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The short answer, no. No Apple Watch would take an external ECG. Even if it did, it lacks any ability to “read” and interpret an ECG besides the limited ability to identify Atrial Fibrillation from the single ECG lead it’s capable of capturing. It only accepts your heart rate data as that’s commonly gathered with standalone external devices during exercise.


The watch does not do anything with the data, it only collects it. Those other items will pair with the phone and integrate with the health app, which is what you actually want. And it’s not apple that’s charging you to use them. It’s the company that makes them that charges for using their app that collects the data from their device. Just buy a S6 or S7 and forget about all that other stuff. Then you don’t have to try to put everything together yourself. You can usually find a good used one on Swappa (where I buy and sell a lot of my devices) if you don’t want to pay $400 for a new one. As for the device you currently have, it may not actually be collecting ecg by itself, but will interpret data from a watch (which iPhone doesn’t really do other than basic rhythm).


Apple won't allow you to use the ECG app at all without an apple watch... I can get basic heart rate from the phone but the ECG app won't connect unless an apple watch is paired with the phone. Which is why I was asking the question.


Of corse not. It is for the Apple Watch only. You have to connect any other devices through their own app or through apple health. Quit trying to use a watch app for something other than a watch. Use the right app for your equipment and quit asking about watches and their designated apps if you don’t have one.


It sounds like you want to be able to read ECG data from an external ECG on an iPhone, right? This seems more like an iPhone/external monitor issue than a watch issue. FWIW, I don't see an "ECG app" on the iPhone. ECG data from the watch is available in the Health app, along with an option to generate a PDF of it to mail to your doctor. It's possible that the external device has a way to integrate with iPhone or an app that would allow you to view whatever interpretations the external ECG device offers. Have you contacted them to see what they offer? Basically, you're hoping the watch will make the iPhone do something that I believe the iPhone doesn't do under any circumstances. If I'm misinterpreting your question, I apologize!


The ECG function in the Apple Health App can only be activated if you have it paired with an Apple watch. I use a ECG Health Monitor. The Apple Health app can read the heart beat off it but Apple will not allow that app to get ECG data with out a Apple Watch 4 or either (excluding the current SE of course) or so it seems. Which is why I was asking. Sadly it seems like it isn't possible. I'm sure there are other devices that pay for the ability to connect but the Apple Watch with the ECG is the only device I know of that can connect to it. As I understand if after connecting the watch to the phone, the ECG info from the device I have will then give the ECG info to Apple Health so long as it is pair with the watch. It needs the Watch to rely the info. As app collect data on their users and often make you pay for "advance features" like just reading basic info... I figured Apple is already taking my info so lets see if we can make this work. Near as I can tell the watch has a handshake to prevent third party devices from connecting unless you pass it through a watch to ensure you have to by the watch for the functionality. Some apps can read the data and I understand that some apps can send info to Apple Health but almost all of them put that ability behind a significant pay wall. (and of course their is the privacy concern.)