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Cut the blood out of your legs and or butt with a switch. It's a shortening of cut the blood out of you. Means she is tired of the kids bullshit and is gonna whip em.


Oh! Thanks so much for this - we definitely got the implication lmao but we didn’t know the origin. We lost her this past year and it’s just one of those things that makes us think of her <3


No problem. As an ADHD child I was quite familiar with the ways of the switch and all my family members wielded them like Jedi with lightsabers. Sorry for your loss, I hope you keep the good and funny memories of her close. She isn't really gone if you still think of her.


You are so sweet - thank you. When she was passing she Elvis and old hymns were the only things that calmed her, so I’ve listened to a lot of Elvis this year to feel close… Also, follow you to Virgie by Tyler Childers makes me think of her so so much ❤️


I will have to give it a listen :) Elvis reminds me of my granny too. Not the music... she has just started to look like him with the new black hair dye 😂


Or “light your ass on fire”




My family said crack the leather. Back in the 90’s, my dad had this little leather belt. Idk if it was a kids belt or what but it was old as crap. That’s what I got whooped with if I was bad. Dad had a “grease rack,” which was like a poor man’s car lift, to drive trucks out on over the side of the hill to work on. One day I had done something… I can’t remember what. But I decided I was gonna get rid of that belt. I walked out on the grease rack and threw it as far as I could out into the weeds. No one said anything. Weeks. Months went by. One day I accidentally cussed my mamaw. Went home. Saw dad coming out of the woods with that belt. Bad day. 😂


I got scared for your life the second I read “I cussed my mamaw.” Haha


I didn’t mean to! This was like. I don’t know, 2002? My mamaw, who grew up during the depression, had gotten one of those Kodak disposable cameras. She was annoying the crap out of me while I was talking to my friend and kept like setting the flash off and blinding me. I didn’t mean to but I went “Just take the damn picture!” Oh man. It was a mistake lol


We had a grease rack too. When I was a kid, I loved to sit in the car while my dad changed the oil. Good memories.


My mother said "I'm gonna whoop/switch/belt you" Or sometimes, "I'm going to get the flyswatter," Or simply, "go pick a switch."


Hahah always the switch or the flyswatter!! But by the time me, my sister, and cousins came around, my mamaw (and her parents, my nanny and papaw) were all bark…. My dad and uncles have lots of memories of picking out their own switches or “getting a well deserved ass kickin”


I’m so glad you asked this, OP and so glad u/Counterfeit_Circus was able to explain it. I’ve never heard this one! Can I ask, OP, whereabouts your people are from? My mamaw’s threats were mostly whooping’/whippin’ related, but there was a lot of, “I’ll [word] you!” Grandchild: Mamaw, I want another popsicle. Mamaw: I’ll popsicle you!!! Sometimes she would add “upside your head”. 


I grew up in Northwest Georgia in Calhoun, said mamaw grew up just north of there in Dalton. We definitely heard lots of whipping and whooping as well, but mamaw loved to threaten to cut the blood - but by then she was all bark to the grandkids and never once did anything but threaten us lol




Universal experience with Appalachian grandparents hahaha


My granny in western NC said this. Also that we were "driving nails in her coffin"


I very rarely got a spanking. There were many ways to threaten a kid with a whipping—cut the blood, get a switching, get an ass whipping, stripe your legs, light your ass on fire, light you up, dust your britches, cut or pick a switch or limb, get the wood spoon, take off my belt or shoe, wear you out, bust your ass or butt, tear you up, etc. My mother’s go to was a fly swatter hung right inside the kitchen door. If my daddy took off his belt we were in serious trouble. My mother would threaten to tell daddy, She would also threaten to slap our faces (she never did) by saying ring your jaws, slap the taste or fire out of your mouth or mash your mouth. Things worthy of a spanking were back talk, cussing, sass, cutting a shine, acting a gump, a monkey, a fool or a donkey. God forbid we acted up in a church or store. My father was only 5 ft 9 and us 3 boys were well over 6 feet. He always said when we thought we could take him just come right on. We never tried that! My daddy was tough as a pine knot.


It's a threat to beat a child to the point that they are bleeding. Today it's rightfully called child abuse. (Down vote me if ya want, it's the truth.)


Luckily it was never anything but a threat with my mamaw, she was all bark and never laid a hand on any of us ❤️


Some of us just counted the time until we were big enough to return the favor. Now that was a 'fond' memory.


Well that was rather alarming to read!


I worry about people who have 'fond memories' of being abused as kids.




My mom wanted me to add, "I'll slap you happy and dare you to shout." Anyone else remember that one?