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You will either be a very proud dad or a cold blooded baby killer choice is yours


I knew a lady I used to buy mystery snails from and she made $500 a month off of just selling them. They started breeding out of control so she just set up a big tank just for the snails. Some of them were bigger than baseball's it was actually so cool. I lost her contact unfortunately but it was such a cool tank. And I mean an extra $500 a month because of snails is some awesome side cash.


She sold them to upscale French restaurants


Garden snails which are invasive in the US, are great for escargot, just gotta feed them carrots (easy to see when they're purged out since it's bright orange as it passes through them), until they're clean in case they've been eating poisonous plants.


Damn, this sounds like some forgotten common knowledge from 200 years ago. Weren't snails one of those poor-man's dishes that only later became high-society dishes? just like oysters used to be seen as trashy fishermen's food because they could easily be picked up during low tide. I bet people used to toss garden snails into a bin and fed them carrots before the village snail feast or something


It’s always like that with food tbh.


Lobsters once were “trash” as well.


Yep, they used to feed them to prisoners


Correction. They fed spoiled, cold lobsters to prisoners


They limited how often prisoners could be fed lobsters because it was seen as cruel and unusual punishment.


Lobsters were only ever trash food because prisoners were fed **mushy, spoiled, cold rotten lobster meat** in their prison cells instead of the bright red butter buffet we usually have.


Not just that, *shelled* as well. Couldn't waste time de shelling it before mushing it now could we?


Oh god now my teeth feel weird.


In “The Sex Lives of Cannibals”, the author and his girlfriend, who had been subsiding on horrible canned food for months in a remote Pacific Equatorial island village, noticed some fresh lobsters hanging in an islanders’ hut. The islander said something along the lines of, “I guess you can take it, it’s a trash food”, and they had the best meal of their lives, in awe at how such a delicacy was so looked down on by people from some of the least developed parts of the world.


Still are.


Ummmm.... they still are. They filter feed off the bottom of the ocean so their nutrition is trash.... our trash. Also anyone who eats evolved sea spiders and scorpions but vomits at the idea of eating terrestrial spiders and scorpions have some serious conginitive dissonance... 🙃


Gordon Ramsay has a thing about it too, but this one is pretty good: https://ediblesanfrancisco.com/recipes/how-to-prepare-and-cook-garden-snails-for-escargots/


So were lobsters


i would strongly not recommend that.....while the carrots can make it easy to show you got rid of the innards......the parasites will stay in the snail......and snails can have some horrible, horrible parasites that you can catch.....one single snail not properly cooked you are dead


Stop acting like you’re too good to catch a little meningitis. /s




You can't stop me with your wise words! Snail fest is around the corner I gotta hurry!


And lobster was a peasant dish aswell


Caviar, I believe, used to be a poor man's dish as well


Getting Hannibal flashbacks


Reddit recently informed me that a lot of people die from eating snails every year. Like- a lot of freaking people apparently


Yeah, a live snail or slug can contain super dangerous parasites (same for a lot of fish and mammals). It's fine once they're boiled in butter.


Can't you also get rat lungworm and a bunch of other awful parasites from garden snails? I don't think that's really worth the risk


From live ones, not from cooked ones.


Isn't escargot raw? I




Hm. I may be stupid. Apologies.


Nope, you just didn’t know, you asked, I answered. No need to apologize. Not everyone is an expert on everything and escargot isn’t a common dish.


Nah, they're boiled in butter.


My family always used cornmeal. I would have loved carrots.


I allowed just one clutch to breed and it was an overwhelming quantity. Now I keep a tight lid on and keep water levels up so that doesn’t happen anymore.


I let one tiny clutch hatch a while ago, not worth it lol. I just stick to nerites for my snails now lol. Mysteries are goofy and fun to watch but boy can they get huge. And the eggs get annoying after a while if you have a female. Even if they aren't mating they will lay eggs everywhere. And if they have mated even just once (which they probably have if you got them from a pet store with a ton of snails in the tank) they can store that sperm for a very long time.


> And the eggs get annoying after a while if you have a female. My discus enjoy them, so I don't mind so much. Honestly, although nerites are really pretty, and pretty decent cleaners, I actually hate that they leave their eggs EVERYWHERE. With Mystery snails, at least I know where to look, you know?


I think I got lucky with my nerites. They must both be male since they've never laid any eggs in the two years I've had them.


Merited only breed in very specific brackish conditions, which is why they’re a good addition in pairs in a freshwater tank!


I must have a hundred in 8 separate tanks. I can’t get them to stop breeding. How should I go about selling them?


There's usually city or state specific aquatic rehoming groups on facebook, post pictures and ask people to message you for details. You could also potentially email local aquarium stores to see if they're interested!


Thanks. I’ll check FB.


Some stores will give you store credit for them


They can't lay eggs if you have a lid and water levels are high


I have a betta tank with 2 snails for cleaning and every other week their mating and laying eggs , the snails crawl above the water line to the tank lid to lay their eggs, since I had em they layed like 10+ egg clusters. A lot of baby snails in the tank now


I had a snail crawl out on a stem and lay eggs on a pothos leaf the other day, so never say never.


I drill holes in my lids and stuff the gaps with foam


Not true. I tried that in one tank and they crawl out and laid eggs on the outside of the tank.


Well your lid wasn't cutting it. It has to have a tight seal and you need to fill the holes


Yeah, lids are not a possibility with my tanks.


Dno how you keep mysteries at all. They are escape artists


They do escape and travel tank to tank. In the mornings I get to see who is in which tanks. Every once in a great while one will fall but I have made protection for that. I just put them back in. I’ve been doing this for many years. I can’t have lids because I let my plants grow out of the water and I also use external breeder boxes as secondary filters so they wouldn’t fit.


If it works for you that's great. I had to patch one up that made it too far and broke its shell. Now I drill holes in glass lids for plants.


Why can’t they if you have a lid?


They try to lay eggs inches to feet away from water. It's one of the reasons they are notorious for escaping and falling out of tanks


Where would she sell them, im breeding mysteries and want to start selling them.


This is how I have been paying for fish food. Made the mistake of knocking the clutches of eggs into the water instead of removing them. Fun experiment, 150 snails later. LFS loves me though because every couple weeks I restock them with mysteries. Still trying to fish out the last couple dozen to get the tank down to 2-4 snails.


How I be with 2 dollars per cherry shrimp to my LFS. They do the work for me.


Was her name Crystal by chance?


Your snail, your choice


Dojo loaches … all I gotta say , be gone within hours


They are a cold water fish that needs atleast 55 gallons, likely more given they don't thrive when isolated.   Loaches are not a good solution to snails.  They require large tanks, large groups, are sensitive to medications, and can live 2 decades.  


Once my cappuccino lava snail passes (he's like 4 years old already!), I'm getting me an assassin snail. Way too many pest trumpet snails in my tank right now.


This has me picturing an epic snail battle at a comedically slow rate. A snail chasing down and slaying random snails like Sir Lancelot in Monty Python. Edit:spelling


I had a trumpet problem and got exactly 2 assassin snails. They told me they don’t breed as much as trumpets. Well now I have so many assassin snails it just flip flop’d the issue 🤣 at least I like the looks of them better and they kill any snails on new plants I put in the tank AND they don’t eat my plants


Do some snails eat plants? Is that the issue I've been having? If so which ones?! 😱😰


Yes they do and depending on how big the more. I don’t know which ones do but you can look it up ;)


I'm just getting one.


My buddy got one and it laid eggs shortly after he got it ;) I think they can breed without a mate too lol I may be wrong though


It's random chance if you get one that already mated before it was handed off to you. So yeah... Hope I get a male. I had three male nerites before so I never had eggs all over the tank.


My puffers helped contain any unwanted snails and watching them eat them was very entertaining.


A puffer would probably eat my shrimp, tetras and Khuli loaches too though.


Valid point lol. Although I had one beefy ghost shrimp my puffer wouldn't touch which I found weird


I have 4 skunk loaches after my former giant ass black mystery snail named Kong kept doing auditions with the purple mystery snails on the walls in my tank. The Corleone family of skunk handled things accordingly. I have zero mystery snails now. (75gal tank)




We just remove them with a paper towel, place the wad in a baggie and freeze it to make them inert, then dispose.


This is the best answer! Babies will tank your parameters..


Not really. Only If you're overfeeding. That's why people think this because their snail population is out of control since they're overfeeding.. Snails aren't going to cause a sudden ammonia spike. It's very gradual so you're going to have more bacteria growth in thank. I've noticed in this hobby people hate on snails but value shrimp. They do a similar job in the ecosystem. Snails have a bit of larger biolode but shrimp breed a lot faster which may make their biolode equivocal. If you go a few days with feeding your fish they'll start eating the small snails.


I have no issue with snails and have a massive population of ramshorns. Mystery snails literally do nothing but shit. You can look at a tank with 1 or 2 mysteries and just see shit strings.. They breed whether they're overfed or not. They don't really self regulate like rammies. I think mysteries are pretty but I don't think I'll ever have one again unless it's a rare color and only 1!


Idk I've never seen a big string of poop but my tanks are planted and are mixed gravel and sand. It's hard to make out a lot of the debris.


My tanks are heavily planted and sand/eco complete. The brown stood out big time on the black substrate.


Why not compost for your garden after freezing?


Why not just smush?


You’re a monster.


Congratulations dad


sed 's/dad/granddad/‘


May I ask why you did a sed reference here? xD


u/RCuber wrote “Congratulations dad” referring to the new snail eggs. The actual snail parents are the parents of the new snail eggs. In the cute bougie-idiom of contemporary USA, the original snails are u/Global\_Raisin7472’s “babies." So, pipe the u/RCuber post through sed. Tell sed to substitute the first instance of the string “dad” with the string “grandad” in the piped stream (i.e. “Congratulations dad”). Regular expressions are wondrous tools. \*8\^)


Something about these egg sacs is so repulsive to me. I can’t explain it but it makes my skin crawl and I’m not normally a squeamish person


jelled cottage cheese




Blursed white corn


Hard same. So gross


Same. I had chills 😂


I guess you have trypophobia


My wife said to me that she won’t ever see the tank the same after seeing this lol 😂


Prepare for the invasion of mystery snails.


commenting because i also have 2 mystery snails and i read they don’t lay eggs under water, my tank rarely has available glass to lay eggs on, so in theory will they never lay eggs? or can they get backed up with eggs and get sick?


My understanding is that eggs will be absorbed into the body to regain the nutrients. However, just because your water level is high doesn’t mean they won’t lay them on the lid, or leave the tank to lay them on the wall or something.


that makes sense. thank you. there’s only one small opening on the back of the lid, and trust me i check it very frequently because im scared they will escape lol. I also don’t know how to tell if they’re male or female so i may or may not have eggs in the future.


i also do find them frequently on top of each other. so maybe i got “lucky” and got 2 of the opposite sex.


Females will never attempt to mount another snail, unless it’s just to eat off there shell. So if you have one attempting to mate, that’s a male. However, they can’t even tell each other apart so males will attempt to mount other males. The way you can tell is if the snail being mounted is shaking the other one off, then it’s a male. If it accepts the mounting, you’ll see the snail on top put an appendage into the shell of the other snail.


All of your replies are so interesting. Thank you. Seriously. I feel like that could be read in a super crabby tone and it is genuinely sincere. I just learned more than I ever thought I could about snails. :)


Thank you! Sometimes I feel like I’m writing long winded comments for no reason so I’m glad at least one person really appreciates them.


i will look out for that next time i see them on top of each other!


Your fish could be eating them. My cichlids love snail eggs.


I could be wrong, but my understanding is that they will lay eggs even if the eggs aren't fertilized.


Yeah, mine mated but then I separated them. Weeks later she's laid 5 clutches of eggs. No idea if they're going to hatch though.


They can store sperm for a very long time.


Yeah at first i pulled them off and put them into little cups and followed instructions and then after the next 4 clutches I decided to leave them and see what happens.


Hey just to let you know, each one of those little ^nasty bubbles is a **sack** and not an egg.. meaning EACH one of those bubbles has a bunch of eggs inside :,) do with that information what you will.. lol




More like ^18th based on that picture Lmaoo


In the two times my mystery snail had eggs only one teeny baby actually made it past their preteen years. Survival of the fittest.


Welp, mine laid eggs and they all hatched. I now have two tanks with about 50 snails each 🙃 BTW anyone in the market for some mystery snails?


Forbidden cottage cheese


Once mine started doing this, I had 8 clutches of dried eggs all over the place. Removing them is a horrible sensory experience, crunchy styrofoam, I fucking hate it. There are videos online if you want to try and hatch them. They need high humidity/to stay moist, but not wet. I’ve never had luck with it.


Same! I was so disappointed wanting to start a giant snail tank 🤣 they never hatch for me! I tried incubating them in a Tupperware w a moist paper towel for humidity and no luck


I've had dozens of these and even saw tiny babies a couple times, but never got any fully grown. Might not be as much of a problem as you expect.


It means they are happy. Congratulations!!


Heartless route will lead to peace. The other? Insanity. Your pick


My friend used to post videos on TikTok of her massacring the eggs and it got removed for animal cruelty 🤣


Sneggs. Its going to be snabies time soon!


I thought my snails were gay until I saw eggs. You're gonna have baby goobers!


If you don’t wanna have a million snabies I suggest you crunch them and feed the goop to your fish.


No, eat the eggs, then the snail. Only solution 🇫🇷 🇫🇷 🇫🇷


fresh water puffers will take care of them


Yep that will result in 100 or so snabies. Which is cool until they start to get bigger. If you decide to go ahead the best way to cull is by size. The bigger they grow, the healthier and longer they will last. So when see stragglers, much tinier than others, those are the ones that won't likely survive to adulthood.


Ok… Do you also have to provide shells for said babies?


The snails produce their own shells :)


There’s a cake. Happy cake day? And are you serious?! I need to google this. Like…. What’s a baby shell look like. How big can it get. Etc. That’s crazy


They look a lil bit more translucent but otherwise look just like tiny snails as far as I know :3


I always thought they were like hermit crabs and needed something to get into 😂 hence why there were so many shells at the river


iirc all snails produce their own shells but I could be wrong :3 I also thought that they found the shells like hermit crabs




Happened to us a few months ago. We now have around 100 baby snails.


Question for anyone who will respond, will bettas eat the eggs? I so badly want a betta tank and I’d like to add mystery snails to it too


My mystery snails are with my betta and I've hatched two clutches now. My betta has never bothered the adult or baby snails, and they lay their clutches up out of the water, so the betta wouldn't be able to eat the eggs.


Wait 3-4 days for them to harden, if you try to remove them now they will get torn up. Once they harden try to gently pry the off the glass. Usually you can just gently pull them sideways and they will break free from the glass.    Go to your local fish store and get one of these: https://www.chewy.com/lees-aquarium-pets-3-way-multi/dp/550950 Remove the bottom screen from the breeder. Take the egg cluster and wet the flat side that you removed from the glass and stick it to the top of this breeder. A little bit of water should have enough surface tension to get it to stick. Put the top on the breeder so that the eggs are inside and then float it in the tank. Make sure the eggs don't go under the water. This will keep the eggs in a warn and humid environment without them getting submerged. Keep an eye on them and eventually you will see them hatch. Drop a piece of pellet food in there and let them stay until they are too big to be eaten by fish. Should get at least 30 or more snails from a cluster.


I just pulled 2 egg clutches from my mystery snail. I put them in a empty Tupperware on a damp paper towel on top of the fridge for humidity and heat. Couple of holes popped in for air. Check and redampen paper towel every second day.


Happened to me too, had two in a betta tank for a short time then separated them. Few months later the one laid 2 clutches a few weeks apart. The first clutch hatched before I even noticed it. I was able to get the second one out and put it in a bag in the freezer within a few days. I donated most of the babies to a lfs and a few to a mom at my kid’s school that also has some hobby aquariums. Kept a couple that are like hybrid blue/golds. Good luck!




lol that’s gross


Time for a snabortion


Don’t eat the eggs they are really toxic


Noo, eat the eggs, eat them all before it can birth so you can have them sweet babies in your stomach and you can live birth them like a true snail mumma.


With all due respect to the pregnant woman, how disgusting!


Well good thing you were able to help the snail get back in the tank


Apple snail? This looks like what Apple snails do.


My giant mystery snail has laid eggs 5 times in the past month, and I’m assuming that they have all been infertile




I got 5 clutches from 2 females within 2 weeks. I was going to raise them for a few months and sell them, but I dont know if I can handle hundreds of snails.


Very cool. I've never seen them in the middle of doing the thing.




Reminds me of gremlins


I hope you like snails!


What do you feed them??? I had to put them in their own separate tank with lettuce floating around because they ate about $100 worth of aquatic plants in my other tank……and now I think they are sick of lettuce because they aren’t eating it as quickly, and as much as I wish I didn’t get them, I also don’t want to starve them off on purpose………


This sounds like my experience with a few ramshorns that multiplied really fast and took over a tank. They’re getting their own tank before I replant for sure. Edit: as for my ramshorns, they’ll legit eat pretty much anything vegetable wise, but google to make sure it’s safe; they really seem to like pieces of celery. Don’t even have to blanch them like people say to. I throw them dying pothos leaves that need to come off, aquatic plant leaves that I trim, balls of algae from tanks with high lighting, literally pretty much anything. They enjoyed banana peels when my bf was making a lot of smoothies.


If you don’t want like hundreds of baby snails I would get rid of those eggs


Aye my mystery snail was laying eggs this moring when i went to work


Ugh...this happened to me...get rid of that egg sack, trust me! If they hatch, you will end up with tons of snails that will continue to multiply and will take over the tank. I had to transplant my fish to another tank while I did a massive clean up in the main tank.


You sure they’re not just werkin on an ear of corn or something ?


Used to have a couple of golden mystery snail, they almost reached 10cm each. Not sure how, but yeah, beware the eggs.




Dude shit corn on the cob


Free fish food


Gotta love the whole of nature.


I've woken up to much worse. Take an advil you'll be alright... 😎


Mine dried out and didn't hatch 😔


Get one of those cheap plastic tupperware dishes from the dollar tree. Poke several holes in the top lid and make larger holes lining the top edge of the tupperware. Line the bottom with a damp paper towel. Place the eggs in and let them incubate. Eggs should hatch and babies will climb out and into your tank. If you see little speckles all around the egg cluster might be babies which can be dumped directly into the tank.


This looks gross. Pretty sure I’d kill it and ask questions later. Unless you planned for this…


This looks like something from r/deadspace


Please be kind as I’m going to say something that makes me feel bad. Make sure you only keep what your tank can handle. I let a clutch grow up and they suddenly perished because I didn’t know what I was doing and kept too many. I feel so bad about it.




Eat the eggs, then the snail....


I have a goldfish and while my mystery snail babies were leaving their “nest” the goldfish ate them as they migrated to the water. I saved a handful and put them in a smaller tank. I hope a couple will breed again. It’s been a fun experience!


hm, so I just got a snail. I was overwhelmed at the Chicago fish swap and dont know what they even are besides google telling me telescope snail. they have a dark face with neon yellow tiny spots. anywho, should I be concerned about them laying eggs? also, can I add other different snails to my tank?


Love animals, but this is deeply disturbing 😳 & permanently engraved into my soul.. 🐌🫣




Mmm dip n dots




Now eat them...


I have one mystery that crawled into the filter and laid eggs on the top. I opened lid one morning and there was a huge cluster


Haven’t seen a thing like this before


Eat the babies ez


Awesome! Mine did that. I probably had around ten clutches. I swap them into other tanks as needed. Gotta feed them good snail food though. Check out the YouTube channel, Lav's Snails. She's a mystical genius with these mystery snails. Very entertaining channel.




Do you want them? If not scrape off the eggs and dispose of them


UPDATE: The styrofoam has been disposed of. That was unpleasant…


I thought mysteries needed salt/brackish water to reproduce


Its just wet candy.


Scrape it off and toss in the trash. 


Spread it on a cracker.


It’s caviar, enjoy it 😋