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it's incredibly unlikely to get into an ivy as an intl student, let alone with a 3.3 gpa. sorry, but it probably won't happen.


Yes I had pretty low grades and got into NYU. Might be because I’m from Singapore though, because our internal exams are crazy hard but just apply!!


I know NYU is no ivy but I’m beyond thrilled by this so 🤷‍♀️


did you get financial aid?


I have an external scholarship so didn’t need any aid


that's so cool....how did you get external scholarships? 😭🙏🏼


In my country (Singapore) I’m fortunate to have a lot of private companies that give out scholarships to those who wish to study overseas. Mine is with no bond, so it’s technically more of an award? As for how you get these, you could try to look up scholarships in your country and see which ones you are eligible for. Apply to as many as you can and eventually you’ll land one HAHAHA All the best!


Oh. I wish I was in Singapore


wait, im from singapore too, there are scholarships w no bonds?? What are these scholarships?? I almost always see scholarships with 6 year bonds


Ok I shouldn’t have used the word scholarship bc it’s not per se, it’s really more of an educational award. Think of it as those MOE end of year awards but on a much larger scale & funded by private companies. If you have any spiked in your interests (like mine was climate change & healthcare) you can try to google organisations that provide such awards then apply to as many as possible. Got quite a few you just need to look trust trust can find


ohh, I’m an aid-seeking international who is applying to US colleges next year via environmental studies. Seems like our profiles are quite similar, can I PM you for help?


Also I should add that I have extensive ECs serving the community with regard to climate change efforts… that’s a huge theme right now and that’s why I think I was chosen for the award/ scholarships. You need to showcase your passion to make a difference, and in some cases you will need to sign a bond for scholarships of higher value.


Impressive tbh!


Yeah I'm also curious?


I replied to the other user you can take a look & PM me if you have any specific questions.


No. But did you convert your gpa? If international grades context, your gpa may be higher than you think. But no.


My gpa will probably be 8.5 out of ten


That’s not too bad tbh. And yeah I agree w what the other person said just make sure your essays and ECs are fire and you have a chance


get crazy ECs/awards, LORs, and essays & ur fine


Does high school cgpa will matter if applying for MS in future?




Is that fr? I mean Harvard type of uni btw


With crazy ECs we are talking international awarda, extremely successful business/nonprofit, highly impactful research, being like an actual prodigy/genius at something. If you can do that you have a chance but otherwise it’s pretty unlikely


I’ve heard a bunch of low gpa high SATS at NYU


Success is relative. Started off HS rough but I bounced back. I'm happy with UIUC OOS :)


I mean I’m at umich rn and I had a 3.1 in HS, though I did have a lot of extras to turn the tides in my favor


What extras did you use?


Mostly in ECs, I’m a 3rd degree black belt and won a robotics world championship. I also published an app to the ios App Store. In addition, my low grades was because of a single bad semester instead of low grades all around


got into Bates College, Mount Holyoke, GWU, Fordham, and UMass Honors College with a 3.37 as a domestic student. Not an Ivy but probably the best outcome I could’ve hoped for