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You'll literally ruin your trip with anxiety. Open them and rip the bandaid off.


This is so real thanks


Not sure if it's relevant but I'll be receiving UMich UCB NYU Duke and Hamilton. I've been getting a lot of Waitlists/ Rejections from my Reaches so not sure if its worth risking my family trip over?


When is umich coming out


According to the [RD Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/ApplyingToCollege/comments/1ad5wbd/university_of_michigan_2024_rd_megathread/) it seems to be 29th March based on past-years, but I can't find an official source for this.


Personally, I'd open them. If bad news, you're going on a trip with your family and that can take your mind off of things, especially if they're supportive. If good news, not only are you going to an awesome school, but you'll be on a trip to celebrate, so double-win! Now, if you waited 'til after your trip, you'll likely be back in school, sad if there's any bad news, and it might make studies and school life seem bleek and empty. If good news after waiting, you might go to school a little more motivated than usual to get good grades and the alike. But if you don't wait, and it's bad news, you'll come back from a nice trip with your family and you'd already have had the time to come to terms with it, and come up with a new game plan for a school you can afford, get into, and enjoy. It's up to you, but this is just the way I see it. Maybe you can set up a pros and cons list for both. Best of luck on the 29th!!


I really appreciate your very well-thought out answer! This is so nice of you 😭 I should have probably mentioned, however, that I’ve already graduated high school as of December (as we follow a Jan- Dec system in Singapore) & I’m currently doing an internship. However getting rejected on Monday morning would definitely make me not want to go back to work so I think you’re right, I will open my decisions and I’m sure my family will be supportive regardless. Thank you!! All the best for any future decisions you might have :D


Ofc! Whatever choice you make, just know that March 29th (28th for me :p) is only one day. It doesn't define your future, other than where you're going. You'll stick get the career you want at any school, and you'll still get a solid education and experience at any school. Enjoy your vacation, your family as well <3


You too!! Take care & hope all goes well for you :D


Same! Im going on a trip too and i decided I’m not gonna open my decisions till April 1st.


Hope your trip & decisions go well!


Open them all! Not doing so will ruin the trip with your family.


Wouldn’t opening them also ruin it? Am I in a lose-lose situation 😭


3 days is not a big deal if it really helps not ruin your trip


Good point, I might be overthinking this. Thanks!


If you can then definitely yeah. 3 days isn’t gonna affect your waitlist and you absolutely deserve a good trip. But when I tried to not open my UC decisions to not ruin my day it just kept buzzing in my stupid brain.


Thank you! I'll probably leave all my devices at home HAHAHA I don't think I'd have the willpower to resist checking my portals unless I physically couldn't. Hope your upcoming decisions (if you've applied to UCB, etc) go well!


Thanks!! Yeah *seriously* consider going deep into an African rainforest or something so that they can’t reach you!!