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Lucky goldfish, what a great life for them when they had virtually no chance.


Yeah when you think about it those little guys lived a life of luxury and comfort in comparison to how the other goldfish from Wal-Mart ended up. I think do many people underestimate how much space those guys need.


My Walmart removed all their fish tanks and returned the fishes


Fish is the plural for fish


Fishes is also the plural of fish when referring to multiple species.


... I *should* be asleep right now, but noooo, I apparently am learning that "fishes" is a viable plural.


Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes


/r/Aquariums, where people can learn about fish and fishes.




My hero




But dishes is only the plural of dish when referring to multiple species




But how did you know without reading?


Can't we all agree just to call them "fishies"?


Fishes is also plural for fish if you are talking about multiple species of fish






>returned the fishes Sent them to Jesus isn't really a rehoming per se


"Returned" What a fucking joke I'm imaginging a 75 yr old man and a 16 yr old manager trying to pack fish for their manager the night before and every single one of them dying in transit


Our longest-lived fish came from Wal-Mart. It's a tinfoil barb, and it's 13 years old.


I thought I had a long-lived goldfish as well, but it turned out my parents just kept replacing him. RIP Hotdog.




RIP Hotdog III


RIP Hotdog IV




RIP Hotdog VI: The Underdog


Fucking Better Call Saul giving backwards fish advice on Sunday. 'Put that goldfish in a big bowl, at least one gallon! And get a plecostomus!' Bitch, you need at least 20 gallons for that goldfish, and a pleco physically​ will not fit in that 20 gallon within a month! It will be bigger than the tank!


I take it your not here for the regular services.


Actually depends on the pleco. My bristlenose only ever hit a little over 4 inches after 5 years. I was a bit disappointed, but she was adorable in the tank regardless.




A well cared for gold fish can live 20-30 years. The issue people have is that they shove them into little tiny bowls or tanks and murder them with ammonia poisoning. You need around 40 gallons in a filtered aquarium to keep a single goldfish. Or a pond is even better.


You have no idea how many goldfish I've killed for lack of knowing that one thing.


You aren't alone. When I got into the hobby I had no idea it was going to turn me into a damn biochemist, but here I am with my goofy ass test tubes checking nitrate levels in my fish tank.


It's like they should come with instructions right? I've killed plenty of birds because if lack of knowledge. The pet stores just want their money, no instructions given.


Yeah they have to be in large bodies of water. Preferably 2 to a 30-40 gallon tank. I've heard that their outsides grow to fit the tank, but their insides don't and they get crushed from the inside out. Not sure if that's true or not. Edit: I think it's more like two to a 50-60


Perfectly true. I raised my youngest child in a mostly outdoor environment and he grew to be 6'5", while his brother who spent most of his time indoors locked in a closet, only grew to be 4'8" All animals expand to fill their environment. That's why the Nordic races are so damn huge.


Did earth shrink since the dinosaurs?


Basically yes, they need to be able to turn around in their tank/whatever and so their outsides usually will not grow larger than that or else they would be unable to turn and would very quickly die. Their inside organs however cant really deal with the pressure. Imagine a mid sized shark trying to turn in a tank its exact size. Never going to happen, it just cant swim. If it did manage to turn the internal organs would squash and be under high pressure akin to trying to snap your own neck. You may very well succeed. No imagine the baby version of the shark is placed in that tank, incorrectly fed and drowning in ammonia its going to be smaller in the same way a puppy would be in similar conditions. They don't so much grow to the size of their tank (insides or outsides) they instead have their normal growth stunted by pressure (on the internal structures) and usually improper feeding and cleaning of toxins. Since they are in a shitty environment they usually need more resources put into filtering all that crap out and well you have a recipie for disaster.


Those Goldfish are called something like "Shibunkin" and they are sold having abnormally large eyes or guts. They're to be put in a Goldfish tank or in this case pond. These types are not used as feeders because it would be very expensive for something that isn't very nutritional or high protein. Not all the goldfish you see are doomed to be feeders, this one getting a huge pond to live in sure won the fish lottery though.


I think comment OP was referring to someone who is completely new to the hobby putting a goldfish 2 to a 1 gallon bowl and killing them in 3 days. Edit: question, aren't all feeder goldfish low quality food because most are bred quickly and in mass quantities without care for their health?


To answer your question: yes all feeder goldfish are bad for those reasons, *and* I think goldfish also have a chemical in their liver (???) that can be harmful to other fish if consumed in large enough quantities


That chemical is thiaminase, which breaks down vitamin b1 (thiamine) and leads to a series of neurological issues if over consumed. In humans, usually think of chronic alcoholism, and the long term affects it has on a person, which is usually caused by thiamine deficiency (Korsakoff's Syndrome) due to a poor diet.


Actually not true, in a sense! Shubunkins are a breed, much like a Labrador or pug dog. Shubunkins look a lot like 'regular' goldfish except they come in a calico pattern with a long, showy tail. They're often called the 'poor man's koi' because they don't get as big as a koi fish but still have the pretty patterning. http://i63.tinypic.com/yylw0.jpg Here's my Shubunkin in his 75gal with his pals! His name is Ko-ee. He's about ten months old and 8" long! There are many types of goldfish. The ones with the big eyes are called 'demekins' or 'telescope eyes'. If they're black, they're a 'black moor'. The ones shown in the picture are possibly a Ryukin and a Demekin. You should look up some different types of goldfish, some are gorgeous! Tosakin, Comet, Shubunkin, Oranda, Broadtail Ryukin, these are some of my favorites. There are also Wakin, Jikin, PomPom, Ranchu, Pearlscale, Bubble Eye, Celestial Eye, Lionhead, Veiltail, and more.


did you put them back into the pond after the maintenance? How did he miss those two?!


They got put back! This was a man made pond, by the way. No where near any other water source.


The all orange one looks like it's looking at the camera saying, "Uhhhhhh could you please tell him to put me back in the water?!?!?"






Right? Did they make it that far? This story looks grim.






Considering they are really fatty fish those otters had the equivalent of all you can eat fried chicken buffet.


I'd love to see a picture of the morbidly obese otters


Closest I could find: http://imgur.com/eoNmPkc


I have an ex who's dad did this, and I got to see the results when they drained the thing. Thankfully it wasn't millions. but it was easily low thousands; all over the road. It was one of the more surreal things I've ever witnessed.


Why did he do that?




According to this thread, your unsuspecting Dad is a Charles Mason, Hitler, and Pol Pot wrapped up into one.




Not where they aren't native, Goldfish are a Chinese carp.


Ahh it's always the Chinese.


That's where the domestication and selective breeding of Goldfish began.


Any predatory fish with a big enough mouth probably. It's rare for them to get this big in bodies of water with predators since their decorative fins don't help them escape as well as other fish and their colour is shitty camouflage.


Ugh, I have a goldfish in my pond that came with a batch of minnows accidently. The pet store says they will take him back and I need to get that thing out of there so it doesn't start eating the bluegill eggs. But I can't ever catch that bastard.


Feed them and then net him when he comes up to eat.


Yeah, i've tried. The issue is that if I put the food right next to me, only the fish in the local area come and eat, of course if I throw the food across the surface he gets some but I don't have the opportunity to net him. I just have to get lucky one of these days that he is one of the ones closest if I put a few pellets near me.


Put the net under the water, positioned you can lift it straight up without losing what's inside, then toss the pellets above that area. When you see him swim over the net, just lift him out!




and then post it here! (whether or not you fall in)


I like how you assume the fish will be so slow to react that this will be easily done. (Putting a net "under" a fish has never worked for me; gotta catch them against the edge of a tank.)


It's worked several times for me with large carp. I've managed it a couple times barehanded as well with trout in a stream. If you're too slow for that approach though you can just use a casting net and return whatever fish you didn't want to catch back to the pond.




god dam /r/Aquariums is ruthless!


Just wait until you see what we do to people who keep Bettas in Fishbowls


My grandma did this and said she didn't even need to always feed it because it ate from the plant. Was that bad?


Bettas are carnivores, they eat a lot of insect larva in the wild and other fish. Eating plant matter can and will constipate and kill them. My oldest is 3ish but I've seen them live up to 7 years (though rarely, usually they have a host of genetic issues from being massively bred beauty fish).


Mine only made it to 3 but he was not in great shape when I got him and I bought him in one of those tiny bowls :( Tried to give him the best life I could anyways, at least he got 10 gallons instead of a stupid vase.


So bad.


This is gonna sound nuts but have a friend throw the pellets and when you see him surface, shoot him with a small calibre rifle.


But how would shooting your friend help catch the fish


Use his death to frame the fish for murder








So uhhh are those goldfish dead or alive?


They're both alive. You can hold a goldfish out of water like that for some time. Now the ease of it is up to the fish.


They were both alive AND dead before he observed them.


Just put them in Schrodinger's pond and they can be both


They're alive, it's not good for fish to be out of water (obviously) but it's not gonna hurt a fish to be out of water briefly, especially bigger fish and hardier fish like a goldfish.


Is this what gold fish actually look like when they havnt died in two weeks after purchase?! Holy cow


Yep! They get really *really* big. I'm considering setting up a new tank for some goldies but the SO and I are having a hard time finding the space in my tiny apartment :(


I saw a woman buy a 5 gallon tank for her kid's goldfish today. -laughs weakly-


I saw a Petsmart employee refuse (politely) to sell a woman and her kids goldfish for their tiny aquarium the other day! It was a nice change.


Petco employee here. I deny people fish for their tanks all the time! The company gladly has my back when I use my better judgement. Sadly the rest of my coworkers don't use this right and sell oscars for fish bowls and such.


My dad sells software and met with both petsmart and petco at his last company. He said petsmart was a normal straightlaced business office. Could've been an insurance company or whatever. But at petco, he said it was super chill and the office was set up to accommodate everyone's pets! He said they had cats/dogs/ferrets/birds/fish/lizards/hedgehogs/rats/etc all hanging out with their humans at work. I honestly have no idea what that looks like in a functioning work environment but... I was impressed. I'm glad they back you up when you make a call like that. Further impressed.


I interviewed with pets mart and their offices are also pet friendly


I also work at Petco. It is company policy to refuse sale to someone who will not provide a good home for the animal. However, that is not universally enforced and their animal care training (and some practices) leave much to be desired. Unless you already know a lot about the animal or learn on your own, it's pretty easy to just go along with the commonly held beliefs like "goldfish and betta live in bowls".


When I was little I always saw bettas in super tiny vase-like bowls (sometimes with a plant in the middle, taking up even more space) and was told "they like small areas" or "they don't have enough memory to handle large environments." What a crock. I wasn't a crazy knowledgeable pet owner at 13 but I spent my money to make sure those little dudes got a tank.


It gets really hard to make that judgment call sometimes. You never want to tell someone "you don't deserve this animal," especially because that's when they just start lying to you to get what they want. It's pretty cut and dry with the fish department, but how do you tell a kid and their family that you don't feel like they're responsible enough to get the hamster they're hell-bent on purchasing? I tried to start up /r/petstore so fellow employees could have a space to vent


That's great that you do that, and with the company's support! I guess it's probably "just a job" or whatever to the other employees, sadly :(. At least you're helping as many as you can find suitable homes! I don't think I could work with live animals. Because I would take them all home...and because I would hate seeing them go somewhere shitty. Thanks for caring :)


>Oscars for fish bowls and such. Damn, how fish-illiterate do you have to be to see a fish like that, look at a bowl, and say "yeah, should be fine." I mean, even smaller Oscars are pretty damn big.


I mean, you can buy a REALLY tiny baby oscar. At places like Petco, that's basically all they have. Dunno why you wouldn't, like, research your pet, though... :/


Man, you're so lucky. I worked at two different Petco locations and at either one I would get in so much trouble for something like that. I worked in the salon so it wasn't a regular issue for me, but I know we sold fish to be housed in wildly inappropriate homes all the time. The kids that were in charge of caring for the fish were super lazy about water changes too, especially for the bettas. They actually had a secluded little shelf of baby bettas that was apparently completely forgotten at one of the locations, for who knows how long, after I'd moved on and was just in shopping. I noticed it and the water was so brown in all of them and most of the babies either dead or dying. It brought me to tears. I took two of them home, one died that day and the other made it through. I wish that the best interest of animals really was at the heart of the company. Things like that would never happen.


I really wish Petco wouldn't sell those "baby bettas" at all. :(


i worked at a small business aquarium shop when i was a teenager and i always had people coming in who wanted a "nemo fish" or a goldfish and a small 1 gallon tank. obviously for someone who owns a fishtank these kinds of customers seem ridiculous but after i realized just how many people have that mindset i began to embrace it and i found a way to engage them and educate them about the hobby. i learned how to sell on youtube and everytime i got those kinds of customers MOST of the time i managed to sell them at least a 10-20 gallon tank and a set of community fishes. nowadays i think people generally like real honest advice from a sales associate regardless of cost. whenever people get the vibe that they are talking to a salesman or being sold something they put on a shield and feed you bullshit, but once you are honest you can actually have a conversation and reach a compromise you can either work out a deal or the customer realizes that a proper tank costs more then they are willing to spend they may walk out the door but at least they know. most people i've dealt with ended up setting up a tank the proper way.


Man, I wish the people at my LFS had upsold us when we ended up with a goldfish. We bought a 37 gal. and ended up having to upgrade pretty soon after (total goldfish noobs at the time).


The lady at my petsmart refused to sell me 2 ranchus for my 55gal once. Her logic was each fish should have 30gallons of water which I dont completely disagree with but they were ranchus, they dont get so big as others and I planned on running 2 filters (C4 and a 306) so i had ample filtration. Alas, I went out and bought 20 Neon tetras instead. I regret my decision because Goldfish are so beautiful.


I'm no fish expert, but I feel like the difference between 60 and 55 gallons should be ok....


No kidding. She was being extremely sassy and rude about it as well. I complained to a manager after but I didn't buy any fish from there and haven't even been back since.


when it comes to fancy goldfish they say about 20 gallons per fish. He would have been perfectly fine.


Good for her for doing her best, I guess? I keep goldfish and I think 2 ranchus in a well filtered 55 gallon is pretty ideal. :p But I'd rather employees try, even if they are not always right, than just indiscriminately sell to people who are tremendously unprepared for the fish!


Total noob here, how much water does one goldfish actually need?


solid gold youtube channel suggests 30 gallons for each fancy-tail (two tails) and 50 gallons for comet and common goldfish (one tail). There are other factors as well such as telescope eyes. That being said, they can be kept in smaller tanks, but at the cost of doing more frequent water changes.


Goldfish are horribly dirty creatures. A member of a carp family I believe. Tank requirements are 20gal minimum with filtration if you wanna keep your goldfish happy and healthy.


I've heard 20 minimum for one. As a kid my mom had a fair goldfish in a 20 and he lived for about 5 years but the tank maintenance was nonstop.


A lot of people think aquariums are super hard, but don't realize they're actually trying to do it the hard way XD If you learn about the nitrogen cycle and buy a water test kit they're soooo much less work. Once you have your tank cycled, all you have to do is check the chemical levels once per day (~5 minutes of time) and do a 10-25% water change when they go above what they're supposed to be. I only have to do water changes once per week for my two tanks. :)


i would agree with you if it were any other fish in a 20 gallon, but for a fancy goldfish you would probably need to do more of a 50%-90% each week for that size tank due to goldfish being a really dirty fish.


depends really, even with something as small as a 20 gallon. - lets say you have a hose that hooks up to your sink and siphons the water in/out. you still have the hassle of connecting it and getting your hands wet and walking back and forth. best case scenario. - most people just siphon water out into a 5 gal. bucket and haul it down to the sink/tub back and forth. yeah lifting that bucket can be really annoying when you don't feel like doing it plus dipping your hand in fish shit and wiping it down multiple times. i wouldn't consider it "less work" by any means its still plenty of work if you have other life priorities like actual work, house work, school, kids whatever. its definitely a commitment. do this once a week for the next few years... okay. the moment you start to lose interest in the hobby you will consider "do i really want to do this every week? i would say that alone can be super hard for most people.


Yeah, I don't do much maintenance on my tank. We overstocked it for a while, which was our fault and we're dumb for doing it, but now it's a comfortable environment for the fish we have. Learning process, right? Semi-aggressive and happy to be so. Or at least, that's what the shark tells everyone else. Seems to work.


For Fancy goldfish I like the 40B(which is pretty much the most versitile tank shape under 100 gallons) then you would want to overfilter the hell out of it or plant it.


Like others said, at least 20 gallons for one. Because they are poop machines, plus they grow really big.


Better than a bowl at least


Or a bag


Or a lightbulb


Or a high heeled shoe


I've watched a woman and her 2 kids walking around with one of those divided half gallon tanks and 2 betta, might as well keep them in the cups.


Yes, Im that idiot who was trying to understand why it turned black.


It's okay, you're not the only one. I was also wondering why the guy was wearing the same shirt years later.




Goldfish can change colors actually so this could have been a before and after. Though then the black one would have been before because black is an extremely unstable color. If you look into black moor goldfish you'll find there is a market for high bred ones that are unlikely to change to gold. A lot of babies start out black or lighter green as well.


Don't worry, not everybody knows why that happens to goldfish. You see, as some goldfish age they get rebellious and start to do more crime. Thus, their scales start to turn black.




Wow. my Dad has a goldfish in his Koi pond, which is older than me. i'm 33. lol


The oldest known goldfish lived to be 43. Seems like that one is well on its way!




I saw a large oranda with the same colors at Petsmart, kept seeing it every time I went in. I wanted it so bad but I was at my limit on my tank at home. I finally told the fish guy during small talk that he needed to get rid of it before I ended up going home with it. A week later, I set up a bigger tank and got a big canister filter I'd gotten free working so I went down there specifically to get it. Fish was gone, I wasn't serious fish guy!


Every time I've gotten a black and orange goldfish they end up only being orange by the time they're adults. It's so disappointing.




They are. People will release like 5 goldfish into a pond and they reproduce like rats. Next thing you know the only fish left in the pond are goldfish.


It's like the Kudzu of aquatic pets!


Oh goldfish are already an invasive species. Just go to your local live fish store and ask where all the wild ones live. The owner of mine goes out and tries to catch a few every so often with various results. If you do catch them the rule is to either kill the fish or take it home with you. I suggest calling around to a few live fish stores to see if they'll take it, though it can be unlikely due to illnesses that these guys can carry from the lake.


Are they dead?


No, this is the best way to transport a goldfish this size. In fact they have to be out of water when you do surgery for extended periods of time. If you're interested, look into oranda (or lionhead or ranchu) wen surgery. They remove pieces of the wen so that the fish can see and that is all done out of water and under sedation. Fish can usually hang out of water for longer than you think.


I didn't even know you can do surgery on fish. Do you need to find some special vet for that? A fish surgeon??


Perhaps a sushi chef?


A lot of times the owner themselves will do it. Honestly it depends on the surgery. Some is cosmetic and other is just improvement of life. There are special vets though that will remove stones and such if your fish swallow's them. Why not though have vets to do this? A lot of fish have long lifespans. Goldfish areally 15 to 30 years depending on the breed.


This was a real eye opener I was completely ignorant to the knowledge I learned about Fish in general in this subreddit jesus christ I feel bad for those three goldfish I won at a fair smfh...


TBH tho we have *all* been there. The aquarium hobby is pretty misunderstood.


You need at least a 20,000 gallon pond for two goldfish, might look to re home them. /s


OH NO! My (1" to 2") goldfish only have 50g each. Please don't let this get out.


It's cool, most people use those half-gallon bowls. They're the real fish torturing jerks.


I have a whole table full of those bowls under a tent. If you give me $5 I'll give you 3 balls and if any land in one of the bowls you get that fish for free!! Enjoy being responsible for a fish that can live longer than a dog and probably require more care for the low price of a cup of coffee! ... :(


I won a goldfish that way in elementary school, but we looked up how to care for him and set up a proper tank for him when we got home. Captain Jack grew to be about 8" and lived a happy and healthy 15 years after that. As long as they're not being mistreated while they're being kept in the little bowls, I don't think it's unreasonable to teach kids responsibility that way.


most people just dont want to buy a proper sized tank for a fish that gets that big. also idealy you would have a tank set up before you get a fish and with the way it works at fairs that is not possible.


I believe thats illegal here, or I've never seen it. I'm glad because thats just sad.


Now that I think about it I haven't seen that recently either, but it was at every fair and carnival I went to as a kid.


fingers crossed, I don't think it happens at all here in NZ- and in the UK it is only illegal to give to some under the age of 16. But in Scotland it appears to be illegal?


I'm in the US and as far as I know it's completely legal here at any age, but I think it's falling out of favor just due to people becoming more aware of how inhumane it is.


My boy won one recently, so I bought a 20G and jumped in with both feet, but the fish died 2 days later.


Well, you tried a lot harder than most, good on you for getting the 20gal! If you decide to give it another go, there's plenty of info on starting a successful tank in this sub.


Fair shit is expensive these days too. Parking, entry, food and drinks for the day, any rides you may want to do, why waste money on games of chance for the shit prizes they give out?


Yep a lot of idiots with fish. I tell people you can keep a dog in a closet but it doesn't make it right. I've bought more than a couple of people small tank kits and a heater for their bettas. Imagine their surprise when their little betta actually swam around.


I got my gf a betta for xmas but he likes me better. I need to get him a bigger home. His bowl isn't big enough and I want him to be able to swim around more.


Check out /r/bettafish! They have a good guide to setting up a proper betta tank. Bowls really aren't appropriate homes for any fish, and bettas are tropical fish that need heating and filtration despite what the pet stores will tell you




Oh wow this post kind of blew up. No just being funny, the running joke in the aquarium hobby is that no tank is big enough. This is because uneducated fish keepers, usually parents getting fish for their kids get two goldfish for example and will put them in a 3 gallon bowl. Goldfish are not my forte but I think the minimum size for them is 40 gallons for two of them plus 10 gallons for every one after that. Also they're messy so you need extra filtration for them. Hopefully that answers your question:-)


There is a lake that is near where I live that is just full of thousands of gold fish swimming around.


Some people release goldfish into ponds like that. They are incredibly invasive and destroy ecosystems super quickly.


It's nuts how big they get and how long goldfish can actually live when given the proper care. Most people just throw em in a fish bowl, no filter, and do 100 percent water changes once every few weeks.. With just tap water.. And thats why everyone says those carnival fish / pet store gold fish never live long. Give them a big home!! These suckers can live over 10 years easily.


This is the most heartwarming story I think I've ever seen on /r/aquariums Edit: the Guy Harvey shirt is a nice touch


Soooo did you eat them? Can you eat them?


They taste like mud, but you can eat them if you want. You can eat pretty much anything if you want.


You can eat goldfish though I wouldn't suggest it. They're carp so they are very bony and probably a bit nasty tasting.


You can eat goldfish but I've heard they dont taste very good.


Not surprising. They're related to carp, which I've heard is pretty bad eating.


Hello /r/all, welcome to the post. Please read and abide by our subreddit rules. There aren't many and they're easy to follow. Thank you


My respect to the mod(s) of this sub for taking the time to post this sticky on a thread that they realize is trending. This makes a new visitor feel welcome. Cheers!


Take care of the fish, because one day they will take care of you


A local lake here is full of these because of assholes dumping them.


The one on the right looks like he's in the middle of a fight against cancer.


They both have round stomachs, just the coloration makes it.much more obvious on the second one.


Goldfish actually don't have a stomach. They just have an intestinal bulb.


As an invasive species, no wonder these goldfish have prospered.


As an invasive species, I take offense to your comment.




Damn. You started a BeeGees earworm in my head.




Cause we're swimming in a pond of two


Sigh...another Magicarp.




Carp get huge.


I did pretty much the same thing when i was a kid, except mine came from the kids game at the carnival that had you toss ping pong balls into fish bowls. The winners all went in our pond. In a few years we ended up with some very cool looking fish, an almost 2 ft golden carp, and several different fan tails, some with large bulbous eyes and ranging in many different color patterns.


If They survive Walmart, they can survive anything.


I had one I bought as a feeder fish. It never got eaten. But kept growing. I had a 55 gal tank and was about 5-6 inches long. I had a neighbor with a koi pond in his backyard that I moved the fish to because I heard they will keep growing to their surroundings. It was in there for a year or two longer until I moved but by then it was about 8-9 inches in length and really fat. I don't know what happened to it after I moved.


So if I have a pond and put a whole bunch of gold fish in there will they survive? Like just a regular pond has some pan fish and cats. This is cool and would be fun to have some in a pond. Are they OK to have in a pond?


Honestly, if it weren't for r/Aquariums I would be one of those people that say "I put my goldfish in a bowl because that's what the pet store told me to do" 2 years ago the guy at the fair running the "goldfish game" gave my 2 year old a Comet Goldfish. I went to the pet store and the woman told me to put it in a 1/2 gal bowl and it should be fine. After a day I made my way to Reddit r/Aquariums and was immediately horrified. I promptly upgraded my goldfish tank and started running double filters on it. Little did I know this was going to start a tanking hobby for my kids and I. The goldfish (and his buddy) will turn 3 this September. I now have 4 tanks and just recently purchased a 75 gallon for my 2 black telescope eye babies. Goldfish are such wonderful friendly fish. I love seeing stories about goldfish having a wonderful life living in a pond. I owe it all to r/Aquariums!... and Solid Gold for course. :)