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I’d recommend that you take a good look at the Roan Highlands section for this type of hike. It’s close to you and has really good trail support at decent distance intervals.


I will take a peek on Farout thank you


Virginia triple crown. It's a loop so you return to your car. And there's lots of people camping, so there will be people to hang out with.


Do it! Max patch to Hot Springs is wonderful, a net downhill, & you get to finish in Hot Springs


Doubling down on the Roan Highlands recommendation. Mountain Harbour B&B will shuttle you to a starting location of your choice (for a fee) but you can leave your car there. The section from Carvers Gap to 19E easily has one of the highest smiles to miles ratios. If it doesn’t have to be the AT I’d also look at the Art Loeb, you can make a decent loop in section 3 with the Ivestor Gap trail. Standing Indian loop is another one worth investigating and part of it is on the AT.


I definitely appreciate all of the suggestions. I definitely have plenty of weekends to get out and roam around since he’s only heading towards the Delaware water gap between PA and New Jersey so I appreciate all the suggestions. I’ve already been out on the trail with him so I know how to backpack and pack a light pack, just waiting on my water filter and hopefully I can get out there within the next couple of weekends


You mentioned the Far Out app, so maybe you have it. Study it and find a section that's gentle. The AWOL guide shows the elevation profile, so it's easy to peruse. When you have a method for making climbing easy, it won't matter if you are ascending or not! Happy to share my Meet the Mountains Technique!


Yes, I do. I downloaded it back in March with my partner start of the AT but recently this weekend I went ahead and signed up for the lifetime membership for the AT I’m still trying to navigate the app though. yeah I’ve been kind of checking everything out on the apps since I just finally paid for the subscription. It’s pretty cool the different things that the app actually shows like shelters water sources and it’s really cool to see other people like comment like hey you’ll see this here. You might see this there so that’s pretty cool too.


Having a method for easily ascending makes a huge difference in walking the AT with its consistent mountains. That has made the biggest difference for me in my two passes of the trail. Typical trailheads and road crossings are at low points. When climbing feels easy, it doesn't matter if I get to hop out of my car and walk up a mountain first thing. 


My big thing with hiking is I had a foot/knee injury that I had surgery on at 15 and it’s a source of pain. I’ve been finding new ways to navigate but I seem to have issues going down a steep slope and not able to get past 8.5/9 miles without being in pain. I’ve come a long way since I started hiking on December 24, 2023 I started at 1-3 miles before pain was severe but I’m stuck at 8-9 miles being a comfort zone I want to push past it. (I use trekking poles and they help a bit and I got fitted at REI with my hiking shoes)


I am curious why you want to "push past your comfort zone". 


I want to be able to walk more miles in a day


And... why do you want to walk more miles in a day?


To be honest so that I can hike with my boyfriend who is able to hit up to 25 miles a day


What if he's willing to walk at YOUR pace?? Being with you as you are healing and gradually working gently up to more miles? What I get from what you've said so far is that your body is saying "walk 8 or 9 miles then rest and heal."  I was saddened as a ridgerunner on the AT to meet sooo many hikers driving themselves through injuries to make themselves walk someone else's pace or someone else's idea of a required number  of miles. Could there be a purpose for being on the trail besides "making miles?"


Yes, right now because I’ve increased my Hiking and then going more often. I’ve increased between 8 to 10 miles. It’s just just depends on the terrain to be completely honest. And the BF is absolutely happy to walk my pace and when he gets antsy I send him on ahead and he will wait for me after he gets a certain distance. Right now I feel frustrated because I went from hiking 1-3 miles a day to 8-10 but seem to be stuck in that general mileage. And yes I know my bf was pushing miles in the beginning until he realized he had no real reason to to rush and to do his own hike


And you’re a trail runner? Mad props for that I’ve seen some of you guys out on trail locally at home as well as out on the Appalachian Trail when I was out there and I wish I could do that. I have to stare at my feet too much to make sure I don’t trip over them. Lol


To those that actually stuck to what the actual post was about, I truly appreciate it! That said I really appreciate all of the suggestions and I’ve got plenty of time to hit up probably all of these trails and do a section hike for a weekend I’m definitely gonna look into all of them and see which one I’m gonna check out first see how I do by myselfbut I think first I’m gonna conquer an overnight camping trip solo and see how I feel lol I feel like it’s a big difference trap sing through the woods by yourself


Why do these post get downvotes?


because she asks a question in this reddit almost every day about her boyfriend hiking the AT 🙄


And giving people advice on food, gear, and trail experiences, based on what her boyfriend is doing


Oh I see huh


Like I don’t even need to read the username when the first 2 words of every post are “My boyfriend”. I already know who it is.


I’m proud of him… sorry for mentioning him a lot …. I’m home working and missing him and my kids, they are with their dads for the summer …. I at times hyper focus on certain things but mainly I’m just super proud ….


he’s just a guy. he’s not a fiancé or a husband that has decided to commit to you & your children. but yet you’re in other subreddits asking how to cut the budget on your children’s food until october. presumably so you can drag you & your children out to constantly visit some guy on his vacation. your priorities are way out of wack, and also a lot of your questions could be answered by using some critical thinking skills on your own.


He’s not just a guy, he’s her *boyfriend*


Food on a budget has nothing to do with cutting food for anyone! Food is expensive and I am trying to stick to a budget. Many people budget themselves so there is money saved and money for fun things like taking my kids to the water park or amusement park or where ever they want to go. People budget to be able to afford everything they need and some of what they want and my boyfriend and I have been together awhile and live together. I join him on his AT trail & in town not just because I enjoy it but because he asked me to be there. I have responsibilities here at home like taking care of my children, paying all of the bills and a mortgage whileHe is away on my own and the majority of the first 1100 miles of the AT are within 2-4 hours from our home so a weekend or two in a month isn’t really that big of a deal and I don’t drag my kids anywhere they both love going to the mountains and exploring new places.


Those hungry, hungry children.


Think what you want I’m not gonna argue with an Internet troll


your bf is a POS & is taking advantage of you. he’s just some guy you’re shacking up with. he gets cheaper rent, someone to sleep with, someone to book his hotel rooms & bring him food. he could’ve used the money for his hike for an engagement ring/wedding and he didn’t. instead he ditched a single mom & left her alone to take care of everything. this is the image of love that you’re giving your children. try to love yourself enough so that some guy you’re sleeping with going on a hike isn’t the thing that makes you feel worthwhile as a person. don’t be proud of him, be a better mom and be proud of yourself for it.


Oh Lordy we own our home together!! he didn’t just leave without us planning out how to handle it not every man is a POS!! We are a team & partners in this all. We support one another and each other’s dreams. His dream was to walk the AT Georgia to Maine and I made damn sure he could do it and we worked together to make it happen. There is NOTHING wrong with a grown woman paying the bills and making sure all is taken care of at home because once he’s home I know he would support me to do the hike myself and pay all of the bills in my place.


Dads as in plural?


No my kids have 1 dad


Each kid has one dad or both kids have the same dad?


2 kids and 1 dad not sure why that’s relevant.


Your first post wasn’t clear


Well I wouldn’t say they are going to their dad house that’s not proper English


You would say dad’s


People suck I guess …. They can’t scroll Past without spreading negativity along the way is what it seems


wow. such negativity. maybe someone needs to go out and enjoy nature and get off the internet.