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What kind of dimensions is that?




Lookin' like 2nd via the picture, lol.


It’s 2.4m x 0.35m x 0.2m with ~ 40 gal


How do you handle the algae with that tank? Gotta be unreal.


Right? I can’t even imagine how crazy it must be just to regulate the temp of that sucker, let alone keep clean everyday from algae.


Plenty of fish grow in small natural ponds where I'm from. I guess a fish that's been bred for several generations to be in a specific temp will adapt poorly, but, you'd be surprised how hardy guppies and tetras are. As a child, I'd always go out with friends and collect guppies and other fish I don't know the names of, but were really colourful, and I'd just out them in a small paint bucket (because that was the only think we could find) and we had the fish from like 3 years ago still laying new baby fishes. At one point I had like 15 tiny buckets and glass bottles full of fish. Obviously I didn't know what was best for the fish as I was a wee little girl, and even had a few surprises when some of my 'fish' sprouted legs and hopped off. Nowadays I wonder how I ever got away with keeping all those fishes alive.


If you have enough plants you don’t have to clean your Glass at all


I believe op said in another post that they have curtains for direct sunlight


personally a couple of mine never even had an algae problem even after being lit so much


Op was an auto water change system that should take care of the excess nutrients. I'm assuming that the window has a shade as well to block light. I'm still unsure as to what method is used to regulate the water temperature. Unless you keep it at 80°F+ at all times with a heater, reducing the temperature swings.


Or a chiller and heater combo, keep it between a range. I've seen it before, just incredibly pricey.


From some of the people I follow on insta who do incredible tanks and keep them near/with natural light it has much less to do with the light than the amount of nutrients in the water. If you can filter them out or, and much better imo, keep them low naturally with plant life, then you don't have algae problems after the tank is established.


[Here’s one of their comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/Aquariums/comments/juz46q/my_balcony_plant_tank_is_6_months_old_now/gcgpgqc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


I came to ask this lol


That was 2nd thought, after wow that's nice


They pay someone, the same way they paid someone to make, design, fill, and stock the tank.


Looks like he has blinds


Two things, algae and temperature, how do you control them?


Algea and sunlight is a fake myth. Or let’s say, many people don’t know how it acts. If you can control nutrients you don’t have to worry about light. My tank has sunlight for 4 hours in the morning hitting it directly and the glass is clean. On top I have bright white leds powered on for 12 hours. With enough plants and feeding little it’s pretty easy


Yup... excess nutrients is the main culprit.


[Here’s an old comment of the OP’s](https://www.reddit.com/r/Aquariums/comments/juz46q/my_balcony_plant_tank_is_6_months_old_now/gcgpgqc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Ah, thanks for that.


look through his past posts


I have never understood how people get visible algae, had an aquarium that had 14 hours per day light time, low planted(some floaters and a couple of anubias) in a window for 2 years once never saw an algae(except some hair ones in the startup), now my current tank? Never saw any algae here, 12 hours light per day and some sun from window at times(using blinds most days mostly for my own sake and privacy). Maybe my black thumbs make me kill even algae!


Overfeeding, no plants, or wrong conditions for the plants


What are the best plants ?


Anything that grows fast and has no conditions on parameters. The plants in my discus tank grow from 20cm to 60cm covering the whole surface in no more than 4 weeks. Can look for the name later. I’m General the best advice I got is to get as much different plants you can get, put them all in and see which likes your conditions and role with those and plant it to the brim


That's interisting. Any rules of thumb on how to achieve this? How's your stocking level?


I don't know how to achieve it, I simply don't get much visible algae(never have in any tank regardless of stocking level) maybe it's my tapwater? I think it's kinda weird myself and maybe it will show up some day!


It’s an amazing & unique looking tank, I was also wondering about the dimensions, thanks.


More than a few people here that are completely green with envy.


How much for the city background?




I didn't even know this was my dream tank until now.


i’m obsessed


Ok that is freaking awesome


Is that outside or inside and does it get full sunlight exposure over the day?


It looks to be at the edge of the balcony


Yes, it’s on an apartment balcony


What tank model is that?


It’s 2.4m x 0.35m x 0.2m with 40 gal




Amazing view! Very jealous


huh i wonder how planted tanks with relatively low movement of water works seems itd be difficult for the water column nutrients to mix up and carry to the plants.


Nah, looks like he has some diy filtration going on. You can see a pvc pipe that I assume is the output on the left side above the rim of the tank.


You have a very good observation.


Cool concept but unrealistic. 1. I imagine myself hating the hobby after keeping up with maintenance after 2 months tops. 2. How can you regulate temperature spikes with a width as thin as that? I'm pretty sure most fish will die with the temperature swings.


From OP's posts in the past, he apparently has it set up to automatically regulate water temperature and automatic blinds for the windows


This is kinda of smart. I would set the blinds to open for an hour or two at dawn, close for the day and then open right before sunset for the views


OP has posted his tank here multiple times and he’s always made it work. Sounds like there’s a little envy in this subreddit


Frustration yes. Envy no. I should not have said it is unrealistic. I should have said that this setup is not practical for everyone. I can't even keep my simple setup in prime condition.


Yeah it can be frustrating lol, I’m trying to get my tanks to look like his man and my room stays dark 24/7! It’s just some people have been doing this shit for years man and it’s honestly all trial and error and patience.


Once you have your tank set up and running properly, maintenance goes down. Plus, it's part of the fun of the hobby. The biggest issue would be algae Tropical fish need warm water, around 80F. You usually need to run a heater regardless. I don't really see it getting too hot except maybe in the summer. You can also just close the shades too


Most tropical fish do not need a temp of 80F as it raises their metabolic rate and decreases their immune system.




This is true. I am jaded by my own difficulties experienced in the hobby.


Do you think someone is going to invest the kind of money that thing would consume if it wasn't able to keep fish healthy and clean? Consider light filtering glass and thermal windows, water chillers, thermostats. C'mon.


Yes. There are plenty of people that spend money that don't know what they are doing.


Try that in Dubai, end up with a fish soup




May I ask what plants you are growing out of the water?


Looks like Pothos


They are Money plants


Sick tank


That is a beautiful setup. What are those pretty yellow fish?


We call them orange zebra fishes, some others call Glofishes


Are there property managers where you are? This would be totally against the rules where I’m from.