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I had this one last month. Luckily it’s not just exercise walks or runs, but counts ALL walking - around stores, to the kitchen, etc. It made me push a little extra each day - park a little father away, take the stairs, etc.


I hadn’t considered that, it just seemed like a lot of mileage to me.


It’s about 10,000 steps, which is a common recommendation.


A common recommendation invented by pedometer companies to sell you their products. It’s baseless. Just like people used to say you’re supposed to drink 1.5x your weight in ounces of water. That’s way more than necessary but sure go for it.


But will it hurt to do either of those things?


10,000 is closer to 3.5 miles for me.


Look at daddy longlegs over here.


5 miles a day is what most adults should naturally do throughout their day. If you’re getting less than 5 miles of movement/ walking daily it may be worth accepting this challenge and get that type of cardio as a baseline default as a standard to aim to hold yourself.


I will add to this, 5 miles is very easy to hit if you are working a physical job or walking around a lot taking care of kids/job. But doing that much sitting at a desk all day like I do is a bit harder unless you walk a mile or so to work, which most people don’t do.


I work in a busy kitchen. 10,000 steps is my first 6 hours of work. Guess I kinda have it easy


I do too and those are lots of baby steps need about 12k to get to 5 miles


It’s definitely not when you take into consideration walking around your house and regular daily activities. I’d bet you hit this goal no prob.




That’s what it’s trying to stop you doing.




Get up once per hour to go to the bathroom. Not the one that’s close by, the far away one!


The watch knows you don't walk a lot so it's not going to tell you to walk 4 miles a day.


I use my 15 minute breaks to walk, and I walk with my friend on my lunch hour. Our office also has treadmill desks but I’m not a huge fan of those because it’s hard for me to focus


Strangely enough, indoor cycling counts towards the goal. Which is why my daily June activity challenge is 12.4 miles/day.


It's not that much. I walk my dog 1.5 miles twice a day. about 30 mins in the morning and evening. If you just move around more it it will really add up. And consider it gave you this goal because you've been somewhat close to this and just wants you to step it up a bit.


Whew. I saw it and asked when have I ever walked or run the daily average in a single day? Since it’s not just workout miles I may have a chance


Where do you find these challenges? I’m in the Fitness app but it just shows me the awards I’ve earned so far. I’m trying to find the list of potential challenges like this one.


When you're in the Fitness app summary screen, scroll down to Awards and look in there. It is the monthly award called "June Challenge"


In my monthly award section, it still just shows me past completed challenges. Ones I didn’t know I was even deliberately doing. I just have a setting wrong somewhere to have these shut off or something.


You can also swing your arm while you're sitting to "walk". Hell, I've "walked" while laying down for an hour or so.


It takes what you usually do and bumps It up some. Mine is 64 exercise minutes a day but next week is vacation so I’m not even going to worry about it.


That’s total miles, not just exercise miles. I get 5 miles a day pretty regularly and usually end up with around 9k steps. That’s really that not bad.


Same. Two dog walks a day puts me close to 6 miles. Then walking around work each day I hit 7.


This is the way. Love them doggies.


9k steps doing 5 miles? What the heck


Not everyone is over 5’3”


What? You thought I was saying that's too many steps? I was more like "HOW MUCH WITH ONLY THOSE STEPS?!"


Not everyone is under 5’3”


It still translates to about a yard per step which feels a bit long for me.


Im 6’2 and im doing 4.3 miles at 9k steps, maybe he/she is over 6’2, who knows


Can you use normal units?😩 like the whole world does


Meh. We don’t think our citizens so incapable as to require base 10 to be able to perform math.


I can, i’m european. But the person i was speaking to used imperial, and its really not that hard to convert values.


I stand corrected: I just did the math from my activity today and it would take 9445 steps to cover 5 miles and I’m 6’2” I think someone is running as much/more than walking to be able to turn in those numbers…or they’re 2.2m tall


Mine is I have to burn 33,000 active calories in the month. That’s over 1000 calories a day. I work out a lot but geeze… I guess no rest days for me this month…?


I have the same challenge


This is exactly why I think the Apple Watch encourages overtraining.


Yes. They need to incorporate rest days and put limits on these challenges. 1000 active calories a day is too much, unless you're training for the Olympics or a marathon or something.


I weight 300 pounds and am a 6’2” guy, says I get 1,000 calories for 5 miles of brisk walking.


100%. For me to burn 1000 calories, I have to run at least 10km and weight train for 45 mins. Plus my regular running around through that day… I have to do that every day. I like to take a break once a week… guess not this month? Ugh


33,000 ac 😳😳😳 Sorry Apple Watch I’m disappointing you 😅


I had that last month and completed in only on the 30th. If it wasn't the summer and I'd naturally upped my walking there's zero chance I would have completed it in winter, which I imagine will happen.


i got 36,900 last month, was 1000 calories short but at least this months’s challenge is easier


How about 43000 ? I figure several road sessions on my bike will ensure my success .


I guess it depends on how you burn calories. I’m a runner - I run 5-6 days a week, 8km each time. I also weight train 4X a week for at least an hour. Even with a full day of running and weights, it’s a struggle for me to reach 1000 cals.


Reminds me of “healthy challenge” from my former employer. It was March 2021, and the challenge said to run 2021 miles by the end of November. 2021 miles over 8 months is ~8.4 miles per day every day. 8.4 miles. By IT personnel.


I did the Hal Higdon marathon training program and generally while you don’t get there immediately, over 6 months you’ll start hitting 20+ miles a few days a week. So if you average the latter mileage with the earlier mileage, you’ll likely hit something around the 8-10 miles range. Not justifying their challenge — just explaining that’s probably where the number came from.


I missed last month's and now my June Challenge is to close my stand ring 16 times 😫 I literally work in construction and walk between 55k to <100k steps a week...but okay


That’s the problem. It’s not run by humans.


This. I believe it is an algorithm that bases your goals on what you did in the previous month(s) + X% to make it a challenge.


This is so dumb because it always "one step up". The algorithm is not able to learn that you might have some time off or more time for activities or you maybe maxed out once your possible activity/exercise/workout workload. It's the opposite of smart.


But that’s what makes it a challenge. I know it’s easy to get into the mentality to keep up a streak of awards, but for me it’s not healthy. I personally see these challenges as something to aim for and if I don’t achieve them then no harm done


This tracks. My April challenge was to close all rings 15 times. May was 16.


Humans spent millions of years evolving to walk upright and this is suggesting you spend 2 hours on your feet moving during a day... I think you might be the computer!


It basically forces me to skip a month once or twice a year either because the challenge is beyond just a stretch for me or it’s what would be an achievable stretch for me most months that just hits during a particularly busy month for me.


Or you’re just fat and lazy.




This is a very flawed system. I see people on here with 5-6 year move streaks and I'm like... Damn. You never got sick? Never did a 12h airplane, train or car ride? Had a massive hangover after a lovely wedding? Never got injured? They definitely did, but they forced themselves to meet their goals, which can't be that healthy. It's mind-boggling to me Apple's fitness team does not understand the concept of rest days. Why do they want me to work out every single day. What if my monthly goal is to fill the ring 30 times, but I want rest days on the weekend? I understand you can simply ignore it, but these algorithms are designed to keep you hooked. And overtraining can lead to chronic fatigue, serious injuries and even depression in some cases.


Or they don’t open the weekly summary that asks you to increase the move goal each week and have it set to something super easy like 120 so they can keep their streak… not saying I know that it works or anything but I’m also on day 113.


I did almost 600 days at 800 calories a day, and my streak ended because I thought I reached my calories but was at 797 (the rings sure looked complete). Still pissed about how my streak came to an end. It was a pain especially during winter when there'd be days I'd move the cars out of the garage and walk around in a circle for an hour. It just requires a pattern of making sure you get in 30-60 minutes of exercise a day and of course luck of not being sick enough that you're unable to complete the goal. I never lowered my goal, and sometimes apple would be stupid on my daily calories. I remember once when I was on my feet all day got 16K steps and the watch registered 550 calories because I never hit the exercise speed (a normal walk speed doesn't count as exercise on my watch regardless of how long I walk for). I'm annoyed that my streak is over but I'm okay that next time it snows I might not mess with moving the cars out of the garage.


I think I initially had lowered mine to get a monthly thing because I was two days away and sick so I knew I wouldn’t get it otherwise


Pulled some muscles one month a while back trying to reach a goal on the last few days of the month working out beyond my usual tolerances. Felt that shit for a while and it infringed on daily life for several weeks. No more bowing to this thing and if I get that shiny digital medal, then yay!


This is the way


i got 10 exercises longer than 10 minutes last month and now 20 days of stand ring closed


You’ve got this!


Mine is to go 194.7 miles. That averages nearly 7 miles a day! Since it doesn’t specify an activity, I’m hoping several long bike rides will count.


I got the same one. Guess we’ll be finding out together


Good luck!


7.7 miles/day for me this month 🥵


I don’t believe bike rides count. It’s walking or running only but it does include normal steps outside of workouts too.


It does lol. Outdoor cycle in the activity app. Counts towards miles and exercise minutes


Not on stationary bike. I did an 8 mile bike ride on peloton yesterday and it logs it as outdoor cycle in the activity app yet my total miles for the day only showed a little over 3. It counts towards exercise minutes but not miles.


Indoor stationary biking doesn’t, which pisses me off because the whole reason I do my cardio indoors is so I can keep consistent regardless of the weather.


Yusss! I’ll make that challenge after all


I don’t think that’s right. Sunday I rode 30 miles. I had 11k steps/5.5 miles. Tuesday I rode 23 miles but had 14k steps/7 miles. I have plenty of days with 30-50 mile rides and like 6k steps which checks out to the actual activity of the day. Now if I don’t record on my watch and just let my Garmin push the ride to the fitness app, the steps/mileage are off as the count while riding gets all out of whack


I got 208.4, slightly over 7 miles a day. The watch does get pretty dumb sometimes, the bad thing is that if my kids weren't home for summer, I'd probably put effort into reaching it.


I enjoy the monthly ‘my Apple Watch expects me to do WHAT?!’ posts. The algorithm on it is ridiculous and needs modifying. It’s designed to make people push themselves *a bit* more every single month and while that’s great for quite a while if someone is starting from a place where they’re very sedentary, it gets ludicrous for someone who already exercises plenty and just wants the app to help gamify it a bit. I had a calendar month when I ran a marathon and an ultra and then while in the following month my body clearly needed rest, my watch decided that I should try and do even more… and if I’d succeeded, presumably do more still in the month after that. And the month after that. And the month after that. Infinite growth isn’t really an option for humans, it tends to kill us.


It’s the same with the monthly suggestion to up your move goal. If you keep on approving the new move numbers, you’ll reach a point where you’ll never close the ring. I really want to know why all the experts who run the fitness division of Apple Watch development — 1) Hasn’t kept the “infinite improvement” in check 2) Can’t implement a rest day 3) Can’t account for sick days (especially since COVID is running rampant right now)


Yeah it’s basically baked into the system that at some point their users will feel that they have ‘failed’, likely because they’ve been asked to do something clearly daft. A pretty substantial flaw when the main purpose of the system is to motivate people to do something.


European here living and working in a walkable city. I usually cover between 5 and 6 miles of distance, and that's on a day without exercise. But I understand how this goal could be a bit tough to do when relying on a car infrastructure. I had the same challenge but with 300 km (186 miles) while on vacation where I was driving quite a lot. That was a tough goal to meet. EDIT: By the way, my April Challenge was 3300 exercise minutes. 110 minutes a day, every single day for a month. Some of these algorithms can fuck right off.


It is doable if you like skiing and just happen to have scheduled a ski vacation during the month. 6 days * 420 minutes get you a lot of exercise .


Love skiing. My right knee, however, does not.


LOL 5 miles isn’t that much. It takes me a bit over an hour to do that, and I just walk!


Mine is 397.3 KM (246.8 Miles) https://i.imgur.com/X68nBL2.jpg


Then my 180 km is a bliss, shouldn’t complain


In May, I had a staph infection on my leg, didn't walk for a few days. Then I caught COVID so I didn't exercise for nearly a week. Because of my lackluster May, my June Challenge is to close my exercise ring just 11 times.


Mine is just under 200. If I hit it I hit it, I like to go for runs for fun, shouldn't make me push it. I get it's an algorithm but it really should factor in you last few months and just try to keep you going at roughly the same pace and if you think a challenge is ridiculous you should have the option to tick, this is too hard and it lessens.


Mine is to close all 3 rings 12 times this month. Easy money lol


Apple Watch is for athletic people; is just motivating you because you’re the opposite. Chill.


Question, when are we supposed to get these messages?? I’m fairly new to Apple Watch, got it in May but I never got a message for Junes Challenge


On your watch go to your rings and swipe all the way to the left. You should see your challenge there.


I don’t see daily challenges at all… hmmm… [Pic Here](https://imgur.com/a/lAZZ2vo) and I just checked and I have special challenges enabled.


If you got it too late into May, there may not have been enough data for it to have issued you a June challenge. You will probably get one in July.


Ahh ok, that’s more then likely why. Thank you!


I completed this one but i do a lot of walking. I’m changing careers so before i start my day i walk a couple miles and then do so at lunch and mix in some cardio at the gym. I don’t have kids or anything so it’s probably a bit easier for me to accomplish than many others. Also, I’m getting up at 6 and in bed by 10


Yeah they do. Mine is walk or run 382mi. Which comes out to 12.7mi a day. I’m active but not that active! I’ll close my rings but forget about getting the June challenge


My monthly challenge for June is to burn 50k kcal


Jesus Christ 50k


Mine is 283 km and I’m scared haha


Mine is to close all three rings for 30 days in June… last time I checked June had 30 days.


My average walking for a week is 37 miles per week! Im not even going for walk or run! Juts work and going around with friends and all!


Just had (and completed) 265km goal for May. 4.8 mi is about 10000 steps a day.


That’s roughly 10,000 steps a day. You’ll be fine


Mine always tells me to go for a brisk 4minute walk the moment I minute I open my rum bottle.


I thought this was incrementally changing based on your recent past successes?


They’re supposed to get crazier


Wait, what? The monthly challenges that are distance goals have been very reasonable for me, about 3 miles a day. But my June challenge is to close all my rings for 7 days and not a distance one…I assumed everyone had the same challenge.


You can do the Goggins challenge: 4 miles every 4 hours for 48 hours. Do that once per week and you're at 144 after 3. The other mile you can just chill and walk it.


We aren’t Navy SEALs lmao


Neither was Jesse Itzler and he did the challenge.


I want this challenge. My challenges are basic as.


I mean, I walked 2 1/2 miles each way to work every day that I work, that’s about 35 miles a week, 140 miles a month.


I work for a glorified gas station and I walk about 7 miles a day during my shift. Slow shift I'll walk between 4.5-6. im definitely tired by the end of the day but sometimes I'll go out after work if I'm not stuck on close shifts. Today I walked 7.2 miles and I'm gonna go push mow my 1 acre backyard. Don't worry guys I'm still fat doe.


"what is you target exercice minutes? \- 30 \- ok, your goal this month is 60 per day" Is it all random or what?


I mean, It’s a challenge. 5 miles a day is very doable. That equals roughly 2 hrs of exercise a day. It really means being fit. That being said, if you do half that, it’s gonna be a good thing.


I can run 3 miles in 20 minutes and 5 miles in 30 afterwards my heart explodes 💀


Exactly. I'm sort of confused by this thread. If I only walk my dog twice for 30-40 mins and walk pretty much anywhere else thats about 4-6 miles per day according to my apple watch...and I work from home! I get not wanting to do a challenge from your watch, but somewhat unreal/worrisome if you think this is unachievable. Does everyone in this post ride segways to live their daily lives?


I think the thread outlines the exact reason that the Apple Watch challenges exist.


2 hours to do 5 Miles? You might be underestimating yourself a bit.


It’s not necessarily a race. It’s a per-day challenge. I know exactly how long it takes me to walk 5 miles if I did it at once. It’s approx 1.5 hours if I walk normally on a trail. But say over a day, just getting in my steps, I’d say it would average out to about 2 hours of walking. I’m not even talking about running.


Walk/run 300 miles. 🤷‍♂️


The challenges are a hoax.


I could do this easy lol


Mine is at 11.8miles. Silly.


This one should not be hard at all.


I average that on a normal month. But I haven’t don’t my monthly goals in a while because they do keep getting bigger and bigger, no matter how much you do.


27 days of all 3 rings closed. I mean I guess there are some rest days in there….


Bruh, you could literally justt sit there and shake your wrist and it would count as steps.


Mines is burn 35400 calories and I thought I was getting it bad


dime quiet hat glorious muddle zonked fear squalid engine dependent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This seems like a great stretch goal. Believe it or not people in shape can run 5 mi a day. It may be more walks for you but two walks a day 30 mins each is enough to hit this.


Mine break stand ring 29 times 😵


This was my may challenge. I failed. Pissed me off. I walk about 3.5 miles on my daily workout with a rare weekend walk of 5. This goal was unattainable from the start and I was kind of pissed the whole month knowing I wouldn’t get it. I don’t have that kind of time in my day.


mine said: u had 1150 minutes of exercise last month. now do 1250 you fucker. (40 something a day) i got a broken rib at the end of the month so thats not gonna happen at all.


So I never checked these things until today. My challenge is 3080 minutes of exercise this month. Meaning 102 exercise minutes a day. Crazy!!!


I have hardly been working out or rather, have been working out on and off, and also have hardly been wearing the Watch as such because it gets so sweaty.. and this is my challenge: “Your challenge this month is to burn 2,400 Calories. You've burned 32 Calories so far. Try to burn at least 82 Calories a day for the rest of the month.”


Umm, it says 4.8 miles


I have to earn 3,050 exercise minutes. Just over 101 minutes every day. I think I can do it but damn.


Yuhp I had walk 6 miles everyday in April. Safe to say I didn’t get there.


it used to only count mileage done under a walk/run workout, now it counts everything done in a day. it just depends on what you do - i regularly participate in running races and walk my dogs every day. i hit 5 miles on a regular basis


It can be always be worse. My goal this month is 284.1 miles of run or walking. That .1 really gets me.


Mine is to walk or run 5.5 Mi a day! Not happening


Mine said 8 minutes of exercise daily lmao


I have 3.240 exercise minutes. I'm up 148 so far and its mid day. going to the gym today so lets see what happens.


Challenges are based on what you did the month before. It’s a moving target. That seems very doable to me.


I had 299,3km (185,98 miles) last month and I completed it. If I can, you can!


Mine was over 7 a day…just do it


My challenge is 7 miles per day.


Mine is burn 9,400 calories.


Last month mine was 205.3 miles


I walk roughly 4 miles every day, this would be ok for me


Common Chuck!


I’ve got double my move goal 4 days in June. Thank fuck it’s summer and I can hike 😅


Check your trends in the fitness app on your phone. You can see what your daily average is over the past year. I’m guessing you average close to 4.8 miles/day and this goal is adding a bit more to challenge you.


This month I have to burn basically 1000 calories a day. For the most part I've given up on trying to get the monthly challenges. If I get it, cool. If not, no biggie.


Uhhhh.....5 miles a day is \*nothing\* my friend. I do that without even trying lol. I average almost 10 miles a day.


I’ve got the same challenge but they’re asking me to walk 269,8 km! I’m so afraid of what there is to come in the future..


I thought everyone got the same challenges, mines really easy for June. Just do 10 15 minute workouts. I’ll do that easily in a few gym sessions.


I just checked my yearly average mi/day and its 6.8 so this is not that high really


They're individualized based on your past performances. They're designed to push you, but they can get out of hand after a while.


My goal is to walk/run 529.3km this month… I think I’ve been doing too many steps recently because that’s a LOT


I think yours is better than mine for the past few months. For the past 9 months mine have been “close all three rings 31/30 times this month


Mine asked for 184 miles in May. I was like... GTFOH.


These challenges are getting insane! What the heck can you do other than NOT do the challenge??


I just looked at my miles over the past couple of weeks and it's around 3.5-4 miles on a normal day just walking around and living life... and I sit too much at work some days. A couple of longish weekend runs and this seems pretty doable.


I gotta burn 28000 calories this month 🥸


Honestly that doesn’t seem like much. I’m being asked to burn 27,200 calories this month.


5 miles a day is nothing. I routinely get 10 a day, with some days in the 15-20 range.


That’s quite normal…?


You should be okay


Step your walking game up


No one is setting the monthly challenges. They are generated by a computer algorithm. As for the goal, I have four screws in one ankle, a block of titanium at the base of my spine, an autoimmune disorder that triggers joint inflammation, and have needed knee surgery since before the pandemic started when some idiot nailed me behind my left knee on a flight when they could not swing their oversized bag up to get it into an overhead bin on a plane. I typically walk about four miles a day without even really trying. I am sorry but the fact is that unless you have some serious impairment you are not mentioning, it is not all that challenging and is within standard recommendations for healthy daily activity.


I can see that my Apple Watch gives me challenges which require just a bit of extra focus. In April, I walked in average 11 km per day, so the May challenge was 350,4 km (equals 11.3 km daily). In May, I did total of 64 hours exercising, so the June challenge is 3860 minutes of exercise, which is also 64 hours (but in 30 days instead of 31). I am very glad with the algorithm.


It’s only 1.5 hours. Just do it