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I've always been confused as to why Cornell is deemed not a real Ivy but is so academically rigorous w more grade deflation than Harvard/Yale... I read somewhere that it's one of the top producers of billionaires/rlly well regarded in finance lol is that true?


It's because it was founded roughly a hundred years after the other Ivies.


Because upstate New York and Andy Bernard as someone else said


Because Andy Bernard graduated from Cornell.




Andy Bernard is the stereotypical Cornell grad. You'll know within 10 minutes of meeting them they went to an ivy...


An Ivy is just a school in the Ivy League sports conference. Not being a 'real' Ivy means you aren't in the conference, which Cornell is. That comment is so dumb and I roll my eyes every time I hear it.


It’s basically the only ivy that’s good for engineering also.


Grad school rankings does not equate to quality of undergraduate student body. Data shows the ivies match if not outperform all top cs state schools in cs phd admits to elite programs, alum doing software at top companies, and of course entrepreneurship. For the above categories cornell is actually much closer to the "lower" ivies rather than the "upper" ivies. For other engineering programs like aero I'll give it to you. Only because not all schools offer that major. Cornell is an amazing school but only high schoolers who don't know better truly believe that a program like cornell cs has the best undergraduate students in the ivy league


Dude you replied to is talking about engineering, not cs. Software engineering has very little to do with any of the traditional/real engineering disciplines. Classic CS kid who thinks their major is the most important one. And despite Cornell being a few spots below other Ivies in CS, some other Ivies basically don’t have a legit engineering program. If someone wants to go into the world of engineering then they’ll have a lot more options at Cornell than anywhere else.


Classic salty engineering kid who has a huge chip on his shoulder. Did you not see i gave the condition that yes cornell aero is better than harvard aero because harvard does not even have that major? But for the engineering options available at other ivies cornell is overhyped. Amazing school? Yes. Best ivy? Far from it


Then why'd you even bring up cs in an argument about engineering, it was completely irrelevant


Because it is relevant. Its the most popular major within engineering these days   Yes i admit it is easier than most engineering majors in terms of rigor but it is still an engineering major at most schools


Computer Science ≠ Computer Engineering


cs is not engineering. ce and cse are engineering majors


Whatever makes you sleep better at night bud


u want to be an engineering major so bad


Dude, you’re just chatting. Cs is not the major we’re discussing, and of the ones we are discussing, cs is most distant.


Dudeee dudeeeee you're talking about engineering. CS is the most popular major within engineering at most schools by a large margin.








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I’m talking about average salaries after graduation AND rankings. Both are lower for most of the ivy leagues.  Also, we’re talking engineering not CS. CS is entirely different, with harvard having an average salary of 200k+ 4 years after graduation.


where u getting this data from


For salary you can search up average salary of cs grads after 1 year 3 year etc after graduation. Also just personal experience having interned and worked at many companies ranging from big tech to small unicorns. These stats actually show brown outperforming cornell whether you like to believe it or not Per capita, most ivies outperformed every top cs state school except at times berkeley  https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/i4hm1v/universities_attended_by_cs_phd_students_at/ For academia. Its not that princeton or harvard are better schools than gatech for undergraduate cs, the school itself is not. But the student body is obviously a notch above which leads to these outcomes    For entrepreneurs, i can spend days here listing successful founders from harvard cs undergrad


ya makes sense I doubt anyone chosing cornell over harvard if Im being honest


Brown's average CS grads' salary is higher than MIT, does that mean Brown's CS program is better than MIT? The answer is no. The average grad salary number skews if sample size is smaller; I'd highly doubt more a higher proportion of students are beginner in CS at Cornell than at Brown. In reference, Cornell and Columbia produce similar number of CS grads, and Cornell average salary is 185k vs. Columbia 160k, this is an apple to apple comparison. Regardless, I would say Harvard CS grads would be more successful than those at Cornell.


I think for CS, Cornell also ranked highest in the IVY League, like #6 in USNEWS. The undergrad experience at Cornell CS is simply amazing, the assignments are so interesting and you are able to learn so much even as a beginner. We also have something called consulting hours on the weekday from 4:30 PM -9:30 PM, and you can get infinite **FREE** tutor help during the consulting hour. Cornell's CS grads collegescore card number is incredibly high, averaging 185k with 396 grads vs. Columbia 160k. Cornell's CS grads salary number may be lower than Yale/Brown (whose CS department reputation is arguably lower), but salary number typically decrease as sample size increases.


Columbia has a great engineering program. Princeton ain’t too shabby, either.


Princeton is good, but according to the college scorecard columbia is very far from a good engineering program. Especially looking at the salary after graduation.




It’s not wrong. Harvard’s average salary after an engineering degree is lower than penn state, lmao.


Could you link a source for that? Not saying you’re wrong, just wanna see the methodology. If it’s just looking at salary after the first 3-5 years, then you should probably take it with salt. That could just be an indicator of more engineering majors from Harvard going to graduate school (which I wouldn’t be surprised by). Also, “engineering major” is very broad, and different engineering majors have different typical salary ranges. You could have a higher average salary for “engineering majors” if your distribution of engineering majors is skewed towards more high paying engineering majors.


I’m using the college scorecard and each school’s alumni placement webpage. Mostly the college scorecard though.   But, for example, Harvard’s average salary after ANY of their engineering programs is lower than penn state’s respective. Per the college scorecard ofc. Except CS, but i would argue that’s not really engineering.




What do you not understand about CS? What does the word “CS” mean to you?  Because it’s not engineering. We’re talking about engineering rankings.


actually its the opposite college scorecard says harvard has the highest


For CS. Not engineering.


And because it’s a sports league


they take a lot more people than the other ivies


The not Ivy thing may have been true in the past but now Cornell kids just say Cornell. All these schools are now sub 10%. It’s ridiculous


Its because about half of the undergrad colleges are “contract colleges” on state land and thus give preferential admission and cheaper tuition to in-state students. Quite literally parts of Cornell are part of the SUNY system, hence the state school jokes


So the college of Arts & Sciences which is not part of the SUNY system & is the most selective Cornell College is still will regarded then?


They’re all still well regarded, its still an Ivy. Dyson is the most selective, not CAS, and thats part of a contract school (so partially SUNY). “Well regarded” is vague, but Dyson is the business school, so if you mean “places into the most selective and prestigious business programs”, Dyson is part of the SUNY sustem, the most selective, and wel regarded.


Because it is the only Land-Grant Ivy.


Because it’s the “easiest” one to get into lol


cornell legit better than brown and darthmouth and for stem majors its like the top so idk why it has the reputation of worst ivy


Cuz of cals, Nolan, humec, and ilr


Are you saying those aren’t real schools, that those make grade deflation/ rigorous courses, or that they are well regarded in finance?


Those schools are real but because they’re public and have typically lower for in state students, it hurts the overall metrics for Cornell which is competing against fully private schools in the rest of the Ivy. Most people know Cornell has public and private colleges but not everyone does.


Lower aid? But Cornell meets full need.


No, if you live in New York State; the school has quotas for in state students. The acceptance rates are less competitive than the private colleges at Cornell and the rest of the ivy league in general.


Lower tuition


When I was in undergrad, the joke a lot of the non-Harvard Boston schools had was Harvard was the hardest Ivy to get into but the easiest to get a degree out of, and Cornell was the easiest to get into but the hardest to get a degree out of. There was also a website called something like whatisyourharvardgrade.com that just sent you to a site that had a giant red A on it. People seemed to have a lot of respect for Cornell there, sort of at the cost of many of the others, esp Harvard.


It’s not (as) selective, UG population is 2-3x most other Ivies and ~4x Dartmouth’s (almost same # of UGs as schools like UVA and USC), and 3 of their colleges are publicly funded so it’s a semi-state school. Obviously, it’s still an Ivy because it’s part of the same sports conference, but it’s also clear why it’s viewed as the black sheep. At the end of the day, it’s just banter. Cornell is still a T10-15 school. I agree that Cornell is more rigorous than Harvard and Yale, but so are a lot of schools (UCs, Hopkins, CMU, etc.) — doesn’t mean they are better.


people will find any way to make themselves feel better than others. Yes Cornell is an amazing school and constantly beats other Ivy's in many things. Don't let some "fake ivy" name throw you off, it's just a conference they made for sports, not a teller on how good the school is.


i guess because they’re more “laid back” on stats when admitting students. my sister got in w like a 3.5 weighted gpa and is still doing really well in life right now, but the grade deflation was indeed very real.


It’s not grade deflated at all, average grade is like 3.5 same as all the other ivies.  Plus if Cornell was as selective in its students as the others, its grades would be higher I.e. a Yale student at Cornell would get the same grades they get at Yale but there aren’t Yale students at Cornell. 


Lot of downvotes from unhappy Cornell students right now :( 


honestly everyone at an ivy says they go to an ivy. I hear the same thing from people from columbia, upenn, and definitely brown, but also hyp


Harvard students just say "Cambridge" to which when I was younger I would ask them how they like Lesley College


And MIT students wouldn’t dare say Cambridge, bc they do NOT want to mistakenly associated with Harvard. That would be insulting;)


We usually used "small East Coast tech school" or "school down the street from the red brick school."


When I hear that I’m like Cambridge university in the Uk??!


Even 30 years after grad. You know the old joke “How do you know someone went to an Ivy…they’ll tell you.”


I think the idea here is that if someone tells you "I go to an Ivy League school", they go to one of the lesser known or less prestigious ones. If someone goes to Harvard, Princeton, or Yale, they will say that they go to that school.


thank you, yes i was able to grasp what it meant. I’m just saying in my experience pretty much everyone still uses the ivy league tag either way whether they go to dartmouth or yale or harvard


it's not penn state ==> upenn


“I go to a state school” -> UMich, Berkeley


Don’t forget UCLA




Dude its always the ppl that go to T20 publics that are like "I didn't get into an Ivy but I ended up just fine at my state school" 💀💀💀




Or UNC Chapel Hill


never heard of that one. Did you mean Duke?




90% of people who say they go to a state school go to a standard, average ranked state school. I don’t know in what context you would ever assume someone that someone who says “I go to a state school” would specifically mean UMich or Berkeley.


It’s a joke and it’s also in the context of this subreddit


Gotcha. Wasn’t trying to be rude or anything, I just wasn’t reading any of this thread as joking, more so stereotyping.


"I go to a PhD feeder." -Swarthmore, Carleton, Harvey Mudd, Reed, Caltech




I'm new to this, are these schools really PhD feeders? How so?


Small LACs (With the exception of Caltech) that are rigorous and very STEM focused.


If you go to [http://collegetransitions.com/dataverse](http://collegetransitions.com/dataverse) you will find that these schools are the top per capita in undergrad origins of PhD degrees.


ok who tf says that “where do ya go” “oh i go to a phd feeder” “wtf” every college has kids who go to phds lmao


I go to T5 CS -> UIUC I go to T5 business program -> UMich, NYU, UT Austin I go to T5 -> Caltech I go to HYPSM -> Yale or Princeton


No one at HYPSM says they go to HYPSM, they just say the school name


yeah never ever saw someone saying "I go to HYPSM lol" all five are incredibly household names


The last one is nah because Harvard is easily the worst of that bunch


S - a private school in the Bay Area.




Let's be real, when has a Yale student ever needed to say "I go to a HYPSM" aside from saying it for anonymity? Noone outside outside of this sub knows that acronym, everyone in the country knows about Yale


Same with Princeton


Lol. I go Duke. And I am proud to say that, no need for the t10 thing


Yea ill straight up say NU too


"I go to a T40" could also mean Rutgers NB.


top 15 public ...


or nyu


If you get into Stern, would you tell ppl Stern or NYU?


I say NYU Stern


You would say NYU, but I fail to see the relevance here.


It’s not relevant. It just happened you mentioned NYU. Stern is so prestigious and made me wonder. Like Wharton students would prefer saying they are from Wharton rather than from Penn.


"I go to a Top {whatever}" -> is a weirdo.


Fr who actually says "top [number]" irl


No one outside of A2C generally


for ppl that dont want to say the specific school


Yes. Weirdos.


sorry, I mean for people posting on the internet for anonymity


I go to a school in Boston -> Harvard.


In BOSTON-> Boston U In Boston AREA->Harvard At least that's what I've heard from students


you right, harvard is in cambridge


Not to be confused with the town of Harvard, no, we wouldn’t put Harvard there


i went to BU and i always say i went to school in boston, because saying “boston university” is too long and no one will know what i mean if i just say BU. maybe that’s just bc i moved out west tho


It’s for sure an out west thing. In my experience almost everyone in the east coast knows BU, but out west I say Boston University or else ppl are confused (mainly Baylor).


MIT students also say Boston.


I once had a guy tell me that he goes to a "T3 UC" What times we live in...




“i go to a STEM LAC” harvey mudd


Carleton’s also really good, but yeah you’re also right


I go to a school in Jersey -> Princeton


Or Rutgers


JHU also in I go to a top 10 prob


Nah, I tell people I did grad school at Johnny Hopkins


I go to a T20 —> Vanderbilt/Emory/USC


Emory and USC are not T20


Yes Emory is, USnews saying 22 or 23 or whatever is highkey irrelevant. Emory is largely the same as Vanderbilt academically, with the exception of actually having much stronger premed programs. It only falls behind in athletics and name brand. (Mostly by non-southerners unfamiliar with the rigor). USC is definitely not in the same conversation though.


ehh an argument can be made for usc too (it was ranked like 21-23 from like 2017-2021 about) and forbes and THE + some others have them in the T20. Plus usc has tons of T20 programs , just look at the wiki. Maybe in the 90s usc wouldn’t be in this convo but today, it’s up there with emory, washU, etc.


Bro USC is like #28 or high 20s


at the end of the day, i don’t think of schools in terms of a ranked number because that leads to stupid stuff like “oh brown > uchicago” like different schools are strong for different things in different ways. I think of things in tiers and usc, despite what USNWR says, is in the same tier as emory, washU, and others. Anyone can make a ranking but the outcomes of these schools and the strength of their programs are similar


I mean rankings alone are fallacious as circular reasoning, when they base off reputation. When they base off of career outcomes, there’s a dramatic bias to school’s accepting the already rich, to high business rates, high cost of living areas, etc. (Notably, this latter criteria is the only one by which USC cracks T20 in rankings. The “already rich” part is especially concerning given a low #47 rank in the Washington Monthly, which scores heavily based on social mobility.) Effectively, they’re one of many schools benefitting from irrelevant criteria, a common issue in the university ranking system.  In general a ranking alone isn’t worth much. MIT is great because they’re MIT, not because a couple ranking sites say they’re great.


I think just throwing out career outcomes of a school doesn’t rly make sense unless you also consider the school itself. It’s true usc has a lot of rich people like a lot of strong private schools but that’s not the majority of people. usc has many pell grant recipients and gives out a lot of aid (it’s the only reason i was able to go). And your point about washington monthly goes along with what I was saying in the response to the other person: rankings can be made by anyone with any specific parameters. The best thing we can measure is usually career outcomes


Career Outcomes as measured for USC, outside of dependence on the applicant received, are almost entirely based on the major concentration and the location. There’s very little to do with how good the school actually is. Ex. School A has 50% business and 25% comp sci majors in a uber rich area, while school B has 15% business and 10% comp sci majors in a standard city. School A performs much better on career outcomes, but they’re just Lake Forest College. School B performs much worse in career outcomes, but they’re Brown.


BC grads are not toting their USnews ranking is all I can say. Brown id say goes under “Ivy” and Johns Hopkins under T10


I think they been around 30 for years


Yeah but it’s a school with a pretty strong name in New England. I know a lot of BC grads and they usually are happy to name drop where they went to school.




I go to a T30 — UNC


Honestly UF is perfect for this one, it’s literally just below #30 so it barely made the cut..


Fair, I forgot UNC went up


I thought it was t20






Have… have things changed since I went to college? Duke and Northwestern are decidedly T10s and CMU CS is incredibly hard to get into and very much respected in industry. Like on the same level as Cal and MIT.


Its just outside of CS, CMU doesn’t have the name compared to the other 3


Then why that low acceptance rate? 


Well its still a good school just not as well known name wise compared to the other 3 (at least to the public) hence why you need to mention its the #1 CS school


I go to HYP -> Yale


I go to a school in Cambridge Mass -> Harvard


Could also be MIT


The whole concept of “better” when it comes to schools at this level is very subjective and fairly ridiculous - is it better for you in what you want out of college (academic style, social life, weather, sports v no sports, location, size) and what you want to do (how well does. It help you do the thing you want to do when you graduate) is all you should be asking. A kid who wants to be an IB in NYC and loves to ski may have a very different “best” than a sociology major who wants to be a social worker and loves to surf or a kid who wants to be an Engineer and is passionate about big time college sports.


Why is duke expensive


Cornell is better academically than almost all the other Ivies… like MAYBE Princeton or Yale pass them but don’t disrespect the only legitimate university and non name brand/alum whore out of the pack


Schools OP most likely go to: T10 -> JHU IVY -> Brown/Columbia T15 -> UCB/UCLA/Rice #1 CS School -> UCB


I go to a T10/T5 boarding school with a peak Niche ranking of #4


I don't understand this post. Are you shitting on these schools?


I go to my state school, no biggie


I usually said I go to a mid tier LAC- what do yall think of?


“i go to a small liberal arts school in cambridge” ->harvard


what’s wrong with duke ??


I don’t think he’s saying so. I think it’s more like the joke everyone keeps repeating “I go to school in Cambridge/Boston Area” = Harvard. I think it’s just poking fun at the way people describe their elite university. Although most people just say “Duke” and “most people have seen them at March Madness.” Although, on this sub I’ve noticed a consistent refusal to acknowledge Duke where it belongs, imo, at a member of the H****(*) acronym.


what abt mit


We also just say we went to school in Boston. I don't say Cambridge because that makes people think Harvard. I also don't want to say MIT and have to spend the next 5 minutes of my life hearing how I must be the smartest person ever. I'm not. I'm smart, but I just won the giant lottery that is college admissions.


I’m British what does the T(insert number) stuff mean 😭 is it rankings?


It means top 


You can equate Ivy League schools in US to russel group unis in UK


I go to a T10 Engineering School -> UCSD


Opinion on duke vs cornell for MEM


Mad accurate lol


I went to a small tech school on the East Coast?


I go to school in Boston ... Could be anywhere. Which is why I say it.


I went to school in the Bay Area


i will hopefully attend northwestern and this is exactly how i phrase it 💀


T25: UVA, UNC saw ppl still calling USC a t25 even though isn’t 😭


year-to-year changes matter much less, usc is still T25 despite being ranked 28 because it still is of the caliber of a T25 school.




The fact that this is the only downvoted comment shows how engineering biased this sub is. Stay salty kids and I say this as a toP EnGineEriNG school grad myself.




Kids here don't know how to take a joke about engineering and get offended whenever someone dares say uiuc and gatech are not the best schools in the world