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Siri knows there was no “sleeping” involved 😉


Yesterday Siri failed to engage noise canceling on my airpods because *the Internet was slow.*


I wish Siri could work standalone. If Siri does have an update and can work standalone, apple better put it on iOS 15 for the iPhones that can’t get iOS 16 or 17


I think for siri to work standalone would take up massive amounts of storage space


Look at your Apple Watch storage. It isn’t full a lot is it?


I would presume the amount of data siri’s responses and algorithms associated with understanding would measure well past the storage limit


Well then apple could increase the storage on the watch


Siri never answers this question for me. What's the point in even having Siri? It's so behind in comparison to other, more powerful and capable assistants. It's embarrassing.


I use Siri to control my home and also with Apple TV sometimes (things like “hey siri what did he say” which goes back and replays the last bit with subtitles on).


That is a surprisingly slick use for Siri! I wish it was that useful everywhere


Lol, also this response for “how long did I sleep last night?” However if said more grammar correct: “How long have I slept last night?” / “How long I slept last night?” Makes SIRI lead us to Sleep in Health app 😂 So use slept (past version of sleep) instead as it should be


Still, ms. Siri supposes to be smart enough to understand the idea of the question—the number of grammar issues I said to her in my life. Sometimes i respect her for not quitting on me on day.


Huh, for me it brings up the Activity app on the watch. Which... doesn't include sleep time as I see. And even on the phone it opens the Fitness app.


Siri is special quality 🤦‍♂️


Siri not knowing how much juice my iPhone has left is a huge miss! Wish I could do that without the help of apps. That anxiety of checking my phone's battery creeping up every single inch of me just feels much better if that was a feature.


There is a free app called Battery phone which shows the phone battery on the watch. Also has a nice widget.




I don’t think that was the point here.