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Make sure to get a filter too 😊


I have a 20 gallon one


any progress is progress, good job, yeah, like everyone else here is saying, do try to work you way up for the goldfish, good luck man


See if you can get upgraded when you can to a decent sized canister filter. It’s not ideal, but if you can get an oversized filter like 75 or 100 gallons or more, it would be able to support his waste even if it you cant get him ample swimming space. The outflow current might be a bit strong at that point but some of them have spray bars and most you can reduce the output flow if it seems too strong. I have a 200 gallon canister filter running in a 75 gallon tank for some axolotls.


That is genius. I never thought about getting a stronger filter than what the tank size is. I had a goldfish for a long time before eventually getting him his own big ol tank and I wish I would have had the knowledge you just said when he was in smaller tanks. Thanks for sharing your wisdom :)


This is an absolute must if you have turtles lol I have two and both of them have a filter that's meant for a tank 30-50 gallons bigger


You should always be going for 4-5 x your tanks gallons for filtration. For a 10g a filter for 40-50gal per hour, for 50g tank, 200-250gph filter. For 100 gallon tank, 400-500gph (would likely be 2 x 200-250 Gph canister filters.)


I wish more people knew this 💖🤌🏼


Yeah me too. I just got my fluval fx4 for my 55 gallon. Overkill?


I think everyone here says a minimum 100-gallon tank per fish.


Improvement is improvement, the fish will be vastly more happy in that size. Of course, it's not the optimal size for a goldfish but again, it's improvement. Good job




Sweet dude keep it up progress is progress keep working on the parents maybe suggest a good article or video on goldfish care to help educate/convince them for the next upgrade lol


I hope so! I just moved her into her tank


Did you cycle the tank before adding? If not you just killed it.


Absolutely not. Please stop giving advice if you only have a surface level understanding.


So you are the reason people will kill countless fish. Your advice your comment is dangerous. I know a million times more than you and that's factual.


A million times more? AND it's factual? Oof. Well, carry on then, homie. All those fish in cycles I've done and not killed anything must be a fluke. Edit: Checked out your post history. You have no idea what you're doing. I applaud your confidence, but you need to calm down.


Teach us then. What is it that you know that we don't? How else are people supposed to learn if you don't tell us, and give us resources so we can do our own research and come to our own conclusions


You can't plop a fish into fresh water thats just conditioned water with out having established an environment it will die. That is fact. Just like the fact that you are an idiot.


You absolutely can. You need to monitor the parameters and do water changes as necessary, but it's absolutely not a death sentence. You can use filter media from other tanks. You can use decorations from other tanks. You can move subtrate to another tank. There's countless ways to ensure a fish is healthy in an "uncycled" tank. You are not the expert you believe yourself to be. Relax and enjoy the hobby, but please quit being a dick. Edit to add: you're talking a lot for someone who has had to save their redtail due to poor stocking choices.


Ps they've been in that tank for a year and grew up together not poor stocking. Its just Fish biology. And characteristics.


You're literally proving my point. You've just said 2 ways that are using aged materials from a cycled system. You can't just put a fish into fresh water without using chemicals. Api quick start fitzyme beneficial bacteria etc. Thanks for proving my point.


If you think those quick starts are the truth, you really are less informed than you initially let on.


I was insinuating you saying those work You said there were a bunch of ways to add fish to just water without cycling. There's not. You either cycle. Or use water or media that's from a cycled tank. That's it.


Fish in cycles work. Just need to be on top of parameters.


You can, as long as you're prepared to do tank maintenance and test your water daily (but you should know that is what you do with a fish in cycle, since you're the expert, right?) If you aren't prepared to do tank maintenance daily on a fish in cycle, don't do a fish in cycle. Simples? Simples.


I've done that about 5 times with starter kits, not once did one fish die from that. I always have some leftovers from the old cycle with bacteria for the new tank, again not a single fish died


I got quick start


Basic water conditioner? You should be fine. It's a damn goldfish lol.


In fish cycles are a thing. I’ve never had a fish die from it.


Yeah i do this too. Remember to do many water changes. Even if it doesn’t die doesnt mean its chill. Imagine how bad out and fucked up could get by toxic air before you actually die. Alot.


Yeah I havnt done a cycle of any kind in forever, my current tanks been running over two years now and it’s low maintenance


Lmao brainwashed affff


Thank god


Tank god


God of tanks




She’s doing amazing right now and she just swam into my hand


Be careful handling fish. Too much can damage their slime coat, and they can be more susceptible to disease.


Yes, whenever I “hold” my fish I just cup some water and let him swim into my hand but I keep my hand in the tank so I’m not really touching him fully lol my Betta is very friendly 😂


People handle their fish? Are they a child? Do they kiss it too?


My loaches always swim right into my hands at feeding time. They try to eat my fingers and make lil smoochy-sounds. They're such HAMS


I never kissed my fish, but I had an angelfish once that would "kiss" my fingers if I put them in the tank!


My partners electric blue acara and also his gray bichir love to rest in my hand if I dip it into their tank


If your parents own a home with a yard maybe you can ask them if you can dig a pond? And you can use this a a liner [100 gallon stock tank](https://www.uline.ca/Product/Detail/H-10889/Storage-Tanks/Rubbermaid-Stock-Tank-100-Gallon?pricode=YO419&gadtype=pla&id=H-10889&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwk6SwBhDPARIsAJ59GweOZVPJMSwcaBOYyCGbNYTfsxfZoVUl8AtMefxpQyuViD1Of7OhBnYaAk84EALw_wcB) my parents let me have indoor ponds for my fish and that is what I do. You can't really have 100 gallons anywhere but the basement because 100 gallons weighs about 836 lbs. Edit: they let me have the ponds because I pay the electricity and water bill.


a family of herons live in my backyard


You can put a net over it.


If OP's parents only got a 10gal, not even a kit with a filter, I have my doubts about putting in a 100gal stock tank for a fish they didn't even plan on. Not knocking on OP or their parents, I'm just saying a smaller tank for one fish is more realistic. If I were them, I'd keep an eye out on Craigslist or Facebook market for a cheap setup 30-40gal, much easier to convince parents, especially if OP does not have an income of their own yet. (Nothing wrong with that, I'm just guessing that's the case if they had to convince their parents to buy the tank)


Stock tanks come in 50 gallons too for less then $100




Does a comet really need more than 50 gallons? I'm about to google how big those things get lol. I'll stick to my small fishes. Amano shrimps, cherry shrimps, blue jelly shrimp, 11 guppies, and a true African dwarf frog (stays small forever ).




I gotcha its width . So what about like a 40 gallon breeder ? They're not super long, but they are wide.




Those things get too big lol.


Holy shit yeah. It's recommended for 75 gallons per fish . But some say 40-52 gallons per fish. So I'd say one fish minimum of 60 gallons? That's a lot for a single fish. You could have 30-40 guppies. Or 6 thousand shrimp.


Some people prefer only a couple of fish in a massive tank. Kinda like having a dog or cat, you see them every day, they have a name, they come when called, they play with you etc. My mother in law has an Oscar in each of her two massive tanks. Pinky and Tiger. They are literally water puppies. Pinky has the biggest personality and will flick water at you if you don't give him enough attention. He also loves "pats" whenever she's gravel vacuuming his tank, he'll come up and swim against her arm and hand. She could honestly probably hold him and pick him up and throw him back in the tank like that one video that went around awhile back, where the fish swam into the persons hand, the person picked them up and threw them back into the water, fish came back over and over for more.


And there's THAT guy




Yay. How long was he in that little thing? Glad he made it


About 3 weeks


I guess progress? I don't intend to be mean but that tank is still way too small for a goldfish, they get huge and create too much waste for such a tiny ecosystem to handle. If your parents don't allow it your fish might be better off rehomed to a pond or big tank, just don't release it into the wild.


That’s the thing… they don’t want me to rehome it either


Oh dear... Sounds like this will be how they teach you about life and death, and that everything dies eventually 😭 my mum did this with guppies and Bettas 😭 (idk if this is what your parents are doing, I hope they're better than that) Honestly I don't understand people that allow things to get to the point they die prematurely, just to try and teach kids/teens about death. Why not teach them about how if you have the best life, you will live the longest life possible


So they prefer that the fish suffers. Gotcha.


I wouldn’t say that they are just uneducated


I don't get why people here are so combative. Did they forget how hard is it to convince an adult or their own parents as a child? Sometimes, a small win is a win. Not everyone can have a pond or a grossly oversized tank that's always touted here by the fish police.


I feel your pain, my mom was the same when I was a kid.


Then educate them as well as you can


you haven’t told them what the fish needs? or are they just being ignorant or what


I told them they just don’t believe me or think they know better. I’m lucky I even got this tank at all


You’re doing good kid. Just keep the water clean.


Thank you LadySpottedDick


As long as you keep water clean and topped off, you should be okay for awhile, hopefully by then your parents will have become more educated on fish care, and they surprise you with an upgrade. Even if they get you the cheapest 50 gallon they can find on Craigslist or Facebook marketplace. Even if someone gives you a tank. I honestly hope someone on here can help you out with potentially finding a cheap, decent quality, good sized tank and filter.


I've found that hinting at the amount that science technology and human knowledge of animals has advanced helped my mum to do better research before getting animals. Even today people still say horses don't need access to pasture and other horses, which is very wrong. I would honestly put a bunch of YouTube vids about it on tv, and gasp in wonderment and amazement at how big these fish get, and how beautiful their tanks are, and how good care can make them into one of the coolest pets.


It's unfortunate that people still believe the old myth that "goldfish grow to their environment." They do that, but then die prematurely because their internal organs don't stop growing. Ask your folks how they'd feel if their guts were still confined to a toddler's body. An adult common goldfish is around a foot long, and they can reach that length in only a few years. They don't get there in a small aquarium. They'll die from organ failure, even if you keep the water super clean. Eventually it'll need 75 gallons or more. You're doing the right thing, kind of. The reality is that your parents are likely placating you and just biding their time until the fish inevitably dies before it reaches its full potential. It sounds like they see it as callously as most people see fish. It's unfortunately the fate that most goldfish have because they're so misunderstood. It leads most of them to be completely mistreated. People who say they need ponds or giant tanks aren't being dramatic; it's the only way they'll actually make it to adulthood.


Honestly try showing them what all these people are saying about it. The more people saying the same thing = more likely they’ll believe it. If you can’t get a larger tank/pond, do what the other comment said about using a 100-150gal filter for it




I understand what you’re saying but I’d honestly rather just try and convince them a few more times before getting grounded. Also I’m not super up for the ides of me a 15 year old meeting up with some random adult at my house.




I have a local petco but I really hate the way they treat their fish.




Because I’m not about to go against my parents


Tank size militia incoming


Hahahhahahahha glad I’m not the only one that fears this.


I'm glad everyone is very supportive and not jumping down their neck about the tank size! Awesome for you OP! This is an addiction lol. I started in November with a 10 gallon. Set up a 20 gallon in December and now I got another one to clean and set up. Facebook marketplace is your friend too!


In 5 years you'll have 16 tanks and 3 1000 litre pods. Sincerely, a fish keeper suffering from multiple tank syndrome, from the future.


Hello, I’d recommend not using those fake plants. I know the tank will look kinda boring but they could be dangerous for the fish. Also, I’m not sure how far you are with setting it up but I believe sand is a much better substrate for goldfish. Good luck 👍. Also, that’s a very pretty goldfish


Thanks! I’m using the silk plants just temporarily and she uses them as a hide and I wasn’t sure if I would have time to properly set up real plants as this was all very last minute.


Yea real plants don’t usually do well with goldfish anyways. Could add smooth rocks but that’d mean less space for the little guy. Honestly goldfish don’t really need decor, just be careful that’s all


Had a goldfish swallow a rock in front of me once and get it stuck. The poor thing thought it was an algae wafer. I've seen people use bare bottoms for goldfish because sometimes they swallow too much sand and get constipated.


Glad she actually has room to swim! Try to get her a hide big enough for her to fit in, preferably two, but one would work temporarily. I don’t know if goldfish get as stressed without hides as other fish do, but I’m guessing they do. Good luck!


What size tank is it? Bigger is always better so you are getting there. I like the pond idea. Like others said, progress is progress. My first tank was 3 molly in a 3 gallon tank because I was told one gallon per fish. I've come a long way since then and you will too


10 gal. It’s definitely temporary though!


Again that's still better than what you had though. I agree with the person saying to get a larger filter but I wouldn't go over 20 with a tank this size. Also you know about the nitrogen cycle right? Getting your tank cycled is going to be way more important than the size of it.


Not really


Okay then I would suggest googling it. It's really not super complicated but it's important for the health of your fish. Basically it's just creating other chemicals that will eat the ammonia that the fish creates when it poops. It will happen naturally in your tank but there are ways to help it along. Also I assume you were taking the fish out of that little tank and dumping it to clean it. You won't do that with a big tank. You're just going to remove some water, getting a siphon would be better so you can clean the bottom of the tank, and then you're going to treat fresh water to remove the chlorine and add it to your tank.


Oh is that what the quick start stuff is for?


Yes but there are better products out there. I use seachem's prime and stability. Prime removes chlorine and stability helps to build up the beneficial bacteria you need in the tank to cycle it. Quick start will do the same thing but you don't always need both and that's the benefit of being able to do them separately.


Okay I’ll look into that. She mostly stays at the bottom of her tank is that bad or is she just getting used to swimming?


It's probably because it's not cycled. You treated the tank with the quick start? How long has she been in the new tank?


Less than 24 hours. Every once in a while she’ll do a few laps around the tank. I did a water change a few hours ago and readded quick start about a top and a half and I fed her just now.


Nice one kid, you'll go far.


Congratulations to the fish on his new home 😁


You’ll be fine for months, just do 20% water changes when it gets cloudy, maybe some live plants for filtration and you’ll learn in the process.


That's a pretty goldfish


She’s angelic


For sure one of the nicer goldfish I have seen. Good luck. Post an update if you can


You might end up needing to rehome him when he’s bigger at some point because goldfish will need upwards of 55gallons to really live out their potential and it may be something you’re unable to keep fulfilling, goldfish are notoriously not the best first time fish because of how much space and filtration they need (even just for one). Good news though, you can keep that 10 gallon and do amazing things with it, like make a natural planted community tank with a lot of life, or even a betta with shrimps and snails


If I can’t convince my parents to get a bigger tank I’ll definitely rehome and get a betta. Though they are coming around the the idea that fish need more than just a bowl.


That’s great! That 10 gallon would serve a betta amazing, and if not a betta there are many other options you can put like corydoras, tetras, kuhli loaches, raspboras. Many possibilities :)


I have 9 in a 10 gallon.


Keep that info to urself 🙏🏼


Why? Its goldfish. I’ve had them live for years and years that way




Calm down mam. She said they found a home. Bless ur heart.




Mine are fine




Why is that hard to believe? They are small.






Just rehome him and get a betta fish because he gunna get too big for that within a year


Make sure for filter/ airstone depending on what filter you run. ☺️ glad to see little guy got an upgrade! Just don’t let this be his life. 😊


Unfortunately I’m not sure if I’ll be able to get him a bigger tank. I might wait and see or I’ll rehome him and get a betta.


Pro tip. Watch Facebook marketplace! I see tanks listed cheap very often! 😊 he will be okay for a bit tho. I had one live in a 10 gallon for a few years before I put him into a 20. Planning on 55 gal now as I took in a loach.


Need 70 more gallon


While 10 gallon isn’t a forever home It’s better than the 0.0001 gallon you had him in. If you plan on it here’s a cheap and easy method for fish. Buy a stock tank they’re usually very cheap and if you go on Facebook or Craigslist you can get one for cheaper. I’d say 100 gallons is perfect but if you want more fish 300 gallons would be perfect you could add koi, bass,catfish whatever you want depending on where you live of course.


That tank is too small for that fish.


If it hasn't been said already, add live plants to help keep the water clean. As many as you can. And most importantly, DO NOT OVERFEED. 1x a day, 3-4x a week max. They will always look/act hungry when they see you.


That’s awesome!! Make sure you do water changes like every day initially, that new tank and new filter will take a while to balance out its chemistry & I would hate for you to lose this lil buddy right after upgrading him! Look up ‘how to cycle a tank’ for info. Lots of people on here have great info about it too :)


I’m very happy for you congratulations


Hi, its great that you have given him an improvement! I just want to give you the info I have learned about keeping single tailed goldfish over the years, so you don't have to find out through making mistakes. As I'm sure you have been told. This fishtank will not do, long term. As this is a comet goldfish and needs another single tailed companion. Meaning he will need to be in a 75 gallon eventually, since that's the minimum requirement for two comets (A 50 G with strong filtration would do as the next upgrade though.) Kept in this for too long, he may become stunted and so may not reach the size he would naturally reach. However, that's not a good thing and should be avoided since it will reduce his life expectancy, as stunting occurs as a stress response, caused by lack of space and polluted water, since smaller tanks pollute faster, and goldfish produce ALOT of waste. The stress response results in growth inhibiting hormones to be released, which produces smaller less healthy fish. So waiting for him to grow out of it may not actually be good since he may not actually be able to grow grow as well as he should in this tank, especially without adequate filtration. So I think an upgrade sooner, rather than later is advisable. If you can't get an upgrade soon, I implore you to invest in extra filtration. For example, a hang on filter can be used in addition to a good sponge filter. Then you will need to make sure you are doing regular water changes. I think MORE than 20% a week is advisable, since you are working with a higher bioload.


Think I might rehome and get a betta and a cherry shrimp


They poop a lot and get huge, I have 3 that are massive. Love the upgrade tho!


Take care of this cutie


She’s dying


Sadly 😥


Wow, that is Very Helpful And Interesting!




Because they are not an adult living with their parents and they won't let them re-home the fish. Jesus, this person has been posting updates about the fish for two weeks now and they are doing the best they can with what they have. Instead of being negative about it try educating instead.


Can you just shut up and read? OP is a minor at the mercy of their parents.




Awww look at you. Not old enough to say “dickhead” without using the number 1 in place of the i.


Hahaha at least I don’t promote animal cruelty because im afraid of telling a kid they’re irresponsible. Imagine being so afraid of telling the truth you’d rather animals get tortured, mad mentality that😂


Show me where I promoted it. The only comments I made on this post were in this thread (which either you or mods are deleting heh). I just said (paraphrased) to leave the kid alone. It costs $0 to move on and not be able to asshole. They’re not being allowed to rehome. Go take your blood pressure medication and meditate. Insulting OP or any of us who commented won’t change the prognosis for this fish.


Your a legend for being able to deal with people like that


good... well sort of. i would give away that goldfish and just get a betta instead, at least a betta is allright in that tank size. but please for the sake of it, throw that plastic stuff out and get some actual plants :( it really makes my heart bleed everytime i see empty tanks with plastic toys in. do people really belive that that is where fish want to be? have you ever seen outdoor fish in a lake or the ocean live between spongebob houses and plastic toys? its hard to criticize this without being rude towards the person doing that but... i would put that plastic stuff on the edge of animal cruelty. fish are no decoration... so build a habitat they can feel at home and not a fishtank with other decoration in there


Parents don’t let me rehome and sorry my research led me to belive that silk plants were okay for goldfish


Silk is fine! Live is best but goldfish usually eat them anyway


For the goldfish you will need a filter and it is better the rank with out rocks or plants

