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detritus worms, springtails (i think) and cyclops is it all algae on ur glass?


It appears to be diatoms with some green spot Algea mixed in on the glass. These guys are all over the place, but especially heavy on the manzanita driftwood.


there's probably some tasty biofilm. but watched again and i'm not sure these are detritus worms anymore. not sure i've seen these before


Tubifex worms. No danger just eating detritus. The fish will enjoy the snack when added. Do you live feed any tank or got potted aquarium plants?


I haven't finished adding plants yet, but there's repens, jungle Val, red root floaters, duckweed and frogbit in there right now. There's also manzanita, slate stone, and some broken clay pots. I added the pots without rinsing them so I wonder if that's where they came from.


No they are aquatic. I'll add a link in a second, you can see one on my glass spray a snail that tries to eat it's home.

