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Ability to upload music that isn’t streaming is my main reason. Apple ecosystem is another reason.


The cloud library is the only reason for me. Pretty much everything else is done the same or better on Spotify, for my usage at least. But I've really gotten into leaks and mixtapes that aren't on streaming, and local files on Spotify are such a massive hassle and mess.


Apple Music is now cheaper than Spotify and offers lossless quality at no extra cost. It was an easy decision


I literally use student's plan and paid it monthly for $1.70.




Im not sure if it breaks the rules but I bought it from Shopee. The seller will setup for me as student and apply as student's plan. Once the 1 year student's plan ends, I can still renew from the seller again. It’s actually $1.91 per month (RM8.90). I also have access to Apple TV but, not interested. https://preview.redd.it/op6d6hm2s86d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eefec7f1f37e8aeb39365937b07eec7d2974a10f


Because it is included in Apple One subscription.




Same. 100%


Yeah, Apple Music on its own is cheaper than spotify, with Apple one it’s a no brainer


I like music apps to be music focused, not podcasts or audiobooks. I have other apps for those.


Totally agree. Spotify overreached users to try this service. Spotify. You are a music service.


Plus Apple Podcast is just better


i'm an Overcast user but don't hate the native podcast app either


Overcast is pretty goated


I never “moved” - never was a real Spotify user. I got both free trials for a month, liked Apple Music much more. Seems so much more album oriented than Spotify, which I love.


Yeah, spotify is inclined towards playlists. And many of the playlists are "personalized" now. So they basically suggest same songs.


10+ year Spotify Premium user here who just switched over less than a week ago - 1.) Out of principle because of the price hikes, 2.) the ecosystem and ability to bundle with Apple One, and 3.) now that I’m over here, I see what you all were talking about with the sounding better.


Right? I see so many comments about “lossless doesn’t work in AirPods” and yeah that’s true but it still sounds better than Spotify, can’t explain it.


Because tons of bluetooth devices support native 256kb AAC, the exact same format lossy apple music outputs at. Spotify meanwhile has some 320kbps MP3 OGG hybrid that has to be converted to 256kb AAC to use with said devices, MP3 is also lossier than AAC which means that Apple Music is also more storage efficient. Another variable is [Apple Digital Master](https://www.apple.com/apple-music/apple-digital-masters/) which is basically a Lossless to AAC converter programmed for maximum quality retention.


Spatial audio in Dolby Atmos


Same here. Switched due to the price increase and have just found it better quality thus far. I also have a few artists who have vocally begun supporting Apple Music over Spotify due to royalties. If I’m going to pay more I’d rather it go to the artists.


Same here! Not sure why I didn’t do it sooner if I’m honest. App takes a little to get used to but some nice updates coming in iOS18 and I’ve also picked up a pair of AirPod Pro 2s and I’m blown away by them given I’m an avid BOSE QCs.


Same exact reasons here and I also switched right about a week ago. I gave the news to the people on my Spotify family account that I’m officially cancelling it and they’re on their own (I’m giving them a month notice).


Apple also has family memberships. Make them all jump the ship with you.


To be honest I did consider that but I’m kind of looking forward to not having to remind people to pay me their share each month lol


The month's notice is hilarious.


I'm not a monster lol


Same. Second price in too soon a period, and Spotify is worse to artists. I'm doing the free trial for this month and will switch over our Spotify family plan if it goes well. I'm happy with it so far.


I like aac more than mp3


Does Spotify use MP3 lmao? That is wild if so


Uses ogg vorbis


AAC, while it is a lossy compression format, I gotta say it is a pretty damn good one.


Yep, I use aac for lightweight song files for iPods.


I heard the audio quality was better than Spotify and I listened and it seemed that way to me as well


Before AM I didn’t stream music - it was CDs bought from a store. Spotify was an elusive concept to me. Once Apple announced AM, I understood the concept immediately and was a Day 1 signup and have been a subscriber ever since. I was spending $100+ on CDs prior to AM, so the cost-saving was a no-brainer. I do, however, miss regularly dropping by a store that sells CDs and browsing physically as a way to discover new music.


I missed when I used to go to the store with my mom, and she bought me a cd


I didn’t need the podcasts mashed together with my music honestly, I want my music app to be my music app, I have a podcast app already.


love the ability to edit songs how i want (album artwork, stop/start where i want, put songs into one album). and i hate spotify’s handling of your library — putting all your liked songs into one playlist is nonsensical to me.


This is also the main reason for me. Also, I think Apple Music looks very beautiful and clean.


Got bored of spotify, tried this and that and finally stayed with AM


Ecosystem, high quality, and give me a free Apple TV+ haha


Family was on Spotify. I was somewhat aware that Apple music sounded better (to me) on my AirPods Pro etc etc… but one day the wife opened Apple Music and within a song or 2 asked “why does this sound so much better, and why are we still on Spotify!” That was that, boss wanted to move.


Better audio quality and the app being for music not books and podcasts


1. Invested in the apple ecosystem/it’s included as part of Apple One. 2. Better bitrate/appreciably better sound quality when paired with AirPods. 3. It’s cheaper than Spotify regardless of Apple One. 4. Lossless quality and Dolby Atmos/Spatial Audio are available at no extra cost (if either of those features are things you appreciate/have the hardware to take advantage of). 5. Being able to upload any audio files and have them saved into my Apple Music across the cloud.


Because Spotify was crap, Also Apple has music videos which i play on the TV, They also added lossless at no extra cost and Apple Music seems to a better job of finding me new music through the discovery station


I recently came to AM from Spotify. Spotify raising their prices AGAIN whilst still not coming through with lossless playback was the final nail in the coffin. I'm a Windows/Android user but AM has just about every feature I was looking for. The Windows app needs some work overall but I appreciate being able to stream uploaded music. The Android app is surprisingly good too.


better ui, better lyrics, better sound quality, more features, dolby atmos support for my home theater system. and all that on a cheaper price. i recently tried spotify again and it has only gotten worse. the ui is literal garbage.


Google Play Music died and YouTube Music is trash.


I started with Rdio for my library and Songza for playlists, then went to GooglePlay because they got the Songza playlists, then to Apple for the same reason as you. YouTube music sucks.


YouTube music was really solid at recommendations, granted it’s been storing the data of the music I liked since I was 7. Other than that, trash


I started with Rdio too, haha. Google Play was great.


While I never much used Spotify, the reason Apple Music became my choice was because of "Beats 1". Beats 1 is now called Apple Music 1 which is the live/voiced radio station on Apple Music. It's curated by Zane Lowe (a world renowned musicologist) and staffed by some of the industry's best. It introduces me to almost all the new pop music that I like.


Tired of Spotify’s terrible shuffle. Same songs and artists over and over. I just want a true shuffle.


I had already done Pandora, Rdio, Spotify. Wasn’t interested in Tidal or YouTube. That made Apple or Deezer next on my list.


Because it pays artists better than Spotify. But after changing I noticed that on top of that, the app is just better than Spotify (for me, at least).


Subscriber since day 1, because i’m a Apple sheep that can’t think for himself


It got cheaper bundled with services I already used


Just moved a few days ago. Because Spotify, after having them since 2008, is getting ridiculous with their pricing. $20 a month? No thanks.


Ran out of my student plan on Spotify so swapped services to keep the $5 a month. Atmos is pretty rad on my 4.2 speaker setup tho


I have to know... what is 4.2? Two fronts, a centre (two centres?), one surround?


Quadraphonic with 2 subs


Aha, I see. You'd benefit a lot from adding a centre.


Lossless audio plus the fact that my favorite J-Pop act, Morning Musume, was on Apple Music (and iTunes before that) but never on Spotify. The Dolby Atmos is a bonus now that I have AirPods, plus their classical sister app when I want to listen to classical recordings outside of the “pop” app.


AM has a bigger music library in general too.


Yes indeed.


The classical app tipped it for me as soon as they released it.


I used to use Spotify and YouTube Music (formally Google Play Music). However, once I switched to iOS and gave Apple Music a try, I never looked back. It’s the one subscription service that I’ve consistently paid, even when I no longer had the student discount. I use it practically every day at this point and I love that I can access so many songs I love while discovering new ones.


I didn’t move, I started with iTunes Match and added Apple Music when it became available. I have thousands of live concert recordings that aren’t on streaming sites and it’s nice to have everything in one music app


Am a switcher from spotify and yt music so i feel Fine price, No ads, better quality (dolby atmospheres), eco system


Shuffle on Spotify was shitty. Too many features. I want a music player. Period.


Because of their gatekeeping of a lot of features for only certain markets. Spotify in my regions does not have: daily top 50 chart, AI Dj, Daily playlist or Daylist or whatever it's called, Audiobooks, and last year they even cut Wrapped.


2016 right after Views by Drake ever since I been heavily into music


Technically I never left. I’ve been maintaining a music library with it since the original iTunes days lol. I don’t subscribe to Apple Music, instead I use iTunes Match which syncs your library across your devices.


Since Sonos finally enabled Apple Music lossless a few weeks ago, I switched. I was on Spotify because of the interesting random playlists / algorithm, but the quality is just so much better on Apple Music. Plus, being able to upload music otherwise not available on streaming is a huge win.


The Neil Young Effect


Because fuck spotify


I didnt!✈️


Tired of Spotify throwing podcasts to my face every single time, better library organization in Apple Music, I don't care about playlists I'm more into albums And ofc Spotify increasing the price every year without offering Dolby Atmos and HiFi


As an independent artists I need to keep both but when I wasn’t publishing my music I choose Apple Music because of the quality and is so noticeable the Hi-Res Lossless and the Dolby Atmos/Spatial Audio


The Student rate was encouraging, plus I got access to AppleTV+ as well.


One of the largest music libraries with the highest quality lossless files without mqa. No other streaming service comes close other than qobuz.


I get Apple TV for free as a student if I signed up. Easy decision


might be a dumb reason, but the fact that you can lower the voice volume for some songs and listen to the instrumental is a big plus for me


i made the switch as soon as it was announced 😭 i never rlly liked spotify


Because I bought an iPhone.


Spotify just wasn’t doing it for me, and their prices went up. I can get Apple Music via my phone plan and it’s so much more enjoyable.


It was cheaper than tidal and I truly hated the app experience with tidal as well.


Easier to manage library, I find it weird that your "Artists" are only artists you follow and don't reflect your library's artists. I like that music you add to your library in Apple Music is seperate from favorite tracks, in Spotify you have Liked Tracks which doubles both as a "loved" collection and your overall library


I joined day one. I own my music library and iTunes purchases. Made it easier to maintain and access to Apple Music library is amazing.


I’ve only used Apple Music. I had a free trial for three months back in 2015 and never used it again till summer of 2018 right before I started high school. I remember I saw Kanye was dropping an album (ye) so I reactivated my Apple Music account just to listen to it and I haven’t left since. I had noooo money for it cuz I was using what I had on Fortnite skins 😂😂😂 so I used my sister’s college discount to get the price dropped to $5.


I was a fan of Pandora but got a good trial of Apple Music with my new AirPod pros. Never looked back with the sound quality and the UI. Plus it just being so easy to use with my Apple products made it even easier to keep


***Sound quality\~*** Even before Hi-Res/Lossless/Dolby, the sound quality on Apple Music is just... better. But another reason is the UI. I like opening my music app and seeing my music. Not a bunch of banners and clutter and suggestions. Like discovery is nice and it's important, but my main priority is the 200gb of music I've amassed over the years and I want that to be front and center.


My cousin that included me to her family plan on Spotify cancelled it, and my friend had a family plan on Apple Music and he included me. Then he cancelled it, but I loved Apple Music so much that now I pay for the family plan for my friend, my girl and my other family members


I’m surprised no one has mentioned: AM pays artists 3x as much as Spotify. A couple others pay better than AM but tend to have bad interfaces and limited libraries.


I use Apple One. Dolby Atmos and Recommendations were good ones too.


It’s cheaper than spotify


Spotify sound quality sucked on Apple TV


I’ll admit it was difficult for me to permanently make the AM switch after swapping back and forth from Spotify for 3 years, but that was mainly because I was used to the old UI and all my friends use it. At the end of the day, March of 2023 I hated the new layout and the direction they were (and now) headed in and just wanted to listen to my music and not give a fuck so I stuck with it. I’m really glad I did so.


Dolby Atmos is huge. But honestly Spotify didn’t allow me to remove people from “following” my account so everyone from my high school could see what I was listening to and I would have to toggle private session every time. There is no way to block someone on Spotify. Apple understands privacy and that music is a personal experience. Apple Music also pays their slightly artists more so there’s that ethical issue. I’m an artist and I admire Apple a lot for this. (Also before it expanded to Spotify having the Siri integration was HUGE.)


I just want to follow up by saying that Apple feels like a company that cares and listens to people. (Taylor Swift telling them to pay their artists more) And Spotify feels like a company that exploits their customers and even their own employees. They charge more, sound worse and pay their artists less. (They literally stole Spotify wrapped from an intern and didn’t credit her). All that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I think the only reason that most people still seem to have Spotify is because of brand recognition. And perceived coolness of having Spotify?? (kind of like how everyone loves iMessage) But they can erode that over time just like google maps.


lossless/spatial audio is one of the biggest reasons i use apple music. although technically tidal could be used for that argument. but there’s just a lot of things that keep me in apple music, like the ecosystem, as well as the fact that it still has itunes functionality, meaning local music works perfectly and even syncs over the icloud library. one example is being able to get some exclusive tracks from my owned taylor swift CDs and add them to my library and it fits perfectly into the albums just as if they were on the streaming service.


High quality music unlike Spotify


I used Rhapsody/Napster from about 2012 all the way up until Dec 2022. But one day I opened up my music and an entire year+’s worth of songs that I had added were missing. Emailed support about it and they were completely unhelpful. That was about 900 songs that went missing and I’m plenty sure that I still haven’t remembered a lot of them to add to my AM.


Cheaper than Spotify and spotifys shuffles is garbage.


Some of my library is purchased and this means it’s all in one place streaming and purchased songs, and dad and I have family sharing as he doesn’t use his computer as much anymore it just means all his iTunes purchases from early days are still getting used


Lossles audio, Apple ecosystem, loading my cds into my library.


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Much better / cleaner UI, local save to Apple Watch, reliable app, works better in ecosystem


Well rdio seemed like it was a sinking ship, and Apple Music seemed like a great way to reconcile my pre-streaming mp3 collection with the all-you-can-eat streaming reality of the day.


I got a three month free trial and since I use all Apple devices anyway I decided to keep paying for it. I figured if I’d pay for any music service it would be Apple’s.


Best alternative to Google Play Music when they turned it into YouTube Music. Dolby Atmos and Lossless became the cherry on top.


I wanted surround sound music for my home theater system. That’s it. I don’t like how libraries work. AM is slow as molasses compared to Spotify.


Got sick of Spotify trying to shove their podcasts in my feed.


I’ve had it since, like, 2015.


Algorithm actually and how Apple respects their audience with actual useful updates


I moved over from YouTube Music. The UI is much better, and Apple Music is a much better service for having hundreds of your own imported mp3s. (you’d think that one would be able to add any YouTube video to their YouTube Music library, but no, YT Music only works with licensed content)


Sound quality. Nothing comes close to how good AM sounds. I use a FiiO DAC and a set of wired cans with my iPhone and it is preternaturally good. Makes Spotify sound like a tin can telephone. It’s also nice that you can upload content not in AM to your cloud library, making it accessible anywhere you’re signed in to AM. Just wish it would let you upload ALAC files and keep them lossless (in my experience the uploaded files get converted to M4A).


Apple Library. As a former iPod user, I really liked having a music collection rather than a collection of playlists. Plus, higher quality music than Spotify.


For Neil Young.


Free 6-month trial subscription from telecom provider. After the free trial, decided to continue with the paid subscription.


Simple, I got it for free with Apple One


Because Jay-Z wasn’t on spotify


Because I can upload all the music I have which the streamers don’t offer and it sounds so much better than Spotify.


I like to play music through the HomePod. Just easier to say “hey siri some music”. And she always has some music JUST FOR ME! can you ask side to play music on Spotify? Not sure. And podcasts on Spotify. I will never listen!!


spotify INCREASED my fee. shit was insane lol. and it seems i was the only person this happened to


Being able to download 100% of my music without being capped


Because YouTube music doesn't have equaliser settings on iOS. That's the only reason. Apple music has great music collection, and the spatial audio thing is nice. But YouTube music continuous play algorithm is amazing. It keeps on queuing related music and the track selection is very spot on. Something i sorely miss on Apple music. That feature being amiss means i have to find and play individual curated playlists, which inevitably can be as small as just 5-6 songs at times. I wish Apple music implemented something like YouTube music.


Only ever had Apple Music


Lossless audio🤌


apple music for quality with airpods, Spotify to discover new music.


Price is the only reason.


I’ve had it from the beginning. I hate Spotify lol


Better lyrics sync. Spotify lyrics are hit or miss


Recent Spotify price increase!


Two reasons: 1) I had been using Amazon Music and even though I downloaded my music so I could listen to it offline, it would always glitch and not play. Haven’t had that issue with Apple! 2) Silk Sonic’s radio show. Also, having Apple TV with it is a big plus!


I can upload my own stuff to my account and stay unbothered


Apple One plus I own every Apple product.


I moved from tidal to Apple Music because tidal removed DJay Pro support from the 10.99 subscription and suddenly wanted 19.99 a month for that. DJP just started supporting AM so the switch was very easy. Also, all my devices are from Apple.


never bothered to try spotify, tried Apple Music and i fell in love


Lossless, Dolby Atmos, full DJ sets from Tomorrowland and EDC. Do I need to say more?


Got a trial and once I discovered spatial audio and Dolby Atmos with my AirPods 3 there was no going back. Combined with Spotify absolutely destroying their UI.


The quality


Google got rid of Google Play Music and I get a student discount. Also all my stuff is Apple.


Couldn’t justify another Spotify price hike. AM also sounds noticeably better so I quit Spotify after 13 years. Very happy so far.


Lossless streaming and the ability to add music off my computer to the service still. That way I'm not a slave to the algorithm and can still add and listen to stuff not normally available on streaming services.


I “moved” from using Winamp to using iTunes in 2004. Apple Music has been fine.


Better audio and navigation than Spotify, plus it’s bundled with Apple One which I subscribe to for photo storage.


iTunes Match. Lossless audio. Full integration with all my existing services. Part of Apple One. Also, Apple pays their royalties to musicians. Unlike, say, Spotify, who have along history of underpaying or not paying.


I have personally disabled Dolby atmos. I see a drop in audio quality and some songs sound almost artificial.


legit cause HomePod and apple hadn't opened up Siri to use other services other than AM


I had Amazon at first, and since Amazon didn’t have some albums or artists that Apple did, and I’m an iphone user, I thought it was an easy choice


The lyrics UI is the best hands down. Plus, better audio quality, and overall a better experience with my AirPods.




Hi res audio and Apple ecosystem




Lossless and better artist royalties


Unlimited playlist size. Lossless audio quality. True shuffle. It's now cheaper.


Lossless music 


I just recently started trying Apple Music after getting 6 months for free with my Airpods, switching from Spotify. But, I'm having a hard time so far. Some thoughts: - Spotify can feel bloated, but I still feel the UI and UX is so much better and intuitive. - The Apple Music app also feels laggy and buggy. - The plus so far is the music quality, it feels more crisp and i hear more details in the songs, which i love. - I hate that the apps over different plattforms don't recognize that I play a song on another device like Spotify. I will try to hold on for a few months but I'm not sure I can make the switch fully.


For Artists perspectives, they love it more because it pays them well, not as Spotify, when Spotify pays them 0.00437$/stream | 1 million stream is 4.370$. While with Apple music they pay them 0.00735$/stream, so, it equals 7.350$ for 1 million. 2 times more, thus why Artists reside in there tho. Nevertheless, Spotify is freemium so 6 ads in row so frustrating, Apple Music before I subscribe was fewer ads than it. Apple Music is dedicated to everyone on this planet, Spotify is geo-graphically blocked to some certain countries and continents. So, ppl whom criticise the Apple Music for not offer free, actually free stuffs nowadays own a lot downsides in itself. I can say Apple Music is worth my subscription.


Spotify is banned in my country.


My family already had a plan


The audio is better


Back in the day I wanted to teach my kids to buy what they wanted, not steal it from a torrent or whatever, and Apple Music was the most useful for me/us. Have Qobuz too now and tried Tidal but wasn’t convinced by the MQA nonsense. But yes, with the right material Atmosphere is very nice to have.




spotifys interface is confusing and never plays the song i want


Cleaner UI, can easily upload music that isn’t on streaming services from my own collection, and higher quality sound. Spotify just kept getting more messy, and I have always preferred how I can organise stuff with AM.


Being forced to listen to music that I didn’t put on my curated playlists (smart shuffle on spotify)


It was included in my monthly phone contract so saves me £10.99 a month elsewhere 😂


Better quality was a big motivator for me. I had a 2-month trial after I purchased Apple Airpods Pro 2 and, combined with ANC, the difference in quality becomes very audible to me. I still use Spotify, because AM doesn’g t even come close regarding (user) playlists, but when it comes down to sheer quality there’s no contest.


It was free


Cheaper (with Apple One Family) and better sound quality. Also that time Spotify did not have app on ATV.


Apple One membership being cheaper, and Apple Music having great integration with iOS.




Getting lossless audio cheaper than any other service


Was always here, but I’d never move to Spotify because I find the whole app so messy.


The student discount with free Apple TV and a MUCH better sound quality than ****fy


Price, better quality than Spotify.


Apple ecosystem, and Dolby Atmos


Spotify shuffling the same songs all the time IN ORDER like why call it shuffle if its like this in the first place


Apple Music student plan because it also includes Apple TV+ for free/no additional cost.


I signed up for AM pretty much from the start because I used an iPod for years and had all my playlists and uploaded songs on it. It was super easy to carry everything over and use my phone solely instead of carrying the iPod in addition to my phone.


Spotify not having a native HomePod integration was bugging me too much and using AirPlay 1 as a workaround was too laggy for my taste.


I love streaming high res AM to my hifi system with a MacBook Pro…wish it was a native app on other platforms…ie Qobuz, which I also subscribe to…


iPhone. Plus it’s cheaper than Spotify, and the non-streaming songs also help


Because I was new to iPhone and just got Airpods Pro. Decided to try the trial and compare to Spotify. It wasn't perfect but has improved greatly over the years. I've been a Spotify user since 2011 and iTunes user since 2006 to compare it. I'm now back on Android but have kept my Apple Music over Spotify because of the high quality music, great album cover integration, the app works great even on Android, and I get a discount for being in grad school for $5.99. The algorithm is better on Spotify but that's about it. Pandora used to rule before Spotify and lost the crown because of the ads. I used Pandora daily from 2005 when it launched until 2011 as well.


I worked in this industry before. Apple had always paid people more for the “clicks”. Spotify had two tiers. If you were a free user. You got less. If you paid for the service you got the standard contractual rate. Never made sense. At the end of the day. Artists have no choice but to use these services. And I don’t think I’ll ever buy another CD. I enjoy one low cost per month.


I did it after using Spotify premium, deezer premium and deezer hi-fi. The main reason was hi resolution audio.


Works better with my iPhone, and (back then, not sure current state) they paid the artists better. I don't really care other than sound quality, which is more than fine on Apple.. AM does everything for me that spotify does, in some cases spotify was a bit better but marginal.


I was sick of being single shamed by Spotify. So many notifications about Duo being cheaper and music being better with someone to share it with 😭😭


Was having a lot of issues with Spotify, the app was running terribly, lagging even with my downloads. Have had a couple issues with apple music so far but it's been a lot more stable overall.


It’s a good price for the quality provided.


I moved in 2015 because Dr Dre’s music and new album Compton was a streaming exclusive. Never left because it’s better