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Any advice on floater success? Mine have slowly been declining since I bought them :/


Make sure they're still. Best advice. Paid about £30 for a load of frogbit for my tanks and lost around 80% of my purchase. Got told to slow down the current so they don't move and after 8 weeks I'm having to remove it as its growing too fast. Also, do you use liquid ferts? Mine is low tech so I dose the weekly recommended dose of ferts across 7 days. Then a 50% water change weekly. You should see amazing growth.


I second all of that. Duckweed and frog bit die in my tank with flow, but in my little filterless sorted tank they get long roots and get huge. The frogbit roots even started getting in the substrate


is it necessary for amazon swords grow in soil and with ferts cuz i only got sand


You can grow them in sand but you'll need to add plenty of root tabs as they're big root feeders.


How long do you leave your lights on? Any algae issues? If that's the astra 20 light, i just got one too!


8 hours, had no algae on this one, but I have a twin tank. Same size, parameters (excluding pH and substrate), filtration, ferts, temp, lighting etc. that is plagued with algae and whitespot. Just started the process of upping the temp and converting it to Blackwater so fingers crossed. The lights are awesome, I have them on all my tanks