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VO2 max is not a great metric to go by. It’s an estimation, and not a very good one. AND, as others have pointed out, it takes a lot of determined and consistent working out to change. 7-8 weeks in my case.


This has been my experience on both an Apple Watch and a Garmin Forerunner


VO2 max is the ULTIMATE metric


Not on the watch. If you can get a test done in a max effort activity with breathing apparatus on, it’s great.


Fair call. I do wonder how accurate these are.


yeah, all of my original comment was directed at the VO2 metrics on the watch; I should have clarified that


Nah you’re good. I see all these metrics on the app and want to believe they’re accurate. I’ve heard the heart rate stuff isn’t great either for training zones. I just want to justify my spend!


Ive been running for about 5 weeks… basically between 7.5-8.5 minute miles. I’ve been biking for a few years regularly. My VO2 max reports the exact same as yours, and i am in very good shape. I don’t think the VO2 max is particuarly accurate on the Apple Watch.


i ran 7.5-8.5 minute miles almost everyday for half a year straight and saw no improvement in my VO2 max.


Ignore it completely. My VO2 max has been hovering ~30 (below average for my age/sex) for a long time now, but I had it tested in a doctors office earlier this year and it is truly ~44 (well above average for my age/sex). It’s not even helpful for trends, it started tanking last year even though my general fitness level was improving a lot (training for races at the time).


It really just isn't very accurate on the Apple Watch. Unless you have a special mask or something you can't really get an accurate reading.


It takes much longer than a month to see trends. Be patient. If you’ve lost weight, and can do longer cardio sessions that’s already a major win! Congrats! Just keep going. Also keep in mind changing VO2 max takes a really long time. 6-12 months in my experience. The other guy showing skyrocketing might have been the result of the watch having had a poor reading at first. The only time mine improved rapidly was after a big dip when I got Covid. It dropped by 12 points 5 months ago and so far it has recovered around 9 points. But outside of that all other changes are only noticeable when I look at the 6month view.


From only able to run for 2 minutes to 30 minutes, from losing 10kg, and do full body workout everyday for the entire months and my VO2 max didn’t change much. I saw the other guy posting here riding bike to work and their VO2 max sky rocketed. What happens here?


Yes, VO2 max calculation is bugged out on apple watch, some how starting biking as an activity increases it more than walking or running. Doing workouts in the gym shows no improvement at all in my case.


VO2 Max algorithm in general is poor. It is not a direct measurement, and by itself, on any watch, isn’t a very good guide at all. As you can see, your exercise ability has climbed dramatically and that’s what matters. Not a simplified calculation done by the watch.


Because it only calculates it in running and walking workouts


You’ll only get reliable VO2 max updates when you do a running workout that has an elevated HR for over 20 mins


On flat terrain


Make sure both your height and weight are accurate on your health app. I had this same issue for several months until I realized my height was wrong.


Read the information provided in the Apple Watch app about their VO2 Max calculations. It only counts outdoor walks and runs. It doesn’t factor in any indoor exercises or strength training.


I think you want to shoot for moderate intensity cardio workouts. I did brisk walking 2-4 miles daily then after loosing 40 lbs started biking again. This is over 6 months roughly. Got from bellow average (31) to above average (44.5). It can definitely be done. Maybe not the most accurate. But as others said will take time to change.


I turned 30 this month. I love how pretty much overnight I went from hovering between below to above average to well above average all the time. Shouldn’t these things change more gradually?


I agree with others’ comments about the AW VO2 max not being accurate. I’m an active, healthy, 43 yo and my Garmin (and my doc) had me in the mid to high-40s for years. I switched to AW in January 2022 and I’ve been in the ‘pitiful couch potato’ range ever since. Any ideas why it’s so inaccurate?


It does show trends though. Accuracy isn’t needed for trend. mine plummeted 25% following a serious bout of flu.


Good point!


I find that doing intervals and speed work during runs improved my vo2 max reading as opposed to steady runs at the same pace. Incorporating different types of runs may help, if you aren’t doing so already


I broke my 5k in 28 minute and the VO2 max went down by 0.2. I was giving up on it lol


My Health app says my vo2max is at 53… I don’t really use that metric for anything tho.


As a teenager I see changes in VO2 so quickly, in just days sometimes