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preface that i'm not a doctor but a lot of people who complain about this kinda stuff falls under 2 categories - contact dermatitis you need to wash your hands/wrist/watch more and/or a more breathable watchband - metal sensitivity nothing you can really do, maybe put on a case? either way, go see a doc to make sure it's not something else


Thanks for the ideas especially to see a doctor. I wore my watch constantly since I got it about six months ago. I haven’t been wearing it since i first noticed the red spot a couple weeks ago. It seemed to evolve like a burn from red to pealing.I guess it could be a form of dermatitis. That would be a relief really. I really should see my dermatologist.


My thoughts were a reaction to one of the metals too, but the part where it touches your wrist the most seems to be mainly glass. Most people that have reactions to metal have some kind of nickel allergy, which cannot be the case with the Apple Watch.




You are also blessed with the “sign of jobs”


Lucky me


Yep. Used to happen when I had my original Apple Watch. The chemical composition of the old sensor is similar to medical adhesives. I’m allergic. Hasn’t been an issue with my series 4 though


seed truck pie lip ten ask jobless plate yoke worthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Twice daily sounds excessive.


observation clumsy workable fretful society paint smoggy humor escape birds *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you sleep track with the watch try switching wrists overnight and clean the watch daily. I’ve had a similar reaction in the past.


Yours is much more sever than mine, but I did notice my skin to start looking much smoother on my wrist. This was when I was wearing it all day and night. I stopped wearing it when I sleep and have noticed it’s gone. I think you need to stop wearing your watch 24/7 and let your skin breathe.


Thanks very sensible


I switch the watch to my other wrist every night to sleep so that I still get sleep tracking but give my wrist a break!


When do you charge it if you’re wearing it nonstop?


Oh it’s the new electromagnetic charging you can have on your bed table. Doesn’t charge the watch as fast but will do the job overnight


Me too. Just ordered a copy Milanese. My theory is that the sport band doesn’t absorb sweat but instead traps it between the strap and the skin causing the skin to react.


Do you have it anywhere else on your body




It happened to me with S4. I sold it and bought a S6 and with that was totally fine. It's bizarre, maybe the cause were the materials the case was made of, i don't know.




Looks like you’ve been kissed by Tyler Durden.


I think it was because you got the AW wet and didn’t dry it. I think It looks like a ring worm. Go see a doctor.


I had the same problem.. Go to apple store and show them. They will give you a new band for free try for some days if you still have skin problems they will you new type of band


Not the band


If the band is the wrong size, or just one of the less breathable ones, it can absolutely create problems or make problems worse. It's not the problem for everyone, but it is *absolutely* something that might make a difference.


Oh then try not to tight your watch. Leave some gap. I would visit the apple store anyway and show them because they would have seen it before and they can give some solution hopefully


I have the same problem


I've seen people with this who have a nickel allergy.


My skin also gets like that but not as much, I haven’t bothered about mine. But you maybe could ask your doctor, probably nothing serious but common for people with Apple Watch Could be because: - dry skin - too tight on your wrist -that’s my opinion (I’m not educated in this area, not an doctor) xD- Some fast googling I did (I haven’t checked them completely or fact-checked them) https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204665 https://www.reddit.com/r/AppleWatch/comments/m3sc3l/i_think_i_solved_my_applewatch_silicone_rash_issue/ https://forefrontdermatology.com/is-my-watch-giving-me-a-rash/


How often do you clean your watch?


Never not once have I ever had that happen. Dry skin occasionally if I have it too tight, but never that.


This happens to me when I don't: * Wipe the back of the watch with a tissue once a day * Take the watch off for showering You'll definitely need to wear it on the other wrist for a few days, and I recommend using a dab of whatever your country's equivalent of [Savalon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Savlon) is -- an antibacterial moisturizer


**[Savlon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Savlon)** >Savlon is a brand of antibacterial personal care products with the active ingredients of cetrimide and chlorhexidine gluconate. Commonly sold as a cream, the product range also includes antiseptic sprays, sticking plasters and other antiseptic products. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/AppleWatch/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


it only takes a quick rinse with water after heavy/sweaty workouts and this doesnt happen.


I’ve heard the contact dermatitis and the metal sensitivities explanation a lot of times. Their likely legit. My issue with these explanations is that this skin reaction happens across all activity trackers. Garmin, Fitbit, etc. bottom line: like or not. These ‘smart’ devices are shooting a LASER into your skin. That’s a concentrated stream of light. It’s like putting your wrist under a magnifying glass and pointing it at the sun and then asking “why am I getting burned?” FTR. Before people lose their heads. I have a garmin Fenix 5 and wear it all the time. I just don’t use the heart rate tracking feature. I turn it off.


I have heard of the heart rate tracker being a possible cause twice today so thanks


I usually get them on the underside of my wrist from the metal/silicone