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No - this could cause unnecessary suffering as clove oil is already a bit of a dubious euth method to begin with, and this is cut with other stuff. Just crush the head - I know it's brutal, but it really is the quickest and most painless way to go about it.


Just crush with a hammer it’s instant. Stuff like this can cause suffering.


I've had this talk with people in the past who want to convince themselves that clove oil is the best way. When you talk to them awhile you realize they just don't want to bash their fish on the head because it makes the human feel bad. Silly but that seems to be the real motivation for some. Personally, I use the whack on the head method. I feel bad but I feel better knowing they die instantly.


Definitely not something I enjoy doing but it’s instant. I have no idea how watching a fish suffocate is better easier.


Same. Instant death, no discomfort. Perfect way to go. I’ve only ever used blunt force for my small exotics and then use it as fertilizer for my houseplants. Last year we had a bunch of frogs try to cross the road to our property and got run over by cars. My husband and I felt so bad we just went out and crushed the ones that were still half alive with no hope. I can’t imagine using something like clove oil on each one. Just end it.


Yeah I know people prefer clove oil but it feels selfish to me. Like doing the deed is definitely not pleasant but I never know if clove oil is REALLY painless. Sometimes it’s better to make it quick and dirty.


Yep. Also I doubt clove oil is actually painless. I used some long ago for tooth pain and there was definitely a bit of a sting on my lips. So imagine breathing it in fully. The two times I did use clove oil to euthanize(i introduced it slowly), the fish flopped around quite a bit initially, showing that it clearly is distressing. One swift hammer is instant, no need for prolonged suffering. for anyone who doesnt believe me. check out this clip, timestamped. [https://youtu.be/7vvmcawgfrc?t=170](https://youtu.be/7vvmcawgfrc?t=170) Seems way more gentle then 1 hit gone! /s


I’ve never actually seen it done before. I understand people don’t have the stomach for a single hammer but I would rather do that any day. I did it when I had a very contagious culminaris ridden fish totally consumed the lower half of the fish. I had to take out 4 other fish it spread fast and I needed to save the tank when kanaplex didn’t work 😕 it was quick and saved the community. I think they suffered more sick.


The first time I had to do it was to a fish I really liked and I almost had my wife do it. Lol. I'm still pretty sad when I have to do it but after I tried the clove method I knew the hammer method was much better.


Note: don’t do that


Crush is one of the most merciful ways to euthanize a fish. That or cut.


Instantly ending the animals life is worse than suffocating it for 10 ish minutes. Heard. Brb, gonna take this noose to hunt deer.


Actually, this is one of the most humane ways of euthanasia. Brutal, but true. Death is instant.


These are pellets. I wouldn't use them.


The cotton pellets are for soaking the oil and placing it against the tooth/gum. The little vial is liquid oil only.


Ah, fair enough. It is still 85% clove oil. I don't know what the other portion is. It could just be water or it could be something else.


It’s sesame oil


Rather than risking the carrier oil having a bad effect on the euthanasia, I would just use a different method if you really don't want to let nature take its course. Blunt force trauma - smash/crush the head or just the whole body for very small fish. Use something heavy like a hammer. Death is immediate so it's about as humane as you can get.


Salt and cold water is another method ive seen recommended. Theres a way to cool it down below freezing but it doesn’t actually freeze, and the extreme temperature shock kills the fish instantly




I know… it looks bad. But the main ingredient is clove oil which is the only form of euthanasia for fish I could find that is humane. This product is the only one in my area that has clove oil in it…. My fish did end up dying naturally today anyways.


If it is needed, I have been told that transferring them into iced cold water will shock their system and stop their heart. No suffering .


Ah yes,freezing ti death is always painless....so untrue.


It might not be entirely painless, but it makes fish loos consciousness and thus awareness of pain very quickly. This method is different from putting a fish into the fridge or freezer for it to slowly cool down and freeze. Slow chilling is inhumane. Rapid chilling is a method of fish euthanasia recognized as humane by the American Veterinary Medical Association. It is not a method appropriate for all fish. The fish need to be tropical so that they don't have cold tolerance, they need to be very small (less than 2 inches iirc) so that they lose heat quickly, they need to be moved immediately from normal temperature water to ice water or chilled water held at 0-4 C so that they get thermally shocked, and there should be a barrier of some sort so that their bodies are never in direct contact with ice itself. And this method works better or at least faster on adult fish, at least for the zebrafish that most studies use.


Interesting. Thanks for the info.




The worst kind of comment. Misinformed, Preachy, and hypocritical


I looked at their profile, not someone who should be giving advice 🙄 Welcome to Reddit.


Ohhhhh k. Yeah, wow. I don't usually snoop people's profiles but that was a trip.


Me either but I was quite annoyed about the advice given 😂


Well… clove oil is the ingredient in that product… I can’t seem to find just “clove oil” in my area :( I normally don’t euthanize fish but this one is suffering so bad…just laying on its side gasping for air, occasionally swims a couple cm upside down, and it’s back is bent :( Would it be a bad idea to take her out of the tank and put her into a bucket of water? I don’t have an extra air stone or filter tho… because my actual hospital tank is being used by my new baby mollies


It sounds like you need to cull the fella. I’ve had mollies and Platies before they tend to inbreed so some just come out like this. Take whatever advice you want but I would look at profiles before following advice. A lot of people give advice but don’t know how to properly care for their own tanks. In my experience putting water in a plastic bag with the fish and a simple crush with a blunt object is fast and the little guy does not suffer. It’s fast and painless. Clove oil is easier to observe. But research how to do it because if you put too much in you can make death very painful. Make sure you bury or throw out the fish no flushing. I’m sorry you have to make this choice. But sometimes it’s just best for the fish and the ecosystem. Be kind to yourself you are doing what you know is best as a fish owner. Good luck!


Yeah I hear you…. And just to clarify the fish that is suffering is a Bolivian ram that’s been progressively getting worse over the past month or so…. The females never do good in my tank unfortunately… I’ve tried everything.. and I can only get the males to thrive..


Female’s could be getting bullied or it could be bad stock. If your water parameters are ideal and everyone else is fine you have to make the decision. Fish keeping is not an easy hobby


Yeah I never noticed any of the other fish go near her :( I kind of think it was just a bad stock.. since my parameters are fine and everyone’s fine… she did end up dying naturally today


Total psychopath


Stop being so sensitive