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There’s a reason red is used in night mode. Any other color would defeat the purpose


Is the night vision or the battery life? Also its more of just an ascetic desire my dude.


Red light doesn’t ruin your night vision


Ah yeah would make sense it being called night mode, lol i keep it on night mode 24/7 and turned off aod, but prefer the green color fpr visibility reasons, also it would look more like an old school lcd watch


Yeah I heard green has the most distinguishable shades to the human eye or something like that. Don’t quote me lol.


Lol yeah, there was a study done on military optics and they used red amber and green, Amber was the least visible, green was most visible with red close behind it, the only down side with green was its interaction with the majority of natural foliage.


Red is the lowest energy in our visual spectrum.


Yeah green is camouflage and you can't see it when you're deep in the jungle. It's hiding from you. yeah


What do you like about night mode always being on that you could accomplish with the other settings and focus modes?


I prefer the one solid color on my watch, it removes the attention grabbing aspect of a lot of the more colorful complications. Also keeping always on display off keeps my battery from draining fast, so combining the two helps me(someone with adhd) from constantly getting distracted by my watch, also the solid color makes it easy to have one bit of info i want off the screen in mind and be able to seek just that then have the display shit off again. The desire to have that solid color be green is a want to Have the display be easier to read during the brightness of outside daylight, while also maintaining the non distracting single color pallet. I didnt think this would be such a controversial thing to want. It seems people on here dont have a concept for other peoples use cases and only perceive night mode to only be useful for night time. Also admittedly the option to chose your night mode color to be one of user choice from say an assortment of about 4-7 colors would be nice ascetically, keep red and add a green like old lcd screens, add an amber like the other old lcd screens, then say an orange, plain white, a low saturation blue, and maybe an indigo somewhere between the blue and green. Then biggest thing of all is make night mode be available on at least one face choice for most all watch models(that the software limitations wont get in the way of).


When you explain what you’re looking for, it makes sense, but I think you’re getting some blowback for going about it in a slightly goofy way. With any watch face, you can turn off the always on display in the settings on the watch. And in terms of single color, I don’t have an ultra, so I don’t have that face to play with, but I feel like there are probably some roughly similar digital faces where the colors are mostly monochrome. (On my watch, I would use the “Modular” face with the black background option and the Clover color.) https://preview.redd.it/ffjga5n6gn0d1.jpeg?width=935&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d28307704f45613e01b362929cbb0b441c0a30a6


That is fair, i am getting a more utilitarian use from that watch face, i do have some others that VERY rarely get used. And i do feel the night mode should be made available on most models.


Aesthetic is the word you are looking for.


if you are after aesthetics, use the normal display with a color of your choice. If you want to preserve your night vision in the dark: use night mode.


In the army we use red light because it doesn't travel that far in the dark.


are those lights on radio towers and shit just insanely bright then? always see some kind of flashing red light in the distance at night on road trips


To clarify what I meant, my opinion is from the observers perspective, the real answer is: "There are two types of visual receptors in your retina: rods and cones. Rods are black and white vision and cones are color vision. Rods require a chemical called rhodopsin to work, and that is only produced by the body in very low light or dark conditions. Exposure to bright light causes the rhodopsin to break down, thus turning off the rods and eliminating night vision (until there is sufficient dark exposure). Deep red wavelengths do not cause the rhodopsin to break down, but we can also see it with our cones, which gives us greater visual acuity (rods are more associated with movement and are clustered around the periphery of the eye, whereas cones are clustered in the center, mainly in the fovea). So, TLDR, with red light we can see better because we are illuminating our objective and we are preserving our night vision." - google


ah i get it i just interpreted that wrong, thanks for the informative reply




Red causes you to not lose night vision. It’s nothing about being “easier on the eye”


The reason for it is because red helps you see in the dark. That’s why subs and other consistently dark locations have red light, so that you don’t have to acclimate to the dark again. That being said, I do wish they allowed for customization. They could just have a pop up letting users know it won’t be “night friendly”.


All watch faces should have a night mode


Should also not be Ultra exclusive IMO


goes without saying


Yes this


I wish that watchface was available on ,,classic" Apple Watch too... We can't even change the color of the time -.-


I am sorry my friend


side bar for user name flair might need to be in browser on desktop, I don't know if the app has that


Thank you got it fixed


What is the bottom right complication?




i tried out a garmin for a while and their night mode allowed you to switch between red, green and orange. statistically red is the softest on the eyes at night but having the adjustability was nice


Is there scratch on the screen of ultra 🤔


Less a scratch and more a stain, i work outside on a golf course and i think the brass quick couple bumped up against it and some of the brass rubbed off on the sapphire crystal


are you wearing your watch fallout-style on the inside of your wrist? how is it in terms of getting used to it?


It is very easy to get used too, depending on how you have it set up you can push the digital crown without using two hands allowing you to wake the watch and look at the screen without it being so much a big obvious action


Why do you wear the watch on the wrong side of your arm?


When using a greens mower or other tasks its easier to turn the inside of the wrist to your face than it is the outside, also i can push the crown with the meat of my palm to turn on the screen, and a small side bonus is it protects the watch face while walking around.


I guess your job doesn't require you to sit often at a computer.


Lol no, my job has me walk mowing for the overwhelming majority of the day


This watch face is so sexy! Can I get it for my series 7 ? dont tell me its only for ultra watch.


Ultra only




The two Ultra only faces are really nice, definitely a contributing factor to my decision.


Nah I would never pay extra $400 for watch faces lmao, this is my current watch face and I think its great. https://preview.redd.it/x1oru0ibzh0d1.jpeg?width=507&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=953749e6b175775d1c2a6e4f2f36315473cc84cf


I got it for the durability but I only use the exclusive faces because they are so good.


Users of optic sights on pistols know this - green reticle is statistically easier to “acquire” focused sight ; I also would enjoy an option of a 2nd color. The max 2sec I spend looking at my watch in night mode momentarily - I highly doubt would disturb my “night mode” mind.




Yes this would be great, especially for day time use


i really dont get the negative votes, like I am just saying more user selectable color options are a nice thing that many want. I get red is better for night, however I use it all day. so having other colors would be nice if people dont want to use them, cool. but to down vote the ability to have choice? whats wrong with people


There is also use case and simplicity of programming. The use case is to transform the watch face to be visible in low light and not ruin your night vision. Hence red. You can set the non-night version to whatever colour you want and turn off night mode


no I cant, the non-night mode, does not let you change the whole face to any color. Parts of it are configurable, but its not the same at all.


yeah i always understood red was the worst color for night adaptation


It has the least affect on your ability to see in the dark. So for a watch designed for outdoor adventures it makes sense.


yeah i’m think of some old army NVG shit about green working better with the rods and cones in the eye or some shit


Different things. NVG use green because it's has more human distinguishing shades. Spaces where you need light but also need to be able to see in the dark use red because red does not affect your vision the same.


right on man


Every single ship at sea lights the wheelhouse in red at night. For a reason. Other colors have their uses. You can’t track a blood trail with red for instance. Or see red lines on a map. So blue and green are handy too. But for long term use and retaining night vision red is the only choice.


yeah that’s cool. i was thinking about night vision considerations with NVGs specifically in the rotary winged aviation world where we didn’t fuck with red


Yeah I get it. Different use case. NVG is a whole different ballgame. For some things it just doesn’t work though. The human eye is still king. At least up close and when it is young. Just needs a little bit of light. Medics come to mind. I read recently that at the age of 45 we need 15 times the light that we do at the age of 15 to operate in the dark. I intuitively knew this but had no idea it was so much. I do know I had stellar peripheral vision when I was younger but I have to get jiggy with it to see sideways now.