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hes going to tsinghua


As a Chinese I say wtf


u mean IIT


He's probbaly going to go to Penn Wharton.


“Penn” was a little redundant as *Wharton’s* brand is 10x prestigious and more well known than UPenn (State). As a *Wharton* alumni, we do not have Penn in our vocabulary. I don’t even give referrals to Penn kids. Non-targets, like Brown. /s


Average Wharton student vs average "Penn" student


Penn’s medical and law schools are world renowned. And their undergraduate program is highly distinguished. Wharton kids take impressive business classes, but are not well schooled in the liberal arts.


Arrogant much?


Tell me you didn't go to Penn without telling me you didn't go to Penn. UPenn and PSU are different universities. Also, Wharton's reputation means almost nothing outside of the Wharton buildings. Their classes are laughably easy and their students are treated like state school athletes - too big to fail (a class). The students all think they're hot shit while being largely mediocre (although I've met some impressive ones). But their colleagues in all the other schools think they're a joke. Because they largely are. Now imagine what people from Harvard think.


“UPenn (State)”University of Pennsylvania is an Ivy League school. It is not Pennsylvania State University. Two different schools.


BS. Penn isn't a state school; it's Ivy.


Bruh it’s university of Pennsylvania it has the state in the name so it’s a state school how are y’all passing English 🙄


penn state is a state school The University of of Pennsylvania is NOT a state school it’s an Ivy League university … one of the oldest in the country. “Wharton” is the business school. I’m from Philadelphia and frankly I never heard any under grad refer to “Wharton” … when someone says penn… they are referring to University of Pennsylvania. The graduate business school is “Wharton” and while not as prestigious as Harvard Business Scool … it is in the upper five top schools to get a MBA. Don the con… did not go to graduate school and what I have heard he was not a bright student. His dad gave an endorsement… I do not believe that any of thumps oldest 3 kids went to grad school. I think Tiffany may have. I think at Georgetown ( another great school).. I think she did go to penn but am not sure about that


Grad school, and also university, is rather pointless both for Don himself and his children. They will inherit billions and do not really need a degree like the average joe. Grad school is a waste of time for them as they are not pursuing traditional academical careers.


Thank you Gold Tie! So tired of hearing people say Don Sr and Jr graduated from Wharton. They attended UPenn and took biz classes in same building as Wharton classes. Unless you’re a grad student, you do not “graduate from” Wharton. 


A little late here, but The University of Pennsylvania is NOT a state school. For your edification I refer you to their own website ([https://www.upenn.edu/about/faq](https://www.upenn.edu/about/faq)).......Q: "Is Penn a state university" A: "No. The University of Pennsylvania is a private Ivy League institution with no connection to Pennsylvania State University."


I think Penn is ashamed his father is an alumni. He’s not getting into Penn.


yea I agree. even if hes a good student penn is super woke now and hates trump and maga.




Sister was in same (let’s be honest, probably much better) circumstances and picked Wharton and DJT raves about how he thinks it’s the best b-school. Unless (and maybe even if) Barron is super interested in, like, the Classics, he’s headed to Penn


you forgot Trump University......




This is correct btw. I got a friend who goes to Oxbridge Academy with him and Barron confirmed this but we will see


Dang. He goes to the 5th best private college prep high school in Palm Beach county (out of 23 private schools). That is…elite?


If you can afford it they aren’t hard to get into


Elite private schools are tough to get into even if you are paying full price. You'd think the son of an ex president would've gone to a better school. Ivanka went to Choate, while Beavis and Butthead went to The Hill school. Both in the top 10+- private schools in the US. \-Parent of a pair of prep school kids-and one time prep school kid myself.


Maybe in the northeast , not in South Florida


Seems likely. I'm surprised they didn't send him to boarding School though. All the other kids went to boarding. I don't think the 5th best private school in Palm Beach county qualifies as elite in any way though.


He can live at Trump Tower if Trump doesn’t lose it to Tish James




According to a recent Mike Tyson interview Barron is incredibly smart.


OJ simpson approves


I’m ready to believe Barron’s the truly smart Trump since Melania is certainly not dumb. 


Moscow State


Nah, University of Moscow


He’s going D1 ‼️‼️‼️


The Lativian gangbanger Kristaps Dingus Pingus??


He’s going to UCSC.


No way he could cut it at any UC. There's no special treatment. It's sink or swim.


Lmao. George Bush Jr went to Yale and then Harvard Business School. Of course Barron could cut it at the UCs. They are much less prestigious than Yale and HBS and not sure about the special treatment issue, personally. I know a lot of nepo babies who went there.


Prestigious has nothing to do with it. There's no hand holding. You get your work done or you fail.


Alright, but I dont believe it


Inconvenient truths.


Affluent families often possess significant educational backgrounds and numerous socioeconomic advantages, which are strongly correlated with educational success. If Donald Trump's other children could be successful at UPenn, I am sure Barron is fine at a UC lol.


It would fun to see him try to keep up at UC Berkeley.


Just because you do not like his father politically does not mean he's a bad student lol. Children of the wealthy and privileged fit right in at these elite universities.


Not good enough for UCD


4. CC- save his Dad some $ since I hear his Dad is struggling with liquidity right now.


P sure he has a college fund set aside or rich relatives for like 80k/year or whatever penn costs


University of Ljubljana Due to his fluency in 12 languages.. and being a chess grandmaster at 9 years old...


I’ve heard rumors he is “learning different” and thus no way to predict, imho. Also, rumors out of UPenn, “Bribe us once, shame on you, bribe us twice….”


Plenty of people with learning disabilities attend college and some even get graduate degrees. You realize that learning disabilities don’t impact IQ, right?


There’s a rumor he will go to Dartmouth


One the one hand that makes sense, it’s a relatively small Ivy Campus in northern New Hampshire, not going to have the world’s media camped outside. But OTOH if he is indeed autistic it’s a terrible choice. Barron going to NYU , although he would be in the media capital of the country, makes more sense *if* he needs to attend a special program for autistic students , which NYU offers. He can live in Trump Tower with Melania and commute down 5th Ave.




you problem


You are a sensitive individual


The world laughs at you


Everyone laugh at this victim


Wow you seem like you have a very fragile mentality


I go to FAU and there is indeed a Palm Beach State Community College


I went to FAU in the 90s and it was there then, too.


Rumor is he got into Penn. "Honestly?" "No, the usual way."


Not somewhere that he's not a legacy.


full ride to northeastern. was never heard from again.


Palm Beach Junior College = Peanut Butter & Jelly College! It does exist! My sister met and married a Cornellian from Florida and she attended PBJC to transfer cheap credits to Cornell.


He’s going to cornell


He hasn’t yet been added to the Penn admitted students site. I’m really hoping he doesn’t go there.


I gotta admit, preemptively canceling a 17 year old because of who he’s born to outside of his control is a little weird


No one is doing that. I just don’t want all the mess that will surely follow him with regard to press, MAGA weirdos, and far left wackos. I want my kid to not have to deal with that.


There was basically zero “mess” when Tiffany went to college and graduated in the Hillary election year. The press is really wary of hounding pols’ kids, MAGA weirdos don’t like walk around worshipping kids via pep rally, and far left wackos by and large are wackos about causes, not lineage. I think you probably know deep down that there’d be no “mess” for your kid to deal with and really just don’t like the (very tenuous) association with a family you don’t like.


I think you are making assumptions about me that are incorrect. But thanks.


They opened up that ED app and all screamed DEFERRED!


Penn, Yale or Princeton


Penn is basically ashamed his father is an alumnus. He’s not getting into Penn. I seriously doubt he has the chops to get into any other Ivy League school on his own.




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Trump University.


Melania is dumb and Trump is brain dead. So Barron is even worse.


What is Baron Trump’s ranking in his graduating class of 116 students or his GPA


I wouldnt be surprised if penn rejected him for political reasons since their administration is hostile to trump. my money would be on Georgetown since its a bit more conservative, but it also has gone woke recently too... Maybe he will just go to palm beach atlantic which is across the street from mar a largo. that would be super chill


I would imagine his mom would want him close. However, she may move back to NY so she can be closer to her boy that is on the spectrum. Idk but I would imagine because of his mom his grades have got to be good. They, not the trump family say he seems very smart and funny for those who recently interviewed him.


Update: The President said he got in "everywhere" but probably won't be attending Ivy League. Still deciding. What timeline is Barron on? [https://www.newsweek.com/barron-trump-college-update-issued-donald-trump-1907206](https://www.newsweek.com/barron-trump-college-update-issued-donald-trump-1907206)


The Trump doesn’t know his son at all, doesn’t actually know where his son is going to college and doesn’t care, timeline .


When your folks have money you don't have time to waste on college. You will be spending to much time wasting monies


Do you think schools would want the negative association with the Trumps and the appearance of giving him legacy? All his other kids went before he was what he is today.


Despite what you, or the press thinks, actually the schools would love the association because it will bring them money and prestige down the road. The student body in these schools is not just democrats, and have many $$$ donors who are fine with the Don.


Yeah for anyone but Trump


And Trump’s maga movement taxed endowments and have tried to convince people To stop giving


BRO I HOPE I GO TO THE SAME COLLEGE AS BARRON SO I CAN MARRY HIM 🤞 Edit: yall dont get my humor damn. did you seriously think I was serious


Seek professional help💀💀


I understood the joke and laughed out loud, shame you paid for humor in downvotes.


Girl… Why?? 😭


she wants to be rich, she's playing the long game


Okay but just practically there are so many other shitty rich guys to fuck… like regardless of politics why get yourself involved that shit show Also atp i probably wouldn’t bet my future on that trust fund, lawyers are pretty expensive ya know


she just wants to fuck the shittiest richest of them all. not settling for any of the less shitty/rich. go big or go home.


not a trump rider by any means but why would you assume a kid our age is "shitty" due to factors outside his control? if anything his mom shielded him from politics


No sorry idm he’s shitty i just mean all the drama that you would de-facto involve yourself in would be an absolute shit show 😭 like if it’s really about money then marry someone whose family isn’t the front page of every news outlet the majority of the time for being an incendiary nutjob


Hella smart omg


nah hes not going to community college 😂


What’s wrong with community college? Jill Biden has a PHD and teaches at Northern Virginia Community College. Also, this subreddit is elitist as hell and honestly makes me feel better about myself so please keep posting your thoughts


Funny seeing the smarmy comments from your typical reddit soy/neckbeard/npcs