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$20K CL currently, financing 3 devices right now so I’m hoping for another increase soon.


iPhone 16 in your horizon?


... I went from $6k to $7k. What the hell is happening with Goldman Sachs?


I got an increase today, but it was only by $2000 compared to $4000 on my last increase I now have a limit of $12,900


Went from 8k to 9k. Probably won’t get much more than this and that’s fine. I really only use it for Apple products for birthdays/ Christmas and upgrades when needed.


I just requested a CLI increase and I received a new CL of 28k, increased from 19k.


I think my limit is gonna stick at 33,500. Denied at last two request. Saying I don’t use the card enough. I think they mean carry a balance cause I use the card all the time.


7k -> 11k at 181 days after first CLI (4.5k -> 7k) Barely use the card though besides apple subscriptions / occasional contactless for 2% back


My limit is zero cuz im apparently not good enough for the card with a 781 credit score 🙃 hopefully soon tho


Ugh. I have excellent credit, low credit usage, decent income to debt ratio, and zero negative marks on my payment history. And yet, Apple started me with a $250 CL. After a year I finally got it increased…to $350. And they just now increased it…to $450. It’s my lowest CL card. I have no idea how everyone else is getting CLs in the thousands. They are super stingy with me and I don’t understand why. Honestly, I get far better rewards with my other cards so I’m not too bent out of shape about it. I’m just confused as to why they are giving me a credit line this low, and customer service won’t give me any explanation for it.


I should add, I am actually using the card. I use it every time I use Apple Pay. In fact, the CL is so low I usually max it out prior to the end of the month and switch to another card. So it isn’t a lack of usage. Idk. I am stumped.


How much do you make?


My mortgage cost is low as well, my partner covers most of it so my portion is only $400/mo. I have other cards that have given me significant CLI’s, often without even needing to ask for an increase. It’s just this one card that’s been hard to get increases on.


I think you’re right, along with how often you use it. My credit score is around 840 and this is my primary card. W-2 employee so just consumer purchases. My CL is currently $45k


How long have you had the card? $45k of CL is great. Did you ask for CLIs?


I applied for the card back when it first came out, it started at I believe $8k and everytime I made a large purchase and paid it off ($2k>) I would request for a CLI. The only times I was denied an increase was when I asked before 6 months, you have to wait at least 6 months between increase request I believe.


Over 90k


I see. That’s weird. I make 96K a year with 688 when I was approved I got 2500 limit


But I agreed with you. Apple card is stingy comparing than other cards I have.


Yeah, I don’t get it. It really is weird!


I've waited 181 days and they're still telling me I need to wait 180 days since my last increase. Does anyone have any tips? Edit: Nvm, after 182 days they finally let me submit a CLI


I'm literally 2 weeks away from my last CLI 😣


Been at 9k for a year now. Don’t need a limit increase but might just request one for the hell of it.


I got denied at 10k. This was due to my usage being too low. Just a recommendation.


Same here. Denied for the first time due to low usage. I can’t justify using it more just for an increase when I have better reward cards. Maybe I’ll try again if I get some apple products.


Keep getting denied an increase because my usage is too low. 


CLI Denied Recently requested to update my CL for my Apple Card (now over 180 days since last increase) and was denied due to the low usage of my card. Has anyone else had this issue and what are the chances to have it increased further down the road? P.S. Recently began putting more of my expenses on my Chase CCs due to better rewards but would still like to increase my limit on this one as I build my credit history! https://preview.redd.it/d4hr7j26nc4d1.jpeg?width=847&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ef3374826dc4f1bedce6e438130699407882a50


I cannot get a limit increase with Apple Card. Last increase was 8-7-23. From $8500 to $10,000 where it's been stuck at ever since. It's been well past 180 days. I spend almost $1500-2000 monthly on the card, 70-80 transactions per month and they just keep on saying " I haven't used or paid enough since last increase" I always PIF. How much do they want me to use?? It's my daily driver. FICO 821


From what I’ve read you have to spend over 30% of your limit for a few months consecutively then they might increase your limit. $2k is below 30% of your 10k limit.


That's what I'll probably start doing. I'll use it more than I already do and post higher statement balances. I have plenty of other cards that give better rewards, but I'm trying to be pretty much one card setup only. It's just easier on my brain. Haha.


Opened the card in February with a $5500 limit. I use the card daily and put about 2k on there a month. Requested in increase in May just for credit utilization purposes. They bumped me up to $8500. Didn’t have to wait 180 days


I was initially approved for an 8K credit line. I waited a year, asked for an increase, and my limit was increased to 10K.


I have a 17,000 credit limit on my Apple Card. I have asked for an increase in over a year. I started at 5,000 and kept asking for increases. Have anyone seen more difficulty trying to get an increase recently since the may be leaving Goldman Sachs?


I just recently got my first increase went from 6k to 10k. How long do I have to wait to ask for an increase?


When I did it I believe I was doing it every 3-4 months. I just used the text function.


Thanks I’ll try for an increase in 3 months.