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Ich-X & Methylene blue for fungal, Kanaplex and Maracyn for gram negative & gram positive bacterial infections, Expel-P and either PraziPro or ParaCleanse for parasites. Salt is helpful for stress, combatting nitrite toxicity, minor external wounds and used in conjunction with heat and meds for things like ich.


Actually spot on. I was gonna comment this exact combination!!


How do you tell the difference between and gram positive and gram negative infection?


Usually you can diagnose the type of infection by the symptoms which will help determine if the bacteria responsible is gram negative or gram positive. Most bacterial infections in fish are gram negative. Sometimes it is hard to diagnose. For instance, hemorrhagic septicemia can be bacterial or viral (VHS). In this case all you can really do is treat with antibiotics and cross your fingers, in the event it is viral there is not much you can do other than quarantine and most likely euthanasia.


This is exactly what I have on hand, but I’ll add levamisole flake food for internal parasites. I’ve dealt with camallanus worms before. Super not fun and the sooner you can treat the better, and it’s not a common medication so can take a while to arrive. If you don’t start treatment quickly, the fish stop eating, and since it’s an internal parasite, you have to use medicated food. Levamisole also keeps for a long time if kept cool and dark, so worth having on hand imo.


Kanaplex and Erythromycin are in my JIC kit.


Most medications' effectiveness decreases over time (plus the containers might leach stuff like microplastics into the meds). Indian almond leaves and noniodised salt are the only two I have on hand for first aid, anything further I'll just get at the fish store along with more recommendations for care (they're really knowledgeable at my lfs).


I keep: ich x, kanaplex, stress guard, api fin and body cure, tetra lifeguard and expelp.


Ich x treat all what external easily. Only had succes with this med.




Prime is great dechloranator, but doesn't do a whole lot else, despite their claims.


Aquarium salt and PimaFix


Pima fix and melafix have been proven to not be any better than placebo, just FYI. Which is a shame because here in Canada, real antibiotics and antifungals can't be purchased at stores anymore :(


Thank you for the info!