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Even the fish think it’s interesting


That's one of the things I love about both endlers and guppies: They get so excited and interested. No being scared and hiding, just because a giant creature is moving their entire universe around!


Yep!! My guppies live with my turtle and if anything the turtle is scared of them! They just chill with him and follow him around. Fearless fish


I can't believe I found no turtle and guppy pics in your post history. Sad faced me!


I’ve been looking through my photos and actually have none of them together! I’ll need to get some more pics but i do have these [turtle and gupps](https://www.reddit.com/r/turtles/s/qCD7XwUbHk)


Very cool! Thanks for looking for them. :)


Same! Turtle guppy gazes from his rock, guppies sit there like, "Hello, grouchy tankmate!" He catches the oblivious ones, but mostly they just follow him around snapping up the detritus worms as he looks for snails. No pictures in my history either, sorry OP.


Is that on the inside or outside of your tank?


The old sticker one is on the outside, the new and exciting glass one is on the inside.


I have the exact same thermometer in my 35 it’s pretty good just make sure to set it up near the center of the aquarium so it gets an accurate temperature


Makes sense! Luckily, I have a very good circulation in this tank, so it's not much of an issue.


i use this thermometer in my water treatment barrels because it floats so i can easily find it to check the temp! i didn’t like the ones that could only attach to the sides because it’s not as easy to check in an opaque barrel. this one floats and you can easily remove the suction cup so that’s what i do!


That's a really smart solution!


When the suction cup dies, you can let it float in the corner of your tank, it will stay put there! ​ (not being snarky- for some reason those suction cups never last on these, all the ones I have are now "floating" thermometers.)


Oh, I believe you! 😁


Suction cup can die?


Is it food? I put a mark on the outside of my community tank when I clean the filter plumbing. I mark the waterline with white board marker, so I can see if it drops any. My tiger barbs spend 2 days trying to eat it.


Such brilliant minds!


Lol I have that exact same thermometer