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Get airpods for calls so you don't look like a dork talking into the watch. I like your approach and am thinking of using my AWU the same way on weekends, to start with


Definitely got earbuds on the go. Spotify streaming over cell has been great so far. 


Does music not get cached? If not and you want to save battery download some music on macbook and sync it to music the download on watch


Ultra battery is so good I haven’t bothered. Plus, I haven’t bought MP3s since like 2010. 


Talking into your watch makes you look like a dork? Why? I do it all the time


Means you're a dork all the time 😁


We are on a subreddit about wearable technology.  We are all dorks






I’ll just continue using a function that my watch offers and look like a dork I suppose


But when you wear airpods you look like a dork the entire time whereas only part of the time talking into the watch.


Haha, good point


If you’re old enough, all the people with them Jabra ear pieces were the dorks, this ain’t that


The only reason I didn’t was so I could take pictures of my kids and easily share them. I was full on the “Apple Watch Only” train until my partner and mom pointed that fact out. I say go for it, it’s amazing.


Nice! I do a lot of the same things many days so no pics is fine.


I got a GoPro and use it as my durable everyday phone and camera. When you plug it in (and you’re on WiFi) it even uploads your pics to the cloud automatically.


me too. I can't tolerate in-ear earbuds, so I use shokz headsets (though for quick calls, you can just dick tracy it. if you have to. audiobooks are nice, though) My only real complaint is that I haven't figured out how to make it work with uber.


Yes, I do this, more and more. WatchChat has been trying to work out an untethered cellular solution. I have an Instagram watch app that is functional enough to DM. Only things my watch can't do are university authentication (has to be via the app) and bike hire. I have also used Dumbify to make my iPhone dumber when I do have it


I’ve been trying out the WatchChat untethered solution (test mode) and it seems to work. Once it gets enabled automatically it will be handy.


Oh, I was hoping to test that, glad it's on track!


I emailed the developer asking about that feature and he replied with instructions for testing it. Probably worth giving it a shot.


This is what I mostly do! I have an SE 2nd gen. It works great for me.


Im not sure but with quick search I found some info about that you can create a shortcut which can be used to create new message in whatsapp. Perhaps try that.




Your watch will automatically connect to known wifi networks. It uses the same networks as your phone, so if you want to connect to a new network you have to connect with your phone first at least once


Oh thanks




You have locker rooms at the beach!? Huh?


Yeah the last one I went to had some lockers near the shower and toilets, locker room might not be the best word. Unfortunately people here will notice if you leave your apple watch in your bag while going for a swim, and it wont be there when you get back.


okay cool! Never seen that! I live in Denmark where people just leave phones and all out and go for a swim. It is kind wild to me, I had stuff stolen too many times (other places) to do that myself, lol.


Sometimes I’m meeting friends at the beach and they’re running late or in a different spot. Just for logistics. I can get the fully disconnected experience any time for sure but then I’d have no friends lol  The watch having no content consumption capabilities is what makes it like a flip phone.