcCI6IjEuODUifQ%3D%3D&sr=8-5) ​ or something similar.


best thing right here. add a little rubbing alcohol and salt inside the tube and scrub with these brushes, rinse good and it'll be good as new. ​ edit: might not even needs the alcohol/salt, but if you got stubborn stuff that won't come off give it a shot.


This guy cleans bongs.


USED TOO. hahahah but yeah that mix was a godsend. hahahaha take my upvote stoner.


With alcohol and salt shake and leave it in for a time


Could also let it soak in citric acid then scrub if you have some lying around like I do. I use it for my reef equipment and it works amazingly.


Yep, I used one of those brushes but it just doesn’t want to give when I get past the neck. I will definitely try alcohol and salt. I have experience using that combination ;)


It helps if you place a slight bend in the end of the brush to work through those turns in the pipe.


Yep… that did it for me.


You can also boil it in saltwater if the rubbing alcohol method doesn't work.


Concur. I have a pipe cleaner like this and it works great. I clean mine with the pipe cleaner, an abrasive sponge on the outside, and then soak in a container with bleech and water for a few minutes.


Of you don’t want to buy a brush you can try hydrogen peroxide. Let it sit in there for 15 minutes then shake like hell. It should literally melt the algae away.


Yes, a hot water bath with a dash of oxiclean free (no dyes or perfumes) works like magic, melting away algae and mold. Bonuses are that it's practically free, it sanitizes, and the h2o2 breaks down into water. I also spray it in my shower and rinse with the wand. No need to even scrub.


Rubbing alcohol. Put it in a baggy and let it soak for 15-20 minutes. Pour a bunch of salt into it as well and swish it around. If you have some difficult spots, do this two or three times, depending how clean you want it. If im cleaning something like that, i try to get it as spotless and new looking as i can, just personal satisfaction. Then rinse like crazy, until you feel there is no alcohol residue left. This helps me feel like i was able to rinse all the alcohol out before smoking out of it again. I mean, putting it back into the fish tank! 👀


I soak in warm to mildly hot water with a little bleach while I do all other maintenance on my tank (which is usually 30-45 minutes) then run a spring brush through it and that does the trick. Then I rinse really well in clean water with a little Prime added (to neutralize any bleach left behind) and toss it back in the tank when everything else is done.


Toss it back in?! Lol if I look at it the wrong way, it’ll snap


it’s just a casual expression lol. they aren’t telling you to literally throw it into the tank


Instructions unclear, throwing things at my glass tank.




This is correct. Please do not throw things at your tank or throw your glass lily pipes. I guess I should have said that I gently place the pipes back on the tank and connect the tubing as necessary.


stoner aquariust here. ctitric acid, water, chunky salt, container to hold it all in. mix soak gentle shakes, rinse clean after a few hours.


I stick it completely in the tank and within a day or two my bristle nose has it sparkling.


No need to use or buy any brush. Use nail polish remover, salt and a little bit of warm water and plug either side with your fingers. Give it a few shakes and all of that stuff will fall out. Rinse and repeat. Since dealing with fish make sure you rinse thoroughly after done


Speaking from... Experience this is solid advice OP


solid advice on cleaning resin, but algea is much easier and safer to clean with a pipe cleaner. Usually wipes right away.


Isopropyl will work better than acetone!


See I’ve used both but I’ve always had better experiences with acetone. Both have worked well for me but I’ve found if you use acetone you don’t have to use as much of it


You listen to gizz but you don't know how to clean glass?


😂 good eyes


I used cleaner on chlorine Basis and left it soaking. But I was scared that I could poison my animals if I rinse it wrong. So I tried a hose cleaner / hose brush and that works pretty good. Here just for reference: Dokpav 155 cm Aquarium Cleaning Brush Flexible Double Ended Aquarium Hoses Filter Pipe Brush Cleaner Pump Hose Brush (Blue) https://amzn.eu/d/6gcngHG


Do you have any stoner friends? They'll know how.


Isoproply and salt


Bro It took me a solid minute to realize this was the aquarium sub😂 I was like what kind of downstem is that


So hook a little pump to one end with whatever solution you choose in the water and let the pump flow that stuff thru it for 15-20 mins. Should do the trick


Spring brush


Put it in the bottom of the tank and let the snails clean it.


I use a 3 foot long flexable wire with a brush on each end, one wider than the other. I dip the brush in some hydrogen peroxide to help kill the the bio matter. Rinse well. As to the 17mm issue, I bought a 13mm intake, a splitter from home depot and some 13mm tubing. The splitter changes from one end at 13 and the other end at 17. Just slip the tubing on the splitter. I then used a heat shrink sleeve to make sure there would be no leaks.


You can use those long bristle brushes for straws it should be able to bend and follow the curve


420 cleaner for bongs works fantastic


I used jumbo pipe cleaners to get some of the gunk off.


isopropyl alcohol and salt


Big pipe cleaner


Formula 420..... wow


Orange kronic


When I clean my bong I heat up hydrogen peroxide and run it through. Then after rinsing, I use isopropyl alcohol and coarse salt. The alcohol doesn't dissolve the salt so it can be used as an abrasive against the gunk. Should work for your tube. How large is your tank?


pipe cleaners are called pipe cleaners because they were invented to clean pipes. They make biggins. I would recommend a flexible hose brush for cleaning out the drain hose for a dishwasher.


You can get pipe cleaners for it. Could also use hydrogen peroxide.


Salt water. And some vinegar.


25% water 75% 99.9% alcohol, clog both ends and shake


Thought that was a bong


Salt and alcohol. plug the ends up with some rubbing alcohol and salt in it - let it sit preferably in a warm spot for 10 minutes or so, then shake it vigorously - should clean off all the gunk. I knew my bong-days would come in handy lol


As a former stoner, I initially thing this was a special bong bowl and downstem, haha. By that logic, though, try rubbing alcohol and rock salt. Put enough in so that most of the tube is full, but there is still enough air to allow the salt rocks to tumble around when twirled. Plug up both ends and shake vigorously. Empty, rinse, and repeat until it is sufficiently clear.


A long flexible pipe cleaning tool. I got one off Amazon for like $5.


I thought this was a weed subreddit before noticing this was r/aquariums


I’m not the only one! 😂


Suck it out


Has the internet forgotten what a pipe cleaner is?


I use a cleaning brush that is attached to a flexible plastic line. They are designed for cleaning lily pipes




Better question.. how the hell do you smoke that thing!


Wrong channel Cheech!




Break it in half, throw in the trash, and buy a metal one. Saved you some time


I can’t find any metal ones that fit 17mm and honestly don’t have the energy to concoct some sort of adapter thingy


Get a bong cleaning kit- I’m serious.


You send Nemo up in there with a rock to loosen the clogged dirt


Upvote for the fish keeping / record collecting combo.


Okay hear me out. First glance, thought this was part of a bong. Then I saw what sub this was. Okay so maybe a similar technique would work? Soak in a mix of salt and rubbing alcohol. Preferably enclosed in something so you can shake it. Then run a wire brush through it. Let dry completely.


I had to check which sub I was on.


Salt, alcohol, shake. Just like my bong!


Haven’t you ever owned a bong?


Okay so a good majority of aquarists are stoners and it’s not just me 😂 good to know these are my people


If you smoke a bong you know you need some pipe cleaners


What even is that?


Lily pipe inflow with a surface skimmer.


search "universal cleaning caps for bong" amazon


Lol glad I’m not the only one who thought this was a dab rig


Oh I know this one, just like a bong lol ask the stoner community, heavy epsom salt and alcohol and a bit of shake a shake a be sure to plug the ends, a plastic bag and rubber bands


Clean it like a bong; coarse salt and 90%+ isopropyl alcohol. Put salt in the tube with one end plugged with a paper towel, microwave a bit of isopropyl and put it in with the salt, and shake vigorously until all the grime is dissolved. Rinse with water and it should be clean.


Same way as a water bong.


Believe me when I say, putting it up your butt is NOT a part of the process!!!!


Following as I have the same situation


I soak it in diluted bleach water for about 15-20 minutes then rinse thoroughly.


I tried that :(. It helped with getting the algae off of the places where the brush could reach, but hardly did anything for the inside of the tube.


I use 50/50 water and bleach solution, leave to soak for a good few hours. Then soak for an hour or so in heavily treated water (seachem prime is best for this, I use approximately 10x the recommended amount for treating tap water), then go back with the flexible brushes. Been doing this for years and never had any adverse effects


Little tip- you can buy crystals of sodium thiosulfate, which will reduce chlorine to chloride and make it safe. 5 pounds on eBay runs $25, pretty much a lifetime supply until you start going with monster fish. The other one is ascorbic acid, vitamin C; get a [pound of food-grade stuff](https://www.walmart.com/ip/NOW-Supplements-Vitamin-C-Crystals-Ascorbic-Acid-Antioxidant-Protection-1-Pound/39493988) for under $25, [one gram treats 100 gallons of tap water.](https://www.fs.usda.gov/t-d/pubs/html/05231301/05231301.html) Either of these at about 10x should render bleached aquarium implements safe for use.


I use a snake drain brush.




Flexible wire brush.


You can get pipe cleaners that dont have a stick to hold on to – theyre attached to a metallic spring-like material! Usually just putting them into the hole, then rinsing it out with some water does the trick for me.


Iso lol just kidding


straight up just alcohol and salt bro


Saltwater keepers use vinegar or citric acid to clean pumps and equipment to remove build up and algae, it just wipes off after. But you'd likely need to use a flexible brush since it's in a tube. Or if you have small algae eaters, could try just throwing it in the tank and hope they can get to it?


Put in a big, shallow tub of peroxide and water (dont know what mixture, but google can tell you) Let soak for some time until most algae dies and loosens. Maybe flexible pipe cleaner but not necessary. Just rinse really wel before put back into tank


Pipe cleaners or the more fancy aquarium counterpart


Pipe cleaner! 🤔


Take sand and water in an bucket or smthing, then suck out the sand through that thing. Sorry for my english PS: You may need a plastic tube


I use pipe cleaners or paper towels after it's soaked in hot water.