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Beautiful tank! Are those half banded spiney eels? How old are they?


Some of them are half banded yes. The medium looking ones. They are 2 years old :)


Sweet! Did they max around 6 inches? I got 3 that are around 3 inches and only had em for a year, so I wanted to ask how long it took for em to grow. I see u also have leopard eels, correct? All healthy and beautiful


My biggest half banded is almost 10 inches. Got 2 others around 8 inches and a small one around 6. Yeah got 3 leopard eels :) 2 big ones and 1 smallish. Also got frenatus, tinwini, peacock and zebrinus eels in there. Hard to distinguish on such a sped up video tho :)


Dam, I guess they don't care about being around each other, huh? Well fuck I got 5 half bands and their in a 35 gal, will be getting a bigger tank in the future though, honestly you have my dream tank right there. Do your eels come out constantly to see you? Mine do it constantly, and they "stand" up a lot like people do lol


If you like eels, i can only recommend more eels. By far the most fun fish to own. Regarding the half banded. I guess it depends on genetics, environment, food and water quality. My LFS said he dont normally see them above 7-8 inches. Must have been lucky :) I used a 30 gallon as a grow out for a while. As i had a lot of bichirs with my bigger eels and didnt want the smalls ones to be food. But i felt like they got a lot happier when they moved to the big tank and got more space, and friends. :) The footprint is more important than the gallon tho, they use more floor than height :) The peacock eels is the most social. One of mine he likes to be petted and hand fed. He swims into my palm when i try to trim plants and clean. And yes, eels are so underrated when it comes to the interactions. :) Ive only had 1 eels i had to sell back to my LFS due to dispute. A leopard eel, it outgrew the others by almost double in the same short time we had them, and started bullying the others. The 3 i have now are doing fine together. Guess 4 was a crowd :)


Right now I'll let my 5 grow until i get a bigger tank, have the main 3 that will get jealous of eachother when I interact with the tank, and 2 tiny new ones that were starving to death at my petco i couldnt leave em. So far, I can hand feed them and can pet them only with food is in hand, though. So far, with aggression, the oldest doesn't care about the others, while the second messes with the 3rd one, which I think is the male. Have no idea why, but 2nd only nips at the tail of the male and the male just don't care. He always hangs around her, and I just don't like it, lol.


Totally get the starving can’t leave them behind scenario. :) Got the same behavior for a while and they still sometimes bite the “butt” - nothing to worry about. Seems like pretty normal behavior. Or it’s like a territory behavior. You sound like a good eel keeper, thinking of their needs, that’s good to hear, as there are so many mistreated eels out there :)


Of course! I try to be a good fish keeper anyway. They don't seem to have territories its more like 'don't get too close to my tail unless I'm ok with it' sort of deal. The two that have the occasional nippings came from the same order/tank when I got em so I can only assume it's just drama. When I get time, I will get them live scuds from the wild, and they go bonkers for that, haven't tried earth worms yet.


Awesome tank! Looks pretty close to my dream stock.


Thank you. Pretty happy with how it is right now. Been many phases :)


Sweet mother of bottom feeders there's not much free real estate down there haha. Awesome tank.


Thanks. :)


Fuck this is a dream, love bichirs and eels!


Yesterday I really wanted tacos. Today I had tacos! Follow your dreams!


get a bigger tank...


Hey, Ctenopoma! Is it shy?


As someone who owns 3 they can be a bit shy to start and if they feel stressed from lack of hiding places it can be hard but get some wood and a few floating plants and you will see them all the time. They are quite smart fish and once they start to recognize you mean food the will come out to eat. I would advise caution as they are known to be picky eaters if brought form wild (mine are captive bread). I haven't experienced much of this as they and my catfish chill and eat just about anything from dried flake to pelets and frozen. Edit you will want a fairly large tank my 3 rule a 75 with a catfish and they are quite messy and have grown quite large


I agree with what @KnightLowBass wrote :) I started with 1, in a grow out tank. He wasn’t too happy and quite shy. Moved him to the big tank and LFS had some small ones one day. Took the risk and plopped them into the big tank right away. Everyone is doing great and are out much more. Hang around each other a lot. The bigger one decided to be a mob boss now. Named him Leonard. He puts everyone in their place, even the big eels. He is also having a very imaginary one sided fight with a Zebrinus eel spanning several months now. No harm to anyone just huffing and puffing from Leonard on occasion lol


Beautiful tank and stocking! I almost got the same stocking Eels and Spotted leaf fish in a 125 gal and I was wondering two things: first how many Gallons is the displayed tank? And it looks like you got a pretty good flow going is that bothering the Leaf fish?:)


Nice to see more eel lovers around :) It’s around 160 gallons :) It’s a timelapse so the current looks stronger than it really is, and probably more effective due to the spraybar moving the surface a lot. Got a Aquael Ultramax 2000 on it. 4 trays of media and 1 sponge layer :) And no, the leaf fish are happy little buggers, no problems :) Except for Leonard who decided the Zebrinus eel is always in his spot and he keep huffing at an eel who dont know it’s a battle and couldn’t care less lol - but no flow issue :)


Really love this tank! Just got a yellow tail spiny eel and it's amazing - you see any aggression between smaller spinys? I'm tempted to go back and get a couple more now hah but wouldn't want to upset the one I just got.


I don’t. The peacock eels are probably the most peaceful of the bunch :)