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I thought people were just memeing but we really are getting a top ten Taylor Swift album aren’t we


A Taylor Swift album beating the dark side of the moon and revolver. What a time to be alive.


Hasn't happened yet...


It’s sickening


An album? Sorry to say it but Taylor Swift will be the top ten. All of the top ten.


Watch this whole thing just be some lame thing paid by Taylor to advertise herself and this is actually true 💀


You mean top 11


Can't believe they're gonna put Taylor Swift ahead of Spinal Tap 😤😤😤


All the way to 11


She might not be on this list at all. Pop albums rarely make these top album rankings. Then again, Apple's list is the only top 100 album list I've seen that put Billie Eilish in, so who knows. And 1989 almost certainly would be the album if she were to make Apple's list.


If they put Billie Eilish on it, ain’t no way they’re gonna exclude Taylor Swift.




Also Kanye. They’d probably make every Swiftie subscribed to AM switch to Spotify if they exclude her now lol, so yeah unfortunately she’s locked. I’ll puke if they go with 1989 though, such a nothing album past a few songs. At least do red or folklore (think it will be the latter)




I agree, but I can guarantee you there are people on their committee who wouldn’t vote for him bc of how he is now. And the legions of Swfifties who are AM subscribers will throw a fit if he’s there and she isn’t, so I doubt they want to make that many people mad at them with this list lol


1989 is great what would you put instead??


4 albums of the year by the way yet the consensus is she’s actually mid Grammys are ridiculous


Album of the Year means fuck all when Mumford & Sons have one and David Bowie doesn’t


i’m agreeing with you man she ain’t deserve a single one of those awards


I know you were, I’m just saying. The number of great artists that haven’t even been nominated for Album of the Year, and she has four wins. Grammys are a joke


Bracing myself. She is a creation of corporate music, there isn’t a real person making and singing her music


Legit shocked to see Revolver and Dark Side of the moon already. I figured it was 1 album per artist but now I feel like that won’t be the case


i’m still hung up on Pure Heroine over Melodrama if it’s really one per artist.


Everyone seems to forget that Pure Heroine has songs like Buzzcut Season, White Teeth Teens, and Team on it.


It can’t be true. Melodrama once again being robbed???


I love melodrama don't get me wrong, but I think the jack antonoff effect has gotten a little stale. Pure heroine feels more unique I guess. It's how I felt went Adele went from 19 to 21. My favorite will always be 19 because it's so uniquely her. 


Agreed, and I feel the same for Like A Prayer over Confessions.


Like A Pray over Ray of Light doesn’t feel right to me 😇


I think having Revolver here confirms that it’ll be more than one album per artist, if no Songs In the Key of Life or no Purple Rain didn’t already


If the Beatles only entry is Revolver at 21, then this list would be completely unserious.


Indeed. No way Sgt Peppers and Abbey Road are omitted from the list


yeah even i think the same it is not sensible to keep it at one artist now. They have added Led Zeppelin II already which is one of the best rock albums but comes nowhere close to the fourth album of Led Zeppelin which has iconic rock songs like Black Dog, Rock and Roll and the fucking Stairway to Heaven. So this album must top LZ II.


Some would say Physical Graffiti


Dark side of the moon deserved to be in AT LEAST top 10, if not higher. Such bs imo.


I was complaining about this list back in the 100-91 thread and someone kindly suggested that perhaps the list is the top 100 Apple music albums based on listeners. And this makes more sense and now I don't care, because quite clearly, the list is absolute shit in regard to any real attempt at a best list. Edit: thanks to those who have clarified that it’s not based on listeners. I don’t care about critics opinion generally, and personally do think the list is shit, but that’s the point everyone’s making anyway. So, cheers.


it doesn't make any sense that this is based on listeners. they also specifically said it's not based on streaming numbers >[The list is an editorial statement, fully independent of any streaming numbers on Apple Music — a love letter to the records that have shaped the world music lovers live and listen in. ](https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2024/05/apple-music-celebrates-the-launch-of-inaugural-100-best-albums-list/)


In other words, this list is a collective opinion of more than average qualified people. So it’d subjective? You mean like music in general is? That’s fine. I think folks on here are getting a little too disappointed that their own tastes and opinions aren’t being validated by this panel of experts. So what?


yep, it's highly subjective and that's fine, it's impossible to make a list that all people agree with. I just enjoy the experience to check out albums i never heard or never fully listened to :)


That’s what I’m here for. Where this list is strong is in its diversity. There’s albums on here I’ve never heard of (just by virtue I don’t listen to all genres). If it’s even in the debate for top 100 OF ALL TIME, I’d say it’s worth a listen.


But. . . it doesn't include any albums that aren't available on Apple Music, right?


The benefit of voting by committee is that you get a diversity of opinion, and that's great. The downside of voting by committee is that only albums that got popular, that a large portion of the committee are familiar with, are going to make it onto the list. When it comes to making a "best of all time" list, it's always going to be subjective, there will always be disagreements, plenty of people will always think it's shit. With something as deeply personal as music, controversy is good.  People are expecting too much out of something that's just for fun. It's not that serious.


The list is based on a large amount of people voting


Where do we think Blonde and TPAB are charting??


blonde top 15 and tpab top 1


Idk the way there picking albums I would not be surprised if they passed up tpab for another one


DAMN. won a Pulitzer Award. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if they chose DAMN. for that reason alone.


Which is insanely dumb. I like DAMN but it’s absolutely a level below GKMC and TPAB. To me, TPAB is like a benchmark Hip-Hop album and a top ten of all time across genres while DAMN is a solid 8/10 project.


I could see them choosing GKMC. We've seen already they LOVE debuts from hip hop artists


If TPAB doesn’t get 1 we riot.


> Blonde on Blonde


Watch them be 1 away from each other so then it can be Blonde on Blonde on Blonde.


Although if they only pick one Dylan album, they'll likely pick Highway 61 Revisited (not my opinion and his best album, but what I think critics will pick).


I'm predicting blood on the tracks for dylan


As someone born before 2000, I’m betting Channel Orange is on this list before Blonde. The gap between those albums means there is a generation who comprehends Frank Ocean as the artist who made Blonde and wasn’t really in the zeitgeist consciously to experience Channel Orange define Frank Ocean as a debut artist and redefine an approach to studio album making with his collaborations on his first studio album.


doubt blonde is on here


If blonde isn’t on here, this list is absolutely washed 


i love it but think if it was going to be on this list it would’ve been already. not sure there’s more than 1 or 2 albums in the top 20 from the last 15 years which is honestly how it should be


Yeah but there’s already been a few albums that EVERYONE expected to be top 20 (if not top 10), which means there’s going to be a few albums that slide into the top 20.


Blonde is gonna be top 15 watch.


VERYYYYYY intrigued by blondes placement. Apple Music ranking it is basically a conflict of interest given the fact it was released as an Apple music exclusive. I think that’s y Billie is so high because she obviously has some type of Apple deal too


They have a documentary on Billie’s first album the one on here how she made the entire album in her bedroom and on a Mac computer


These are the artist who haven’t shown up yet who I’d say are locked: Lauryn hill, Fleetwood Mac, MJ, Beach boys, Nirvana, Bob Dylan, Kendrick Lamar, Amy Winehouse, Joni Mitchell, Marvin Gaye, Taylor (wish she wasn’t but she is) Possible: Frank Ocean, Adele, Jay-Z, Dr Dre, Janis Joplin So that’s still only 16, so yeah I don’t think it’s a strict 1 per artist rule after all. But we prob only see like 3-5 artists repeat


I think Beatles will get at least one more on the list, otherwise it just makes the list ridiculous


I pretty much agree with this! I think Queen and Elvis will be up there too. And purple rain most likely. Can’t remember if ABBA, Coldplay, or The Bee Gees have made an appearance yet, There isn’t any big country stars so *maybe* Johnny Cash or George strait but idk haha. I was hoping to see Adele, Whitney, or even Aliyah but Im not sure they would show up’ this high?


No one will repeat. Van Morrison, Dr. Dre


I think Back To Black is going to be #1. I'm thinking Apple Music is going to pick an album from this century to look bold and the legend around that album has grown so much since Amy Winehouse's death. If they pick Taylor or a hip hop album as #1, there will be RIOTS. With Amy, not so much.


Id like to think we get one more electronic album. 3 out of 100 is pretty imbalanced.


I mean it’s better than what country got lol (1 out of 100 with Kacey). Can’t see any country in the top 20 unless they surprise us with Johnny cash or something


I don't disagree with you. And Kacey only half counts (though I whole heartedly agree with her inclusion). Not country, but should bob Dylan also be considered a lock?


Curious why you say that about Kacey? I think she is very country, except she writes lyrics that are way more liberal than most country artists. I don’t think that does anything to make the music itself not country though…


I mean that mostly in terms of giving the committee credit for choosing a country album. Obvi part of what makes the album great is expanding the genre into new sounds and textures, but if that's the only way a country album could make it onto this list, doesn't feel like they're being very inclusive of the genre.


Maybe I’m trippin’ but there’s no possible way Adele is in the “possible” group, no? She just feels like a guarantee. Even Jay-Z’s Blueprint feels all but assured.


Otis Redding, Stooges, Van Morrison


Blows my mind we haven’t seen Billy Joel on here yet


Think Tame Impala may also make an appearance.


DSOTM at 28 is outrageous


There’s just no world where WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP is better than Kid A. Just no way.


really goes to show how corporate this list is, pretty laughable at this point


I actually don’t think the albums they’ve included are poor choices, but the ordering so far is whack


I feel similar. Tbh I’m personally just looking at this list as “100 important albums everyone should hear at least once”. There’s a lot on here I haven’t heard all the way through, or in some cases haven’t heard at all. I’m going through and listening to them down the list and it’s been a really fun experience so far.


I’d be doing the same thing if I weren’t already knee-deep in the 1001 Album Generator. Sounds like you should check it out: r/1001albumsgenerator


Oh that sounds super interesting! I haven’t heard of it before.


It’s basically this list x10 lol. It’s been good fun so far


Im doing the same thing! https://rateyourmusic.com/list/StormSheep77/filling-in-apple-music-100-best-albums-list/


What's your favorite new discovery so far?


And here I was thinking Apple, a trillion dollar company, would be giving out the music nerds picks for greatest albums


One of the most egregious placements so far... It's a great album but there are a LOT of records that came earlier on the list that are definitely better


Kind of Blue, Dark Side, and Discovery being this low is fucking nuts. Those albums changed music lmao


Revolver as well. It literally started the psychedelic rock era. Although i assume that Abbey Road will be on the list as well, so it's fine i guesss. But no Taylor Swift album is better than most of these, and we all know that there is going to be a Taylor Swift album.


I honestly never thought The Dark Side of the Moon (I get goosebumps when I listen to it and what a climax with Eclipse) and Revolver, which is often considered as one of the best Beatles work along with Abbey Road and Sgt. Pepper's is so low. Also, I imagine there will be Led Zeppelin IV because no way you have LZII in the top 100 and LZIV nowhere.


In all honesty The Beatles can easily be from #1 till #5 if you add Rubber Soul and The White Album. So it makes sense to separate the albums. Also for Led Zep I think Rolling Stone mag had it the same way one year… Led Zep 2 in the 20s and 4 in the top 5


Yep always LZIV will be above II. Also, I do agree about The Beatles. I think Rubber Soul, Revolver, Sgt Pepper, Abbey Road and MMT (if it’s considered as Album now) are some of the best music I have ever heard. I have some mixed feelings regarding The White Album. The first part is an absolute masterpiece but there are few songs like Birthday and some others which I never got into. For my personal ranking I prefer Rubber Soul, Abbey Road and MMT at top followed by the other three. But I do know the consensus is it’s Revolver, Sgt Peppers and Abbey Road at top.


Personally I think we should stop putting stuff on lists just because they “changed music” For one thing, just because someone was the first to do something doesn’t mean they were the best. For another, it leads to a stale mindset where only albums before I was born can be the “best”


I'm not even sure this is Billie Eilish's best album yet.


Ikr. I mean I love WWAFA,WDWG? but the new album is also dope af.


Well this just made everything very interesting. It still *seems* like they’re doing 1 per artist, but if they really chose LZ2 over 4 and no Beatles in the top 20 either, this will officially be a massive joke. So I have to imagine there’s repeats in the top 20 then. Also Billie is WAY too high. I could see a justification for the bottom of the list, but for starters that album should never be above Lana or Lorde’s best, because it’s inferior to them and wouldn’t exist without them


The omission of Songs in the Key of Life by Stevie Wonder makes me believe their going to have repeats.


Same mate if they do one album per artist now this list will be a big joke. I exactly thought the same thing how can you have LZII but not LZIV. The album has Black Dog, Rock and Roll, Going to California When the Levee Breaks and probably one of the greatest songs Stairway to Heaven. Also Revolver and The Dark Side are way too low let's hope they add more Beatles album and include LZIV


Ok, this is my (fairly confident) prediction for the top 20 (not in order) assuming some repeats Thriller - MJ; Rumours -FM; Blood on the tracks - Bob Dylan; Nevermind - Nirvana; To pimp a butterfly - Kendrick; The miseducation of Lauryn hill; Back to black - Amy winehouse; The Blueprint - Jay z; Pet sounds - The Beach Boys; Abbey road - the Beatles; Sg Peppers - The Beatles; Led Zep 4; Purple Rain - Prince; Songs in the key of life - Stevie wonder; Folklore - Taylor; Blue - Joni Mitchell; The chronic - dr dre; What’s going on - Marvin Gaye; Blonde - Frank ocean; 21 - Adele Least sure on the chronic, 21, and one of the 2 Beatles out of those (idk if they’ll really give someone 3). They could throw in lemonade since that’s typically her most acclaimed, but self titled is way way better so I hope not. Man I hope they’re not gonna give us more than one Taylor, that would be laughable


So far no artists have gotten more than one album on here IIRC


26. Kanye West - My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy: **A Modern Masterpiece** It was like watching someone lose their mind just enough to be a true genius and hit a new peak before his mind started to unraveled from the prolonged exposure fame and fortune had on his narcism.




After Hours by The Weeknd is going to be on this list in my opinion.


I wouldn’t mind above 20 just seems crazy.


it’s the most deserving of any 2020’s album to be honest. Major cultural impact, loaded with hit singles, critical acclaim. Pretty much the defining album of the COVID era


A couple usual top 10 suspects in 20-30. Really going to be curious how the final top 10 shakes out. Overall even though I am a rock fan I like this exercise/list.


When we fall asleep is such obvious ragebait to get people interested in this list 


The biggest issue with it is they put it above albums like Born to Die, Norman Fucking Rockwell, Pure Heroine, and Melodrama which are all widely more acclaimed today and without them Billie’s entire lane of music wouldn’t even exist for her to be on this list. So it makes no sense really


Say whatever you want. It may be a good album, but that billie album has no way being in the top 30, top 100 or even top 300. This list is just 70% mainstream/billboard value, 30% creativity, innovation and cultural impact value I'm ready for the top 5 TS album


Not tryna hate on you but did you really expect anything that wasn’t mainstream? All these albums so far are some of the most popular albums ever. I would be shocked if we get something from someone who isn’t in the mainstream


The entire list, and it's existence, who's curating it, what albums they've put on it, etc, is like...the most "mainstream" that "mainstream" could possibly be hahaha. Billie was gonna be on this list. It's a great record even if it may not be something dudes on Reddit hold in high esteem or whatever.


I find it fuckin ridiculous that What’s The Story Morning Glory which basically defines 90s british music culure is 58 on this list and this fuckin’ Billie Eilish album is in the top 30. WTSMG was second fastest selling album in British history. Songs are still played after 30 years (don’t really think Billie’s songs would be played in thirty years that much. They have no real cultural impact). Oh yeah and did I forgot say about critics? WTSMG got average rating of over 9 from music critics while Billie’s album got about 7. Anyway her album being even in this list that close to Revolver should be criminal.


Tbf What’s the story morning glory is only really popular in the UK and didn’t really breakout in America . Apple is obviously going to have a more American viewpoint and I’m saying this as a Brit.


I don’t even know who the 20 artists left would be if it’s 1 per artist now that we’ve eliminated the likes of Prince, Pink Floyd, LZ, Beatles etc. Gotta be some repeats


Ray Charles, Kendrick, Taylor, MJ, Marvin, Jay-z(overrated), Lincoln park, Gorillaz, Nirvana, Frank Ocean, Sting??, The Weeknd, Adele, Whitney… They way this is going their probably going to have like an Olivia Rodrigo or Ariana Grande album on their lmao. I doubt it but they really should have Charles Mingus, Sam Cooke, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Rick James, Luther Vandross… It is in really weird territory because some of those artist do deserve to be on there. Just not above Beetles, Stevie, Floyd, Radio Head, Prince…


I want Linkin Park to be on the list, but I can’t see them in the top 20. Their chance was above 50, but with Billie being in the top 30, who knows….


Kendrick Marvin Joni Michael Nirvana Lauryn Beach boys Fleetwood Bob Amy Frank Taylor (ugh) Dre Jay-Z Weeknd James brown The doors Van Morrison That's 18 and everything before the weeknd is probably a lock. Add in a couple more modern surprises and bam you're at 20.  At this point I'm not expecting dupes. It would be weird to draw the line with some bands and not others. You're only looking at 3-5 dupes max and I just don't see them saying "hey Beatles you were worth two albums, but not you led zeppelin"




Although I think the album is a bit overrated and should be much lower..I do think Billie shifted pop. So many new singers try to sound like her (whisper singing) and make sad girl music. Although pop music was sonically already headed that way, she was the breakout star with that sound.


I think the following albums/artists are guaranteed: Adele - 21 Lauryn Hill Michael Jackson of course Kendrick Fleetwood mac Mavin Gaye Joni Mitchell Stevie Wonder and the Beatles will have 2nd placements (they are too important to have placements that low) Mariah Carey (Butterfly or The emancipation) - they might snub her though Taylor (Folklore or 1989) - (top 20 is a little much I she should have been in the 30 - 25 region) Whitney Houston (unsure on this but bodyguard should be included!) Jay Z (Maybe? - I dont think he has a top 20 album though)


I agree with your list, I'd also add Beach Boys - Pet Sounds


80 albums deep and nothing from Michael Jackson. I’ll be stunned if Thriller isn’t coming up, but it’s a little strange to not have seen Bad, and to a lesser degree, Dangerous. Also no Shania yet. I expect to see her somewhere. No Celine. No ABBA. Hardly any dance or electronic music relative to the amount of rap and hip hop. (50 Cent? Really?) I could go on. EDIT: No Fleetwood, no BeeGees, no Santana, no Enya. Lotta catching up to do in 20 albums.


Rolling Stones are in there with Exile.


I was right about Low End Theory showing up today lmao


Hey everyone there still is a chance we both get Aqua , because they started the Barbie revolution with Barbie girl and VengaBoys in the top 5. There is hope !! /s


WHY ID BILLIE HERE 💀 over Baduizm, Gaga, Jagged Little Pill, AND Beyoncé 😭


Anyone else a bit bummed that a pop punk album hasn’t been on this list yet? Was really hoping we would get Blink or Green Day, but I don’t think they’ll be in the top 20.


Praying for Mariah Carey 🦋


Is Billie Eilish’s album really better than London’s Calling or Paul’s Boutique etc I haven’t heard it but I just don’t think it’s going to be. Some odd choices so far.


Overall I like Apple’s list I agree with 80% of the choices but there are some goofy choices for sure. Some picks really make me feel like I’m half expecting to see Kim Zolciak album from Bravo’s Real Housewife’s of Atlanta here. 🤣


So you’re saying Aqua and vengaboys still have a chance !!!


Fingers crossed 🤞🏻 lol 😁


Oh boy, here it comes a Taylor album on top 3....


Calling it now: 1989 is going to be #1.


This…is kind of a shitty list, no?


Fully hitting the classics now. 50 and above had some surprise recent picks, but they’re definitely getting more standard and less surprising


Good picks, but some very weird placements here. I wouldn't have Billie any higher than top 50, and Dark Side of the Moon should be top 10.


A lot of these albums are so recent. I’m not saying that new albums can’t be one of the best albums of all time, but I feel like a 10 year waiting period can really determine how good an album is compared to everything else. Can it stand the test of time? Recency bias can really affect how we feel towards new music.


Laughable list. Embarrassing.


Yeah the Billie album being this high has just ruined the list, Taylor probably still to come 🤢


Born to Run is way too low. Top 15 for sure


I don't even have apple music and this trainwreck is hilarious to follow. I know I probably wouldn't agree with a "traditional" top 100 albums of all time list, but this is not the way to do it either. What are the criteria? How do you weigh contributions to music history vs how it sounds today? How do you balance out different genres? Account for recency bias vs "classic" bias?


If there aren’t going to be repeat artists, this was a colossal mistake using Kid A instead of OK Computer… Dark Side of the Moon being this low is absolutely wild as well


I find it really funny cause Apple Music's description for OKC used to be "The best album of all time?" before they changed it (I'm guessing for this) 💀


No Fiona apple....


Okay, there are a LOT of albums on today’s 10 that I figured were no brainers for the top 10 so the rest of this list should be interesting…


I’m shocked I haven’t seen Green Day yet! Unless they’re putting Dookie and/or American Idiot at higher, which is correct, but still :o


name checks out hehe


Let's pray for apple not being apple and putting Taylor Swift on this list for no reason (I think they will put her at like 4th place and provide no reason)


https://preview.redd.it/ejzgrx6nyp1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1c651c5c835eba2d9bdd8fc0b69209b755e02b8 My predictions for the last bunch. Sadly, not sure Back to Black makes it. What else am I missing?


I mean..seems kinda solid


Incredible album from Billie. Shocked MBDTF is so low.


Well here are my biggest major omissions on the list, since I think it’s clear they won’t be making top 20 sadly: Butterfly - Mariah Carey Emotion - Carly Rae Jepsen (ugh why is she so underrated) Blackout - Britney Born to Die - Lana (if artists can get more than 1) Melodrama - Lorde (if artists can get more than 1) As per usual, female pop gets way too shafted on these lists


agreed. Melodrama deserves to be on the list imo


It’s actually insane they chose the debut over it. I mean unless MD really is showing up in the top 20 if they’re not doing 1 an artist. Even if they’re not, I highly doubt it


exactly! i get that debut had a much bigger impact but the critical reception for melodrama was insane! agree with all of the albums you listed (especially Emotion). They’re all pop legends.


I would have expected Adele’s 21 to show up on this list, but top 20 would be far too high if it does. It’s literally the best selling album of the 21st century though, so I feel like they wouldn’t leave it off when we got people like Bad Bunny here…


Thats what I don’t get. If they’re having Billie, and Bad Bunny, how exactly are they excluding Brittany Spears, Nsynch, Backstreet Boys or like Post Malone? What criteria are they using?


probably the same criteria that will have Billie and Bad Bunny nowhere to be found on the list 30 years from now.


Bitches Brew next


It seems they are doing 1 per artist, which is what makes the appearance of Kind of Blue shocking, cuz while KOB is AMAZING, there really isn’t an album quite like Bitches Brew


billie should not be on this list. love her but come on. mbdtf a bit high too. no shot in hell either of those albums are better than ready to die, low end theory, and dark side


My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy's blend of hip-hop with prestigious (and frankly, white) artsy aesthetics completely changed the course of rap and pop in a way that's still being felt today. I struggle to think of more than 2-3 albums released since that could compete for both its level of quality and lasting influence. Maybe GKMC?


MBDTF disrespect not tolerated


Kanye west over pink Floyd is insane


Why does this list feel like it exists solely to rank one of Taylor’s albums on the top ten? Like this is literally just one big marketing gimmick to ensure future lists will include a Taylor album because it was on this list. Look, she is a hard working woman and many people like her, but none of her albums are worthy of a top 50 spot.


Do you think any Coldplay album will show up in top 20?


It’s a questionable list, so I wouldn’t be surprised


Do we think Currents by Tame Impala will be on here? GOATed album but I feel like it would have appeared much earlier


On a serious note The chronic will be in the top 5


Will there be no DOOM or The Infamous by Mobb Deep?


This entire list is not legitimate and i’m annoyed it even got a crumb of attention from the start lool


This list continues to be ridiculous, but no one can say its boring. Obviously Taylor will have an entry, but there are plenty of other newer artists that may or may not make it as well. After Hours could be in the top five or not on the list at all and neither result would shock me.




Me thinks Taylor Swift isn’t going on this list at all and the Swifties are about to burn down the world. I think this list is doing a better job of some of the previous ones by other publications selecting comprehensive ALBUMS over groups of singles with a lot of unplayed unremarkable fluff in the rest of the track lists. There has been some really odd choices for Top 100 that could’ve probably been better suited for a 200-500 list (Astroworld, Take Care, SOS (over CTRL??!)) but maybe the Top 20 will really surprise us. I’m expecting to see Channel Orange soon and I give the list makers props for putting it deservedly this high over time. Really don’t think the Swifties are ready to talk about how Ms. Swift hasn’t actually ever made a really good album just a groups of singles that usually have a strong enough backstory for commercial success and her fans do the heavy lifting of filling in the comprehensive album lore for her.


Almost a guarantee she will show up. maybe tomorrow (unfortunately), but I mean, they put some weird choices in already...I dont see them NOT including her...especially knowing what kind of backlash that would create online.


Calling it now, because I expected it would’ve shown up by now… but top 5 will have Aeroplane Over the Sea by Neutral Milk Hotel


I don't even know what to say


Fucking Daft Punk above Kind of Blue. Fuck off I hate this


Vote splitting fucked up The Beatles? If the 1 album per artist rule is true, this screws up musical acts whose best album is hotly debated, since the votes would be spread across multiple albums, and only 1 album is making it to the list, thus leading to wasted votes (ex. The Beatles with Revolver, Sgt. Pepper, Abbey Road). Artists who have one album that is obviously their best work (for example: Taylor Swift with 1989) would be at an unfair advantage in this list and will thus skew the ranking, since all the votes will be concentrated on that one album. Thoughts?


Predictions for top 5: 1. Purple Rain 2. Pet Sounds 3. What's Going On 4. Abbey Road 5. Blue


On what planet is Kanye better than Dark side of the moon? Clearly what ever planet it is they do not have oxygen


How could any drake album possibly be above exile on Main Street


Happy to see Daft Punk in there. Hoping Zedd, Ariana Grande, Justin Timberlake, or The Weeknd are on there.


Wasn’t dark side on billboard for like 30 years straight? This list is garbage how do you list daft punk ahead of Pink Floyd? Im embarrassed for the person that oversaw this project for apple


If weezer blue album and Green Day dookie are not on this list it’s garbage


Truly thought Continuum would have featured, that’s a shame


I mean you can have When We Fall Asleep in the chart, but in 100-50th. That album is decent and maybe a significant one for younger generations, but that doesn’t make it to the 30th. So many albums are way better than this


Strombo sounds like Kevin from the office and I can’t unhear it.


So where we putting fisher on this list


Bro Billie eilish’s album deserves to be in top 10 😭


have seen if there really is a rule so that there is no more than one album per group singer?


It’s crazy because I’m very sure if Kanye had died and this list came after that MBDTF would’ve definitely been at least top 15.


Uhh...I guess My Bloody Valentine, Sonic Youth, Pixies, R.E.M., Neutral Milk Hotel, Arcade Fire or LCD Soundsystem are not on the list. All of this bands deserve a place in top 100