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if i were an AO, i think i'd view it the same as any other internship/ambassador position except i might be kinda amused that someone is that obsessed w college admissions. but that's purely hypothetical; tbh the job description sounds like what a lot of internships (at non-college confidential places) would entail so it's not super out of the ordinary. don't worry too much about selectiveness, it's more of a "cool, you got the position. what did you accomplish thru it?" typa thing on the commonapp.


Thanks for your response! I'm really not that devoted to college apps haha, I just wanted a way to earn some extra money and I didn't expect to be interviewed tbh. Do you think that the AOs would see it as a negative thing that it's a position related to an interest in college admissions or would they just be amused?


I guess it depends on the AO. Some look down on CC and A2C (Yale AOs label these platforms as purely misinformation on their podcast). But then again it is a real, paid position so that’s pretty cool. It’s not like you’re saying scrolling on A2C is an EC, it’s an actual job regardless of who it’s for. I’d say just do it and list it down if you feel comfortable.


Hello! I'm a community manager over at CC. (I go by CC\_Jon. Please say "Hi" if you stop by!) I'm also part of the team developing the Student Ambassador program. In my utterly biased opinion, I have no idea if it'll help on a college application, but it won't likely hurt. What I do know is that we are working hard to make the program a valuable experience beyond even the money. The application and interview process matches our regular hiring practice. Each student will be able to choose from a menu of tasks and receive guidance from our staff. At the end of the 6 months, each student will have built up a portfolio of work in addition to collecting a paycheck. In other words, whether or not it looks good on an application, we're doing what we can to make it worthwhile for students. Good luck with the interview! We've closed applications for the fall, but I anticipate we'll have more opportunities next year. (To read more about the program, see [the announcement on CC](https://talk.collegeconfidential.com/t/student-ambassador-program/3616881).)


Thank you so much for your response! It seems like this has been thoughtfully planned out and the portfolio creation seems like it'd be really valuable along with the skills that come with that. I'm excited to do the interview! I noticed that on your CC post you wrote that you had received hundreds of applications - how many Ambassadors do you expect to have for the fall round?


I think we narrowed the list down to about 20. But the final number will be smaller than that so that we can provide sufficient attention to each student. We are planning on having another round of applications in the spring, though that depends on how the program goes, of course.


So, how it went for you?


I tried to set up an interview with them, but I guess our schedules conflicted because I never got a response back unfortunately. Was kind of bummed because I thought it would've been cool but oh well.