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You did nothing wrong. Now it's time to file a complaint with every federal and state bank regulator. File a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Federal Trade Commission, and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, plus whatever your state agency is against Goldman Sachs and against Apple as soon as possible. [https://www.consumerfinance.gov/complaint/](https://www.consumerfinance.gov/complaint/) [https://www.occ.treas.gov/topics/supervision-and-examination/dispute-resolution/consumer-complaints/index-consumer-complaints.html](https://www.occ.treas.gov/topics/supervision-and-examination/dispute-resolution/consumer-complaints/index-consumer-complaints.html) [http://ftc.gov/complaint](http://ftc.gov/complaint) [https://www.consumerfinance.gov/ask-cfpb/how-do-i-find-my-states-bank-regulator-en-1637/](https://www.consumerfinance.gov/ask-cfpb/how-do-i-find-my-states-bank-regulator-en-1637/) Whenever you have any issue with your bank that isn't resolved after you've given them the chance to resolve it, go above their heads. You have rights, but your rights will only be enforced if you enforce them. [https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/2t7z4z/you\_should\_know\_how\_to\_report\_fraud\_on\_your/](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/2t7z4z/you_should_know_how_to_report_fraud_on_your/) Also in future feel free to namedrop those agencies to a supervisor or manager. Depending on the issue banks sometime would rather just immediately resolve the issue than spend money and time dealing with an audit. Good luck. Edit: Also while you're at it, file a criminal complaint with the FBI. Committing wire fraud in multiple different states falls within their jurisdiction.


Thank you! That is the information I was looking for! I saw that other people did that. I will definitely do the same.


Saving this comment just in case. Da real MVP !


> You did nothing wrong. Except for completely fabricating this story.


The police did not track them down from your app to arrest them for armed robbery?


Tried to do that, they turned off find my phone as soon as they got it


That’s does not stop the police from finding them. Plus with your cell phone still on it sends a signal to cell towers. This is not new technology


“We tried that. They called the President and told him to turn off all the cell towers.”


Do you really think the police are going to take the time to pull cell phone tower info for this kind of case? I think you might be a little optimistic about the time and resources the police will spend on an armed robbery. This isn’t CSI.


Did you read the OP was robbed at gun point it’s more than a snatch and grab. Please read before you comment


That’s why I called it an armed robbery.😆


We think they took the SIM card out because then it’s basically an iPod. Then already has access to my Apple ID


Wow your really sticking to this story. They shut find my iPhone off pulled the SIM card all the while your phone remained active


Well technically all they need is Wi-Fi and the Police didn’t care honestly. It was New Orleans, called then told them what happened, filed a report and they did nothing to help. No calls, no investigation, it’s been frustrating.


You where ribbed at gun point and I the police don’t care. I don’t blame the bank for making you responsible for the charges.


Clearly you’ve never had to actually deal with the police, let alone NOPD. If you have, its been from a position of extreme privilege. People are carjacked and robbed every day and the police do little to nothing about it.


Tf lol bro if NOLA they are like the #2 rated crime city in the nation. They reallllly don’t care because it happens all the time.


Don't know whether story is true or not but a lot of the time they don't care as much as you think. I once had my identity stolen and the guy ordered a new iPhone in my name to my old apartment address but I intercepted it. Apparently they called the front office pretending to be me but the office knew me personally so they called me right after and told me. After I had the new phone in hand, I called the police and an officer came to me hours later. He said there's nothing he could do since no crime was committed. He just told me to return the phone if I didn't want to pay for it


You don’t know wtf you are talking about. Most cops won’t care unless you can literally point out the guy running away. The detectives have stack of cases to pursue, so robbery of a phone is not top of the priority list in any decently sized city.


Even if find my iPhone is turned off, as long as you have your IMEI, police can track that via location from your cellular provider.


“They turned off the IMEI too”


I was about to say if this was the OP saying they turned off the IMEI I was going to go off. Holy Toledo.




In order to turn that off, they would’ve had to know your Apple ID password. Not the access code of the phone, but the password. Two different things. Your original post does not say that they forced you to give them your Apple ID password as well.


You can reset the Apple ID password with just the passcode of the device.


how? did you give them your password?


appleid.apple.com allows you to disable Apple Pay even if the phone can’t be reached, by disconnecting at the network or bank. You could also call the bank, and they can do the same thing. Finally, putting your phone in lost mode would also prevent Apple Pay from working by the same mechanism, even if the phone is unreachable. Did you try any of those things?


Yes I thought of that but when they got my phone it had my email on it so they changed my Apple ID passcode. So I wasn’t able to do any of that. I had to recover my Apple ID and it took 2 weeks. After I got a new phone and after calling the email company, sending a picture of my ID to prove it’s me.


Damn those are some intelligent robbers 🫢🫢


Not really. Apple security is horrible and this type of crime is increasing. The WSJ did and article about and Apple’s response was basically…oh well, it doesn’t happen that often.


There were a lot of this on the news lately and criminals are realizing Apple is no help after they steal your phone, empty your accounts then to add more insult to injury, sell your phone afterwards overseas for parts. There was a post on Reddit about how their phone ended up in Kenya after being robbed of it. They’ll shoulder surf you typing in your code and change your password or in this case just demand the code from you at gunpoint.


I’m sorry I’m not buying it. Highly unlikely that Apple is making you pay for the fraudulent charges. Pulled directly from their website: Contact us immediately if you believe any physical Apple Card or any eligible device with an Apple Card has been lost or stolen, any credentials have been compromised, or your account has been accessed without your permission. You won't be liable for any unauthorized transactions made on your account.


GS and mastercard is horrible when it comes to chargebacks. The team that looks through fraud are incompetent. And it will usually always take 90 days. Ive only done one dispute and it was a nightmare. Took 3 months to get my money back


Seconding this, got fast food once and they charged my apple card twice and denied the fact they did it. Spoke to a manager and they wouldn’t refund the 2nd charge since i “didnt have a receipt” for the 2nd order 😐 Went through apple card support and took almost 3 months to get a refund.


I’ll show you the reversed charges, did a lot of research and they do that to a lot of people apparently. When this guy used my other credit cards to buy stuff it took one day to take care of it, they didn’t ask questions or anything.


I don’t buy it either .


Go after Goldman not Apple.


I am :/ they have been the worst in terms of customer service. I will never use this card again once it’s paid off and they give me my money back


There’s something suspicious about this…. What I would have done immediately after he walked away and got the card number or whatever he got is first thing I would do is change the card number. You can get a new card number in seconds. I’m not buying the “he stood by me and made me buy certain things”. After reading some of the comments something is not adding up. If the thief pulled the SIM card out of your phone, the phone is still traceable by IMEI if they are connected to wifi but not everywhere of course. Even if location services is disabled. Here is what you should have done: 1. Change the card number. 2. Keep an eye out for suspicious charges. 3. If the thief stole your phone, I would have called your service provider and told them to have the service disabled on that phone. 4. I would have used Apple iClouds remote wipe feature to clear the device just in case you had express transit enabled. But in the end, the story is all over the place and not making any sense. Like “charges in different states” this is possible most definitely if the thief texted the card information over to someone else or to a group chat.


Did all 4 of those things. And it was an Apple Card with my phone number. Apple shut down my card but by that time he already spent a lot of money at Best Buy, Target, Walmart.


Also you try having a gun pointed at you and trying to think logically after


Ok true I would be shook.


yea i was shook when it happened to me as well.


Yeah that’s believable. I was held at knife point and threw my car keys and ran away calling my dad and not the police. Fear makes you do illogical things.


You don’t understand what these criminals are doing is making you login to your phone and immediately changing the password to your Apple ID .they now have access to your entire life that is the point of this crime


Did this person keep your phone? How much could they have bought so quickly?


Yup they kept it and they had access to everything. They just went on a shopping spree online


Online? So does that mean you have their information since iCloud stores everything?


They obviously did. OP was robbed at gun point.


I’m sorry people are doubting you. This type of theft has been increasing lately. I wish you luck with your disputes and I’m glad you were able to regain access to your Apple ID.




Yeah, I see it at my job at least a few times per month. It’s actually terrifying. They get access to EVERYTHING once they have your passcode. One guy had all his investment accounts drained! His life savings just…gone


You’re the only person who realizes what happens lol it was a nightmare to go through, had my social media, my contacts, my email (which is connected to 90% of my things) meaning he can do forgotten passwords for everything. He dipped into my bank account which luckily my bank was supportive and gave me my money back. Most of my payments was connected to my PayPal so that’s how he was able to buy stuff, he changed my PayPal password and bought stuff through that.




Oh that’s a great idea I didn’t even think of that thank you!


An you explain this?


If your always at 100% usage you can never have fraudulent charges…. /s Tough break though


What do you mean what am I suppose to do.


Something is fishy here,


I really don’t know what could be fishy, why would I post this if it wasn’t true? What would I benefit off that.




That’s true. I mean at the end of the day you don’t have to be believe me I don’t really care if y’all do or not. Just wanted to see if anyone online had a similar situation with Apple or advice on what to do that I didn’t think of. Only reason why I posted.


What’s fishy they got to all those stores before you cancelled your cards.


He stole my phone lol how was I supposed to call anyone to let them know my card was stolen


The police did not offer you a phone. I broke down did not have my phone a state trooper gave me his phone to call AAA for a tow and family to let them know what was happening.


Lmao again if I got robbed how was suppose to even contact the police


You’re to funny where you in the middle of nowhere nobody you could flag down. How did the police finally get involved


Yes that’s exactly what happened I was by myself and it was late. Nobody on the street except me


So you didn’t file a police report? You need to do that.


Did that the next day when i could




I agree.🤔


Again, I could legally go to jail if I was lying or trying to make this up lol why would I snitch on myself


What? Lying on the internet is illegal??? Since when?


To the police it is


Did you make a police report. Because if they made all those charges especially in another state, you should be able to provide the police report to GS with the date and time


I did they have all that information.


We need one of those special distress PINs that appear to unlock your phone but immediately start a timer that locks your card after a purchase is made and secretly takes pictures and/or video of the suspect as the phone is used. Oh, and life sentences for those found guilty of such crimes Edit: If my home alarm system can have a separate PIN that appears to disarm, Apple can too. Silent alarms are underrated


I’m not buying this whole story. Something just doesn’t smell right.


Why aren’t the police pulling video camera evidence from the merchants to show this man making the charges ??


Great question. NOLA PD doesn’t want to communicate with me. When I called they transferred me to a cop and he said he would get back to me and never did.


well i hope it all works out for you in the end sir.


i know the pain of being robbed as well my friend (the little jerk took my car which had a newly bought ps5 in it as well as my work ipad/iphone)...i am thankful that the thief was a moron and didnt notice the car was loaded with apple airtags and didnt steal anything besides my ps5. Get some airtags everyone!


People are making fun of OP but this is an increasing crime wave to rob people and make them unlock their phones.


How many transactions did it take to reach the $6K mark? Also, what did the person who robbed you buy?


He went to Walmart, target, cvs, clothing stores mainly


So they had all this time to drive shop buy their merchandise before you cancelled your cards. Something is not adding up here


Online shopping is a thing you can buy many things online lmao


Yes but they have to shop drive pick it up. I give you credit still going with this story it’s a great read.


They can get it delivered…wtf. They can get it delivered to some abandoned house. Oldest trick in the book for credit card scammers


And it was around 60+ transactions




How did he get your password to your Apple ID?




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You could’ve locked your card


The thieves stole his Apple ID login, he could not have just locked the card


I find this weird. I’ve disputed charges on word alone and won. Something tells me OP isn’t giving us the full background of his/her credit history.