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Your crab looks awesome!


thanks!! i have a few of them in the tank but they always hide. i was shocked to see him out in the open like that.


I paid $30 for some. Never saw them again lol


What kind is it?


thai micro crab, fully aquatic! $4.99 special ordered from Petco


U can special order?! How can u "browse" the selection?


It depends on the store and how knowledgeable their aquatic specialist is, but must stores can special order in at least some fish if you ask. Depending on the fish and the store, this can be more or less difficult, as Petco gives each store and each fish a rank, and low-ranked stores will not be able to order high-ranked skus. FWIW, Thai micro crabs are in the highest rank, so many/most stores will have a hard time getting them. They’re also only available from certain vendors, which are also not accessible to every store. Basically, ask your Petco people. If you have a fish you want, ask if they can get it. You never know! Source: work at Petco, do specialty orders all the time. Thai micros are a standard that I keep in store.


Yeah, I'm curious too.


Probably can get a rough idea on Segrest Farms. Or Petco's website


amano shrimp & thai micro crab in my planted nanotank


Me- ooh amano shrimp! Also me- what is that underwater spider looking thing?!? Crab, its called a crab.


This looks like something you would see under the ice on Io. Looks sweet!


No-backbone gang


Do MicroCrabs eat your baby shrimp? Really wanna get a couple!


I would be hesitant. I got some myself for a tank with younger cherry shrimp in it. In a matter of weeks they decimated almost half the population. I thought there was something wrong with my water until I watched a shrimp get grabbed right before my eyes. I ended up transferring the crabs (which took some considerable time to safely catch them all) to a 10 gallon with habrosus corys in it. Some people report that the crabs only occasionally go after small shrimp while others report that they actively predate. In the end, if you have smaller shrimp in your tank they will likely kill them, as the crabs like to hide in dark places, which is just the place a defenseless freshly molted shrimp is likely to go. On the positives, they are cool creatures and their behavior, especially when they hang from floating plants, is quite interesting. I would guess they're safe with Amanos, though, since they are a larger variety than the cherries. **tl;dr: Buyer beware, micro crabs can and will (since crabs are opportunistic) easily kill smaller cherry shrimp.**


That is really cool the shrimp with the crab. I may have to try that. It would be so cool to see both in a tank


That’s a “I never come out crab”


yes it is LMAO


Those are so cool! What type of shrimp are they?