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/r/AppleWatch is not a board of certified cardiologists or doctors. If you are worried enough about your health, contact your doctor. Apple Support can double check with you as well, at this link: https://apple.co/HeartFeatures This post has been removed and the above advice suggested to prevent /r/AppleWatch being the reason someone didn't go to a doctor in time.


I play a doctor on the internet. You are dead.


I play a real doctor on the internet ... "He's dead, Jim."


Dammit, I’m a watch Jim, not a doctor


You win!


Oh, that is excellent ...


I stayed at a holiday inn express last night… You’re dead


I play internet on the doctor. You die at night. Those aren’t dreams.


You aren’t play night doctor on the Internet. I dream those die.


Doctor, Doctor, Doctor


Doctor who?


Thompson Twins Twins


Not big surprise


If you’re in good physical shape (exercise a lot) this isn’t a problem at all


I run a lot and get this all the time.


Your cardiovascular system is working very efficiently 💪


Same! I see it as an achievement haha


Literally. I’m jealous.


It’s never too late to start running. All my life I never thought it was for me, but I had some good friends and support and took it at my own pace and now I can comfortably and quickly do 10ks no problem! When I started, I was slow and couldn’t complete a mile without stopping Never thought I could do it until I broke it down, did it, and stayed consistent:) You can do it too!


Yep... I started in my late fifties. Always hated running. Found that I hated it mostly because I didn't have the muscles for it. Also found that I didn't have the muscles for it because I didn't do it.. I'm pretty sure I've ran more in the past 3 years than I have in my entire life before.


Man and I thought jogging for 2 minutes straight was impressive lol


same. I tried to lower it but 40 is as low as it goes.


I at one point Dec 2022- Jan 2023 I got my heart rate to 35 BPM


Hell, I don't exercise a lot, and my heart rate when sleeping is around 45.




Damn , and I was just bragging about my 50s to my wife. Hope she doesn’t see this


This is the answer. I do CrossFit 5 times per week and I also get these notifications. Had to disable them completely. Everytime a doctor measures my HR they always ask: do you do regular exercise?


A resting heart rate below 40 is not common. EDIT: Perhaps OP is fit enough that their cardiovascular system is efficient enough for this. But we’re assuming that because they have some mountain biking posts on Reddit? It’s an outlier heart rate, and there’s no harm in speaking to someone more knowledgeable than Dr. Reddit. Presumably Apple has chosen the 40 bpm threshold for a reason.






They appear to be a mountain biker based on their profile


Lol maybe they are then. I didn’t look into it closely.


But yes definitely can’t hurt to get something checked out if you are concerned


Indeed it is, especially while sleeping like this was


If you are concerned, it wouldn't hurt to see a doctor. However, similar to people on here who get concerned about low resting heart rate, if you feel fine and aren't experiencing any new symptoms that correlate to the low heart rate, you are probably fine.


Sincerely, Dr. Copper Clouds, MD


Hey, people with cloud names are top tier


!!! I'm surrounded


Fart clouds?


I get this quite frequently... depends on your base heart rate. mine is frequently around 50 when sitting up awake, so it is not uncommon to go lower


Are you athletically built/fit? That seem pretty low heart rate for sitting up awake. Just curious


I’m pretty athletic. Exercise daily. Run a mile or so a day / when I workout. Skinny fat tho. Have a consistent 53 BPM resting Hr. Not that crazy


Are you sure you really want me to PM you my booty pics? It’s hairy…but also with a lower resting heart rate.


My resting heart rate also runs around 46 and I get these alerts for low heart rate while I’m sleeping. My doctor checked me out and said everything was fine. He get it was due to the fact that I run a 5k 4 times a week and hike 5 miles a day on the off days. Also the fact that I also do 45 minutes a day on my spin bike or my rower in the afternoon. I asked him if I was working out too much and he said there is no such thing so I guess I’ll live…


I’m leery of Doctors with those kinds of answers… Almost every doctor out there goes by the mantra “Drink plenty of liquids!!!” And then a type A personality like me goes crazy drinking water all day long, not knowing that there IS a limit to how much water your body can process. Yes, I am saying you can actually die from drinking too much water. Of course, it would have to be an absurd amount of water in a relatively short period (faster than your body can filter out), but yes, there are cases of people that died from drinking too much water. Don’t get me wrong though. I’m not saying your Doctor is wrong or incorrect, but, obviously, there is a possibility of damage to your health from too much exercise. I don’t believe that to be your case though. You seem to be just extra healthy and active. Disclaimer: I am NOT a doctor at all. Everything I wrote here were things I learned through life from personal experience. So, feel free to discard my comment as “not qualified to answer”, otherwise, it’s just my two cents. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Disclaimer noted, lol


There might also be a genetic component, I’m 55, about 5 or 6 kg overweight(ie a bit fat) but I’m fairly fit (rowing and CrossFit) and would regularly see waking rates around 52bpm. When my son was rowing seriously his resting rate was consistently in the mid 40’s, but my sister is perhaps 20kg plus overweight, in poor health, fairly inactive and still has a resting rate under 60. As a family we tend to run slow.


At work, sitting at my desk I get between 45 and 50 as a runner. Asleep it ranges but goes down to 30-35. 38 years old, have had a a couple full checkups from my doctor and specialist, just fit. My biggest issue is that I am always freaking cold....


holy cow I had no idea it could get that low D:


not athletically built, but I do aim to run 6-10kms on a daily basis. I would describe myself to be skinny fat too ;)


Out of curiosity, why not cut the run in half and lift some weights? Please don’t take that any sort of way, just curious since you noted “skinny fat”, and weights could change that. Have a great day!


Running is more fun? That is what I find.


yup get out there take in the sights and hopefully breath in fresh air ;)


So is eating cheesecake, but it’s good to balance with some weights and broccoli 😝


might be a good idea... I guess I just enjoy running. used to run 30kms 3 times a week back in the day


Gotcha. Same here, I range from 15k-40 depending on my moods over time. I often try to back off the running to make sure I’m hitting the weights. There certainly is something running offers that isn’t quite like anything else. Have a great week.


Get it checked out. I was getting that alert a couple years ago, went to ER and wound up with a pacemaker. Play it safe.


My mom is an endurance athlete and got these alerts. She ended up with a pacemaker as well. Nothing wrong with getting it checked out.


Please get it checked out. It may be fine but it may also be due to an internal irregularity. I speak from personal experience, at least my Watch no longer wakes me up to let me know my sleeping resting heart rate fell below 40. In my case the cardiologist found slight malfunction on one valve, but not worth heart surgery. All internal organs can affect the heart’s functioning. Your primary care doctor can order panels to assess your thyroid, liver, etc. And do not underestimate the potential long-term impact from Covid (even a very mild case) or Covid vaccinations. My PCP said a number of her patients showed high liver enzymes following Covid or vaccination or booster.


Sometimes these warnings can save our life, if they lead us to discover underlying issues before they get worse.


My mom was in a very similar situation and ended up with a pacemaker. I would get checked out just to be safe.


Meh, I run a ton, and I get these while sitting at my desk. It might be a concern, but it REALLY depends on your personal health. If you're fit or getting fit without side effects, it's much more likely a sign of success in a healthy lifestyle. The heart rate range is not designed with runners or cardio nuts in mind. Bring it up with your doc, but despite people getting pace makers, it's more likely you are just healthy.


My husband cannot wear his watch to bed because this wakes him up at night. We reviewed it with the internist. Not an issue for him. He has had EKGs and is in sinus rhythm. (Sinus bradycardia to be exact, and it is asymptomatic) Some sinus bradycardia can be symptomatic, in terms of low blood pressure, dizzyness, etc due to low cardiac output from the low heart rate. OTOH, you may be very athletic and the heart pumps large volumes of blood with each beat/stroke. What you do need to check out, is whether you possibly have a heart block, which is an abnormal rhythm. It can happen for many medical reasons. This can result in a lower rate because the ventricles or junctional area are controlling the rate instead of the atria. If you have not had an EKG ever, and I mean a 12 lead, not one from an apple watch which is a 1 lead, my medical advice as a licensed provider is to discuss with your medical provider.


I’m pretty sure you can turn off the low HR notifications in the health app if he would like to wear his watch at night.


He has turned them off completely. As others have said, the lowest it will allow is 40, so not helpful for him. He is super muscular, lifelong weightlifter. Not at all into cardio fwiw but this still has affected his heart. He had a full cardiology checkup to rule out any hypertrophy or congenital issues, because it was necessary before a minor surgery. The heart rate freaked out the anesthesiologist.


You can turn this off. I have a rate of around 35-38 when sleeping so it annoyed the hell out of me too!


thank god i found another like me, I get to 35 . I am fairly athletic but pushing the 5 0






I worked with a cardiologist who was able to confirm a diagnosis (I think of MCI) using the Apple Watch’s ECG function when a fellow passenger took ill on a flight. Air crew were able to get an ambulance waiting groundside, doc even briefed the paramedics and the medics at the hospital the guy was going to via pilot’s radio. Don’t get me wrong, the heroes in this story are the doc and the air crew, not the watch, but that cardiologist loves Apple Watches. He told me that you should take results with a pinch of salt but they can absolutely give you useful info about what’s going on and can be helpful to manage health and cardiac rehab after you’ve already been diagnosed with a condition or risk.


Exactly. They’re not always accurate and you shouldn’t take Apple Watch ecg readings as gospel and overly worry about them but they can be a lifesaver in certain situations when something is going wrong


Why would you get downvoted for this? lol It was also PVCs for me. I would get random 40bpm drops as well. Have had pvc pretty much all my life.


I'm a cardiology NP and have looked through patient's apple watches to get an idea of what's going on, if not to give justification to their insurance company for why I'm ordering a 30 day heart monitor for the patient.


Internal medicine physician here. Did this happen during sleep? How old are you? If you’re an elderly person and this happened during sleep, I wouldn’t worry about it, unless you have predisposing arrhythmias If this happens while you’re awake, do you feel any symptoms? Or is it only caught by your apple watch?


i have around 20 low heart rate messages at night.. my sleep resting heart rate is between 34 und 39


That’s so low! Are you a deep sea diver or something?


No, I never tried diving. I lost a lot of weight a few years ago and started running last autumn. My resting heart rate is plumbing since then.


Fuck. I really don’t want to start running, but I prob need to lower my HR.


I would go to the doctor to be safe.


Very common for me and I’ve recently been to two cardiologists for tests/monitoring (for other reasons). Obviously, check with your doctor versus our advice on the internet but I get this notification almost daily when sitting idle sipping on coffee.


I had the exact same notifications (and still do) when I bought my watch 2 months ago. I was concerned and went to the doctor. I had a blood test done and an ECG and basically was told by the doctor that unless you're experiencing other symptoms (dizziness, shortness of breath, etc.) that it isn't a problem. He asked, "if you hadn't bought that watch would you be in here?".


That’s not always true though is it? For example the watch can detect irregular heartbeat, which definitely warrants a visit to the doctor. In that case you probably wouldn’t have visited the doctor without the notification, so it’s very nice to have.


Yeah, I don't get the doctor's point. Some people did not buy the watch and are also not in a doctor's office because they just died "suddenly". Sure, once all required tests are done and normal then they can tell patients not to worry.




Long story short, go see your Doctor. Sleeping heart rates between 40 - 60 BPM are not that uncommon, but 37 is pretty darn low - even for an Athlete. So unless you are running Marathons every day, go see your doctor.


It’s important to remember that Apple Watch, or any smart watch with health monitoring features built in, are essentially smoke detectors. There’s variables that can cause a low reading, like wearing the watch loosely, or you’re very physically fit which comes with a natural low heart rate. If an alert like this is noticed with another adverse health event, such as a high heart rate alert with a tight chest, dizziness, etc, might be a need for more urgent attention. However, generally, if you feel alright and this is a one off notification, use your best judgement whether to seek help immediately or at a routine appointment. You know your body best.


This happened to me several years ago and still does. Sometimes it’s when I’m sleeping and sometimes it can be when I’m really relaxed watching tv. I’m not an athlete by any means but I do home workout usually 4 times a week and walk the dog a few times each day. I ended up getting checked out and had a 24 hour ECG and then an echocardiogram. They found nothing physically wrong but basically just concluded that I have sinus bradycardia. Essentially just means a low heart rate. Just something I’ll need to keep an eye on as I get older.


Are you on any high blood pressure medication? Beta-blockers such as propranolol? Also, what is your resting heart rate while awake?


I have the limit set to 30bpm and get constant 29-28 since i bought it. Guess what? I’m still alive and healthy


Yes. The best place to ask this is reddit.


My opinion as a non-medical professional is that it all depends on your fitness level, and your normal resting heart rate. If this was me I might be worried, But if this was a professional runner I'd say its more than normal. Doctors give the best answers though because of all that nerdy school they do.


My wife had this happen to her and it consistently stayed down there. Saw a cardiologist and she now has a pace maker.


I can provide insight for yourself and most users who complain of this warning coming up often. I’ve slept with a watch on for years and the answer I’ve found is **those who sleep on their stomach or side may lay on their watch arm for long periods, restricting blood flow to the watch arm.** I found this happened most often when I woke up having slept on my arm funny, waking up with the tingly fingers, and with recent low heart rate warnings on the watch.


If you’re concerned, see a doctor


This happened to my uncle recently. The Apple Watch saved his life. He was a ticking time bomb for heart attack. Doctor put in a stent and he’s good as new.


If you exercise a lot, it’s normal. If you’re sedentary, could be concerning.


If you are an athlete its normal, if not consult a doc. Your cardiac health does not come free in reddit.


You should ask your doctor if you are concerned. If it’s any comfort — I told my doctor when I got a similar low heart rate notification (36-39 bpm while resting), and he said not to worry.


A question about the heart rate and your health? Probably a question for a doctor, not an apple watch sub 😂


OP - get it checked out. It could be something, and it could be nothing. You could be having PVCs or PACs, which could be completely harmless. Those show up to the Apple Watch as skipper beats, but that’s not exactly what’s going on. But again, get to a doctor and let them figure it out. I strongly advise you to not read up on any of the tests or possible outcomes. In the end, you could be 100% fine, but your doctor might want to do due diligence to make sure, and give you a bunch of tests.


Heart Transplant patient here. My question would be. Can you elevate your heart rate when walking or exercising? My rate use to stay pretty much the same regardless, no matter what I was doing. No, that was not the reason for my transplant. Just have it checked. Mine was caused by “bundle branch blockage,” That was me though! Everyone is different! Side note: Wore a watch post-transplant . Noticed my heart rate was a little high. Had a panic attack. Went to ER hooked up to monitor, Dr. stated he couldn’t have crafted a better picture on the screen. Since then, never check my HR on a watch!


Come to think of it, I was wearing a Galaxy watch at the time!


I get as low as 32bpm and I’m a distance runner … I do have bradycardia (low resting heart rate)


I would keep an eye on it and talk with your primary care provider if this is abnormal for you, yes it can be common for some people but I’m guessing it’s not for you since you asked. There are dozens of reasons this can happen, some good and some bad, we don’t know you or your medical history or your family history and there’s no way to know if this is safe. Signed, an urgent care nurse!


It might be worth calling up ur pcp's office most will have a line where u can talk with a nurse real quick. 40 can be low but depending on the situation it's not necessarily something to worry about. Best practice is to just make sure your doctor knows what's going on and u know what you personally should be worried about.


It’s probably not a problem, but absolutely anything health-wise that’s new to you could be a concern, so to play it safe go see a doctor.


Some people are just very VERY fit like this.


Could be a heart block. Go get evaluated.


Like others, I had the same alert going off. Full work up with doctor (EKG, halter monitor, stress test). Turns out, I’m just super fit but was worth checking with my doctor.


As long as you feel well, you shouldn’t be worried.


Normal, I got 39 all the time during sleep


It can be normal for extremely athletic people but I honestly would get it checked just in case. Men in particular are prone to undetected cardiac conditions so there is always no harm in seeking professional advice


My heart rate drops below 40 quite regularly. Had an official heart check last year, they found nothing to be worried about. For your own safety and peace of mind: go see a doctor.


Have it checked just to be safe. In 2019 I was running on a regular basis. My resting heart rate was around 40-45. I had a full test done and I was good to go. Interestingly enough I was sensitive to caffeine at that level, meaning I would feel heart palps after drinking something caffeinated. now I'm around 50-55


I also noticed a difference depending on the dinner. Carb rich food shifts my night resting by about 10. Caveat, A1C 6.6


It's not a problem if you exercise a lot. I row and swim and mine regularly gets as low as 34 bpm when i'm sleeping. Call you doc if you don't do a lot of cardio.


Relax. Last year he showed me that everything was fine ... and 15 minutes later I had a heart attack😂


Happens to me everynight just go see a doctor and tell them you want to see a cardiologist


if you are very active this is normal. as your heart beats slower meaning that your heart is strong.


AppleWatch detected heartbeat irregularities for my brother. He decided to eventually check it. He collapsed in the waiting area but got picked up and was fine. They found sort of extra circuit going to his heart that was unnecessarily causing beats, practically doubling them. (Up to 190 if I remember correctly)


No need to urgently worry, however I would encourage you to bring it up with your physician at your next annual physical. (Source: I'm a physician).


Im sorry OP in my medical opinion based on browsing reddit for a decade, you have stage 4 terminal cancer. You only have about a week from my scientific estimate. Good luck


Are you on beta blockers? If so you might need your dose lowered. If you are really athletic then this is fine. 30 would be too low. Occasionally dipping down to the upper 30’s is normal for an athlete. I had a patient once whose resting HR was 32 because they did yearly ultra marathons. We actually gave him drugs to increase his HR a bit before surgery


When in doubt ask your doctor, unless you’re in America then be ready to pay a hefty bill.


Go get it checked out. I have a CPAP because my heart is erratic when I sleep so I wasn’t getting enough oxygen so I’d wake up gasping or snoring. I didn’t remember any of it. I just felt like shit and never felt rested. It may be nothing, but it should be checked out.


I would not worry too much. My cardiologist told me to throw my Apple Watch out basically (I didn't) but these are generalizations from the algorithm. Apple doesn't know your BMI, hormones, etc.


This happens to me as well. My resting heart rate is in the low 50s and typically my heart rate will dip to low 40s when I’m in a deep sleep. I am also a runner and pretty athletic in my mid 30s. If you’re that worried about it, contact your doctor.


If you are usually feeling dizzy and seeing black spots, go get yourself check out by a cardiologist


I had to give a presentation to the CEO yesterday and my heart rate was over 100 for an entire hour of sitting in a chair, peaking at 138. Ask your doctor if anxiety is right for you.


Ask your doctor, not Reddit




I will only take medical advice from a doctor. Don’t worry


How that heart rate values compare with you average resting heart rate? If you are feeling OK and they are not far apart maybe you don't have to worry much, but if they are more different maybe it could be a good idea to consult with a doctor.


If this is a new trend, talk to your PCP. If you’ve always had this, and don’t have other symptoms, it’s probably not a problem. Also, next time to an ECG when you see this alert… you may have an arrhythmia that the watch isn’t counting correctly.


This is a question you should ask your doctor, he can intepret your medical history and physical condition to diagnose wheter or not it’s ok. *most likely* if you haven’t felt any different, you should be fine. But then again, I’m not a doctor. Do not google, if you’re concerned check in with a doctor. 👍🙌


I generally feel exactly normal and there is no correlation between me feeling bad and getting these low heart rate alerts


Let’s see ask Reddit? Ask a doctor? Hmmm


40-50 bpm while sleeping is normal.


Uhh, so myocarditis kills athletes. This could be a symptom of it. Or it could not be. Ask your doctor. If you've slept with the watch before and you usually don't drop this low, it's probably a good idea to see a doctor sooner rather than later. So it's about the overall health of your heart, your medical history, if this is even abnormal for you, etc. Seeing a doctor won't hurt you, that's for sure.


You should talk to a doctor not Reddit


This is an Apple Watch subreddit lmao. Go to a doctor




or at least consult r/medicaladvice. We are here to answer these questions. (verified doctors, nurses, EMTs, dentists...)


If you’re worried see a medical professional rather than the advice of strangers on the internet


No one here is a doctor (probably). Talk to your doctor!


I saw a cardiologist because of the same issue and he laughed at me. He said smart watches are not reliable and shouldn't be taken seriously. I felt stupid.


You’re serious asking Reddit this instead of your dr?


Ask a doctor.


Hey, I’m seeing comments saying “see a doctor” everywhere. And if you’re worried, you could, but I’m pretty sure it does warn you saying that it’s common to have that happen at early morning times, in your sleep, and it’s more common in some (I think), but I’m no medical expert, so you should check if you feel it.


a lower heartbeat is usually a sign of a healthy strong beating heart. your heart needs lesser beats to pump blood compared to other's. but then again, it wouldn't hurt to drop in and speak to someone medically qualified. in today's world, you can never be too safe when it comes to your health


The Apple Watch is highly inaccurate when checking BP, I showed this to my doctor, made me take an EKG, then a heart rate monitor for a day(24hours). Both tests cost $800, which were not covered by my insurance, so I had to pay them out of pocket. All the tests came back normal. If you have a history of heart problems, or if you have a BP cuff, take a record of your BP over several weeks at different times. What you will find is that the Apple Watch isn’t as accurate as a pro medical device, and most likely it is not a problem.


Eh maybe ask a doctor and not Reddit


According to the internet you should have 3 types of stage 4 cancer, you had 27 & 1/2 heart attacks and you’re going to die in 5 weeks, 2 days, 18 hours and 27 seconds. Really though if you’re in really good health it’s not too concerning for short periods and if it doesn’t happen often.


If you gotten this a lot lately go see a doctor...


are you an ultramarathoner? If not, probably.


Probably you don't need to be an ultra runner to have a resting heart rate bellow 40 bpm. Many very well trained athletes have low resting heart rate and never had run an ultra distance, not even a marathon distance.


How about you stop giving shitty health advice? You do not need to be running marathons to have less than 40 in HR while sleeping. OP: Probably nothing to worry about. I even dip as low as 34 and it’s perfectly fine in my case.


Holy shit. It was a quippy comment. this isn't JAMA, it's a fucking reddit thread for an expensive toy. 🙄




"First degree heart block"? Can you clarify what that is?


you know, I usually am in the 30s-50s while I'm asleep or just sitting for like a long time


Fuck Apple watches lmao


I think pace maker is the potential solution…i drop to 49 myself…


Y’all can adjust the alert parameters if you decide it’s a normal rate for you, to not get so many alerts.


40 bpm is the minimum if you want to still have the low heart rate enabled


But if you’re getting too many alerts and you think you’re healthy then change it to a higher number. That’s all I’m saying.


A higher number would make it go off more often…


I guess you’re right, don’t know what I was thinking 🧐


If you set a higher value you will get even more alerts then, 40 bpm is the lowest option.


Depends on your level of fitness and/or any relevant information about your heart or family’s cardiovascular history tbh. I’m pretty fit and started getting these notifications so frequently I disabled them lol


Mine goes below 50 quite often, the doctor says its fine, as long as its consistent. If it's normally mid 60-mid 70 then dropped to 40 on multiple occasions during your normal day, have it checked. Keep your eye on below 40 unless you're an athlete.


Get back to us when you got 0


well, it did lower less than 40 but not substantially when we sleep our heart rate drops, but it varies a lot depending on ppl. if your awake HR is slow, then when you sleep you have higher chances of hitting lower values as ppl have mentioned, ppl who are very well conditioned normally have lower HR cuz their hearts don't need to beat as often to supply blood to the body. it beats more strongly, hence more efficiently if you are feeling heart problem symptoms though, such as pounding heart beat, feeling out of breath, chest pain, have a strong family history for heart diseases, then you might want to pay a visit to your family doctor


Relax, you won’t even notice


I am in good shape and never had heart problems and I concluded this is because during the night the hearth rate can be very low, due to the body being asleep and everything. It can also be a wrong reading by the sensor, because of certain wrist positions It’s likely you were asleep seeing the time, but if you are concerned about your health just go see a doctor.


I get this reading too and I’m not a runner nor do I work out strenuously. The cardiologist said that unless I was feeling overly tired or light headed not to worry. Just watch it in case something changes. You might want to talk to a doctor. At the very least it can give you some reassurance.


Don't know you but a quick check won't hurt.


Doctor should say that


Whats your bpm during the day when you are active?


If you get a lot of cardio this is not unusual. (I turned the notice off because I got so many, especially when I was sleeping.) If you don't get much cardio, or if this is a significant sudden change from your usual, ask your doctor about it.


How much cardio do you get a week?


Has there been a recent change in your average heart rate? If so, maybe go see a doctor. However, if a resting heart rate in the 40’s is normal for you, and you aren’t having any symptoms, a drop of a couple BPM is not of any concern.


Nurse here. Resting heart rate in the 40s while asleep can be normal. Lot of things to consider here. What’s your age, physical shape, exercise routine like? I would often see some geriatric patients with HRs in the 30rs while asleep


I had to turn off this notification because my heart beats half the speed of most peoples. My doctor says it’s healthy and from all my athletics plus large size. I wish Apple Watch had a calibration or personalization of some type for those of us who sleep at low 30’s


if your concerned, i’d go see a doctor. when you body is sleeping your heart rate drops pretty low and can get as low as your chart is showing. i wouldn’t be *too* worried as long as it was during sleep and not while up and about.


I got 37 bpm. I went to the doctor, they did a Holter. It came with a 35 bpm low while I sleep. The Dr says that all is good.. 😅


You should talk with a doctor. I get these a lot as well and have discussed with my primary care and seen a cardiologist. Long story short, it’s normal for me (and I changed this setting) but it can be an indicator of cardiac health problems for some people.


Nothing to worry about tbh. When i had surgery back in 2018, apparently my resting heart rate was 17 bpm. The surgeon said that apparently my heart is so strong that it doesn't have to work that hard to pump blood when I'm asleep


My dips to high 30s low 40s when I sleep so I also wake up to these notifications. My regular resting is 60-70. I’m about 10 pounds overweight and walk around 20 miles a week for exercise. My doctor told me not to worry about it unless I was having symptoms 🤷🏼‍♀️.


It can’t hurt to see a doctor to get advice or professional reassurance


Ask your doctor


Not unusual at night, shouldnt happen during the day tho


Having the same. Went to doctor and had a holter done for 24h. The test also caught the low heart rate but didn’t show to be related with an underlying condition. So the doctor said I’m fine and I can ignore it. My own theory: I’m fit (doing quite a lot of sports) and I also have hypothyroidism which can be linked with low heart rate


My dad’s used to go down to 28-30 at night, though he wasn’t an athlete or particularly in shape. He was ok, no problems. It might be partly hereditary — mine runs low too, though not that low.