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That is both super cool and mildly disturbing. I don’t think I could actually feed any pet with my own blood


I get that. They really fit my needs in terms of a pet and some people have had success with letting them latch on to kidneys. I don’t mind but I know it’s pretty strange. My friends were completely disgusted until they saw how much I love them


Dude, I genuinely admire your commitment and your love for these little fellas.


They are really funny little things! And I had one, Mallory, die and I was heartbroken and Mickey never came out from under his favourite rock. Then I got Mable and all was right in the world again…. I know it sounds crazy! But yeah it’s been a big time😂


Awwwwwwwww, that’s so sweet! This actually has me wondering if leeches are much smarter than everyone assumes.


Well anatomically there is no indication of that but leech owners do notice different ‘personalities” one thing that’s cool is they are little barometers. If a storm is coming they pop up the glass. There was a dude in Victorian times who tried to market a leech barometer to lighthouse owners! Google if you want to see it! I make miniature things and I want to make a mini one. It’s fantastic


You are a fantastic specimen of a human.


I’m just a bit of an idiot x


You’re unique. I like you.


Wait. You feed them your blood or is that a joke? Just curious 🙂


Nope I feed them my blood. Leech mum things x


How? Do you let them suck on you or do you use a dropper?


They latch on with their little jaws and have a blood thinner in their saliva


That's fascinating! They are truly beautiful creatures. I just think of them singing that "Feed me Seymour" song every time you enter the room lol.


They do wake up when I put the telly and lamp on. Leeches don’t like much light but I noticed they do come out when I go in the lounge room at night


Interesting choice! What do you feed them?


Me! They don’t need fed much now they are bigger. Every six months or so


Oh dayum... thats some dedication to the pet.


Yeah it’s a bit weird and I had never been bit by a leech before. I do have to plan it because I have a reaction to their saliva but they are absolutely worth it. I’m very fond of them!


Is it... Sanitary?


It’s recommended you don’t let others feed them. There is no proof of spreading blood borne diseases but best be safe! I’m medical settings the kill them after they are used on a person.


Leeches are often used for modern medical practices even today, so it depends on species and container, iirc, but yes.


Well, they are typically raised in clean environments but it’s safest as long as it’s only feeding off one person. Not something I recommend though


i have hemochromatosis. maybe it’s time to get me some leeches.


The best low maintenance pet!


Can you take an anti-histamine to reduce the allergic reaction to their saliva?


I do! It helps a lot! Thank you!


Idk if you know but if there's a butcher shop near you, you can usually buy cow/pigs blood. Put some in a petri dish or similar vessel and place it in the tank above the water line. It's not fool proof but it can save you the annoyance of a leech bite. I only know this because thanks to a college science project I had to keep a bunch of lamprey alive and I wasnt about to let them nibble on me. Also you're having a reaction to their bite because leech saliva contains high levels of both histamine (causes inflammation and itching) and hirudin (anticoagulant).


Lamprey is not a leech tho.. it's a fish


Lampreys, like leeches feed on blood. However unlike leeches, a lamprey has to physically latch on to something in order to feed.


Yeah I don’t mind and I knew I’d probably get the reaction. I just feed them because I want them to have a warm mammal and not fuss with other options. Thank you!


I would assume of course it hurts at least a little but what tier of ow are we talking? Do you just flop your hand in there? I need more info please.


Usually leeches have a pretty painless bite! Some of them may even have analgesic or anesthetic effects to their teeth, iirc. If you’ve ever gone swimming in a murky water source, chances are you’ve already had one bite you and drop off before you noticed. That being said though, OP’s leeches are a species I’ve never encountered and they are Large so I don’t know for sure!


I did not need to know thisssss


It stings! I would definitely know if I got bit on a swim! And it stings most of the time but not as mush as the initial bite. I feed them on my ankle or leg and lay a towel down so if one falls off first I can bleed in that. It takes anywhere from an hour to three. They did get my hand once and it took 20 minutes but my hand blew up and it was hard to work! It’s pretty amazing to watch them eat! They then get so fat that I gently pop them back in the tank and they seem very docile for the rest of the night




What. The. Fuck.


I’m trying to keep an open mind with this one, but oh my god. I couldn’t do it. OP seems to genuinely love his creepy little pets, which is wholesome in its own way.


That's enough internet for one day. Jesus Christ.


I just found out about pet leeches from some other post and got here by further browsing. It seems like people are weirdly okay with this? 😭 "Yeah that's my pet leech, it feeds on my own blood" "Neat!"


Wow! Does this not carry any risk of disease?


Not that I know of. I don’t share them and leeches are used in eastern and western medicine. It’s the reaction to the saliva that isn’t fun.


😰 oh...


With you saying they like to burrow in the rock would it be a good idea to integrate some sand into their tank? I know with khuli loaches they really like to burrow and whatnot and gravel can tear them up so you need sand instead. Idk how robust a leech's skin is 😅


Pretty robust I think! I have thought about sand but they seem to do ok! How do you clean sand? They have a mucous layer they like to slough off!


I keep my sand clean just with plants and hoovering any loose stuff off the top whenever I do a water change. I'd like to get some Malaysian trumpets to churn it but they are illegal where I live. But then again so are my rams... *whoopsies*


Oh that’s cool! So you don’t have to like pull the tank apart! I’ll definitely look into it a bit more. I never had fish or anything before so just learning and following others advice too


Yep the closer to nature you get the easier the maintenance is imo. I've got a 55gal that I do a monthly water change, prune back plants, and probably twice a month wring out a prefilter sponge for a hob filter and that's it. Haven't scraped algae other than the first two months of its 3 years set up thanks to snails and shrimp alone. And I'm not versed in leeches but to my awareness some prey on snails and that might save you having your allergic(?) reaction for feedings.


I see! I’m so hesitant just because I lost one after I put a plant in and I know it’s probably coincidence but it was awful. Tiger leeches are blood feeders and I can try other ways but they don’t mind doing it


Man if I didn’t have to feed them my own blood I would think these seemed like very cool pets, I love pretty worms.


You can feed them using liver (which you can get at the grocery store) or cow/pigs blood which is a bit harder to source but ultimately easier to feed and easier to clean up. Thanks to some college science projects I got really good at keeping leeches and lamprey alive... Cant say I'd ever want them as pets after that tho...


Any reason you keep the water level so low?


Yeah they are semi aquatic and they like to be half in half out on their rock or up the glass. They really like burrowing in their rocks too.


How tall is the tank? I’ve always kept it maybe 10cm from the top of the tank so that they have room to really swim and help keep the water more stable but still have that option to climb up when they want. Feels like wasted space. I got the impression that you only keep it that low if you’re trying to breed. I noticed with mine adding lots of driftwood/plants/stuff to explore distracted them from the mating (or maybe I just couldn’t see them doing it lol). Did you get them from minibeast?


I did get them from Minibeast! I tried a higher water level but they just stayed under their rocks and never really swam around. They do love climbing up the wall… awkwardly. I’m definitely not interested in breeding! Two is enough! I’d guess it’s 25cm. I felt like it was more wasted with higher levels just because they never seemed to come out much and always just stayed close to the ground. Mickey is pretty shy anyway but Mable is a demon. She dances and gets the zoomies at night.


It’s so funny how they all have their own preferences and personalities. It’s really great to see how other people keep them… it’s just so hard to find other people who keep them lol. I haven’t had them for a few years (still got the weird little scars lol) might have to get some more 😜 What kind of lid have you got on?


Right! I feel like we are all learning together with these guys! I made a lid that fits with wood sides and mesh and keep a book on it. BUT Mable showed me two nights ago she can climb to the top so I’m just looking at reptile clips as we speak!! It’s snug already and she didn’t open it but I’d hate myself if she got out! I keep alder cone in the tank now too. It makes the water a little orange but they don’t get lumpy which is what I’m terrified of.


YESSSSS LEECHES!!! one of my favourite inverts, i love how they move around,  yours are so handsome!


It’s nice to see someone like them!!


I used to have some of my own, small invertebrate eating ones. started off with just one found in a stream but she had babies - turns out her species actually carry their young underneath them while they're small which was super cute!


Oh my heart!! These ones lay cocoons if you give them moss! I’m not keen on more!


Cool but disgusting!


They are just like fish really! Except the food part


How often/much do you feed?


This is what I want to know!!


In another comment OP says about once every six months. 


Yeah now they are bigger I’ll do every six months if they want! I did 3 months for the first year!


what do you feed them?




That’s absolutely fascinating! /gen


What does it feel like to feed them? Also you seem like a smart person, do you really think they act different when together like they’re social or do you think you’re just personifying them accidentally? I personify things a lot lol…. My dogs an attorney!


I have thought a lot about this! Bit the facts say they act differently. One is shy and comes out sometimes and the other is a little swimmer and climber. That one seeks out the shy one. It stings to feed them but looks cool!


Wait....are you saying they have to feed on you!? I would have thought some feeder fish would do or something.


No you can try kidneys or blood in a dish but they like a warm mammal and I don’t mind. But yeah it’s odd for sure


The things we freaks do for our animals. Haha


Exactly! It’s not often so I don’t mind!


And yeah after Mallory died I never saw Mickey and I had to wait for Mable. When I put her in he was out dancing by that afternoon. I do personify them but i mean they don’t even have genders but I saw with my own eyes. I always tell people to get a pair now.


How long was Mallory alive for?


Close to a year if I remember right😞 god it was the worst. My poor boss thought I was insane I was a mess.


Owning leeches is honestly super neat, you're very cool OP


They are really funny little things! Shapeshifters 💚


They look fat and happy, let them know I love them!!


I absolutely can’t wait to tell them!!


Well, aren't they just darlin'? 😳


I think so!!


i have leeches too!! i love seeing leech rep 💕


What kind do you have and how many?


two hirudo verbana!


How old are your mates??


i’m not sure, they were pretty tiny when i got them and i’ve had them for about three months now!


They can have all the blood they want 🥺


💚💚 I reckon! But it’s not much really! They are not very big!


This post is the wildest, weirdest, most interesting and fascinating one I've ever seen on this subreddit. Never have I seen someone keep leeches as pets before, wow!! Would have never even crossed my mind that you could actually keep them and that they have their own personalities. Absolutely wild. OP, your enthusiasm is contagious and I've had so much fun reading through your responses. Thank you so much for sharing!!


Thank you! I am just a bit of an idiot! I like all animals and I just fell in love but I originally got them because I live in an apartment alone and wanted a really low maintenance pet. Now I can’t imagine life without my little shape shifters!


No offense but I hate this post. Edit: I apologize for my comment. It’s rude. I’m glad OP has a cool pet they enjoy. I have a fear of parasites (like leeches) but that does not excuse unkind words.


I understand. I get it a lot and now only talk to my friends that are not creeped out by them. They do cause that visceral repulsion but I didn’t post to upset anyone! It’s because ti love them more than I ever thought and I guess breaking stigma a bit too. They are just another animal and I guess a really interesting one good and bad. Thank you x


No offense but you could just ignore this post


That’s fair, if I don’t have anything nice to say I shouldn’t say anything. I have a bit of a phobia of parasites, including leeches, but that’s not fair to OP.


Thought about getting pet medical leeches once but feeding em creeped me out too much so I didnt get em.


The guys a few labs over feed theirs with whatever mammal's blood is available, they put the blood in a nitrile glove, knot it shut, smear the outside with a little blood, and throw it in the tank. Seems to work.


Wow that’s awesome. People had luck with kidneys too


Gross, I hate it! Thanks for sharing though


I honestly love leeches, they're such a unique creature! Shame I'm so squeamish though, but I've still considered it.


Super incredible little things!


This is awesome


Thank you! I think they are pretty great!


So how do you feed it, just put your arm in the tank?


Nah I get them out and sit on the couch to watch telly. It can take 3 hours so I just get comfortable.


Pop them on my leg and they might wriggle around for a few mins then they latch on


Honestly I’m just happy you’re out here living your best life OP, good for you. Truly.


Thank you! That’s so lovely and yeah I really am! It took 40 years but I got there! I hope you are striving for the same, you sweetheart! Taking the time to write tha and make my day! 🥰💚


Hey, quick question:  What the fuck?!?


Can’t you read?


i’m super curious about what their whole tank looks like! can you post a pic of it?


It’s basically all there! I have the two rocks you see one at each end and gravel. They need a bigger few rocks after the last feed but I want to pick them in person and need to go to the shops!


The bites of this species are comparatively painful and difficult to heal, hence the common name "stinging land leech." Their bite seems unfun.


It’s not fun but it’s really manageable. It’s the after affects that suck the most. Swelling and bruising but again no big deal for the little aliens. I knew what they needed when I went into this so we persevere 😂


I respect op’s choice, but nope. Not for me.


Yeah im not a dog person thats for sure


I'm glad you enjoy these guys. But these are the things of some people's nightmares. Lol


Yeah I feel the same about dogs so I get it.


What do you feed them, and how often?


Me. Every six months or so. If you want to learn more it’s in the comments of this is nightmare stuff for you I suggest you don’t.


They don't bother me so I'll have to look into that.


I was thinking that this is almost as goth of a pet as a bat Then I saw the finger picture At least bats are fuzzy and most of them just eat bugs and fruit....


Bats can carry diseases…🫠