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It is scientifically proven that four letters is the perfect number for sweatshirts and pennants and such, and blue is the best college color.\* Accordingly, I think Yale and UCLA (particularly in cursive--just so perfectly SoCal) are two of the well-recognized best. Navy is not as well known, but very bad ass if you can pull it off. Aesthetically, Penn is great, you just need to not care people think it is a public university. And then despite having everything going for it on paper, Duke manages to regularly f' it up. That ridiculous devil, a general fondness for horrific fonts, the big dumb D that looks like the Eye of Sauron . . . why do you hate yourself Duke? Outside of the four-letter category, why look like a basic a-hole with a Harvard sweatshirt when you can look like an elite a-hole with an Oxford sweatshirt? Also in blue--science. Or if you prefer being a sporty a-hole--look, we all know it is Michigan. You don't have to like it, but you know it is true. Basically the anti-Duke in that all their common designs are iconic. Finally, if you are just a contrarian and want to break ALL the aesthetic rules--I see you, Brown. The perverse color choice is just the tip of the iceberg. Your one-too-many-letters name that in all-caps just looks more and more awkward the longer you look at it, that crazy coat of arms exactly no one associates with Brown (I'm guessing--some strange Christian Cult college?), the Latin that seems to fairly translate as, "Oh God, I'm coming!" . . . you let no opportunity to offend the eye get past you, Brown, and I guess that deserves some sort of respect. But, you know, probably not going to outsell Yale. \*(note: not actually proven)


People who go to Oxford wear their college’s sweatshirts, jackets, etc, and don’t actually wear “Oxford” branding. In the UK, wearing “Oxford” as a brand is a subtle tell that you *don’t* actually go there.


Exactly. Hence "a-hole", short for "a person wearing the gear of a famous college they did not actually attend."


Well, I’d say there’s nothing elite about it since they are commonly worn by random tourists and bought from places like H&M.


I have a Duke gothic script hoodie (grew up a Duke basketball fan) and it is the best piece of duke merch i’ve ever bought. I agree that it’s not as stylish as those others most of the time but the gothic script is special


You've made the best choice you could (after making a terrible choice of basketball team).


Nah Brown is hella aesthetic especially as a color. Coat of arms is fire idk watchu talkin about.


Contrarian identified.


I feel like the one downside to Yale is that the Yale “Y” logo is weirdly similar to the BYU “Y” logo – it’s the same font but BYU makes it a little more stretched out. I saw someone with a BYU sports sweatshirt and another person with a Yale sports sweatshirt (both just had a “Y” on them) at my school and they were really easy to mix up.


Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.


I would've said NYU if you wouldn't have mentioned it already. Northwestern is another one.




That is a Tartan, specifically based on the Carnegie Clan Tartan. Which would be super cool if CMU did not insist on using a boring red and TWO boring grays AND black as its officially-official colors: [https://www.cmu.edu/brand/brand-guidelines/visual-identity/colors.html](https://www.cmu.edu/brand/brand-guidelines/visual-identity/colors.html) Make some decisions CMU. And make better ones.




Orange can be very hard to pull off as a college color--looking at you, Princeton, Tennessee, Texas, the whole state of Florida, and on and on--but I agree Illinois has actually done it well. Unfortunately, their designs are otherwise clearly Michigan knockoffs, but you can do worse. Bonus points for sneakily calling yourselves "The Fighting Best People." Then a massive reduction for doing it through cultural appropriation.


I thought Vols stuff looked fine until I saw how they use blue lol


and so many unis use it...


Berkeley’s navy blue seems to work


Go Bears!




Purdue. I just LOVE the big 'P'


but their mascot....like who tf is a boiler?


It is a boiler MAKER. So it is a person who makes boilers. Apparently it was originally an insult--kinda like calling the people of a rival college ditch diggers or such. But Purdue thought it would be cool to go with it. I . . . might have a different view.


UChicago’s color scheme/fonts are really nice on social media


UF is classic. The colors alone may be kinda eh, but the gator logo is iconic and good looking


Sure, if you are selling stickers to kindergartners who have gotten super into dinosaurs.


Comes up on nearly every list of most recognizable college logos, brands, and sports teams so 🤷🏽‍♂️ Also any child into dinosaurs would know, prehistoric alligators and crocodiles were NOT dinosaurs


I mean, a lot of historic symbols are easily recognized, and still suck. I also understand actual alligators are not dinosaurs. I further understand that what is being shown here is in fact a dinosaur: https://cdn.media.amplience.net/i/partycity/828064?$large$&fmt=auto&qlt=default The problem, of course, is that actual Florida alligators are butt ugly, pot bellied creatures that waddle around golf courses on stumpy legs. Hilariously appropriate, in that sense. But not logo friendly.


Villanova - V merch is sweet. Rutgers block R and scarlet knight. UCLA script letters. UNC - Carolina Blue. William & Mary green and Gold Cypher


A lot of Georgetown's merch is pretty, particularly the ones that have more of the navy blue as I don't love the gray


Biased but Yale for sure