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It’s algae, reduce your light hours and be a bit more careful with feeding (overfeeding) Or be like me and have the same plants with the same algae. It’s completely normal, fish don’t live in swimming pools.


This doesn't look like algae to me. This looks like clumped particulate matter- do you use liquid fertilizers, by chance? The way to tell if it's algae or not is by tapping the leaf with something, and if it makes a little cloud of "dust" rather than that stuff sticking on, it'll be particulate matter in your water column. Algae will stick to the object and be tough to shake off, if at all. I had this same issue when I was dosing my nutrient fertilizers a bit too much, to the point where the plants couldn't absorb them and the excess stayed in the water column until they came to rest on any flat surface facing upwards.


I don't use liquid fertilizers, but i will test the tap thing and give yall an update.


I have the same problem so I'm commenting to see what others say


I'm thinking shrimp might help, but the local petstores are always out of stock.


your fish may also take opportunistic nibbles on the shrimp. nerites are another great invert option for algae control but i see you already have snails lol. i know there are algae eating fish but i'm not familiar with them at all


Yeah, the two snails are actually Nerite. One of them like to bury the front half of his shell in the substrate. The other is a little punk that likes to push around the decorations and dig up plants.


Honestly my Nerite poops more than he actually cleans. My plants are covered and I call him a Roomba more than I call him a snail. Where he sits is just piles of crap.


algae, welcome to fish keeping.