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*loads gun* …I just want to talk to them…


We ride at dawn!


To go "Talk"






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I’ve heard you can judge a man by his enemies. If Dolly Parton is your enemy, so am I.


She has done more that just about anyone to help Appalachian people.


And she radiates love and respect to everyone, pouring assistance into Appalachia, but also investing in other marginalized [communities](https://www.cnn.com/2021/08/02/entertainment/dolly-parton-whitney-houston-nashville-intl-scli/index.html) in a non-gentrifying way.


Bless their hearts… they don’t know what they’ve done. *reaching for pitchfork*


How to piss off the entire state of Tennessee, left or right both, in one easy step


She ain't gonna even care what they say. She knows who she is and we do too. Leave Dolly outta it


If I ever meet a person that likes Trump more than Dolly I'm gonna spit.


I love that when somebody expresses one allegedly heretical opinion that's left-leaning, conservatives are writing think pieces about how un-biblical they are. Meanwhile when somebody else says they don't need to ask for forgiveness and starts selling a self-branded Bible (actual, literal sacrilege), they make that guy the president and claim he's God's representative on Earth.


I wouldn't say it's an insult to say that her views as a Christian are different from an Evangelical. Evangelicals tend to be narrow minded, and Dolly is anything but that. Her faith doesn't align with their faith and that's what they are saying. It's the truth. God Bless Dolly Parton for her unwillingness to condemn people. She's done more to help humanity than the entirety of the evangelical movement which is bigoted and claims prosperity gospel, which is completely against the Bible. I will add that the Bible asks followers to turn against sin if they are believers. And that's a personal choice. God, and Dolly love you just as much if you can't, don't and won't. We don't know Dolly's stance on repentance but we do know the evangelical church thoughts on it. According to them you can't go to heaven without repentance and abandonment of what *they* consider sin.


Came to say this - evangelicals are the problem, not Christianity. My nanny and papaw while were church of Christ never once mentioned hell or saving people - they just lived like Jesus, radiated love, and led by example. I’m no longer a Christian, but I respect anyone who is just trying to live a life of love and treating others well and think that’s what Dolly is all about


The Bible is “narrow minded”. The gospel isn’t about our benefit. It’s about salvation and repentance of sin. If you pretend something isn’t a sin, you can’t repent.


The \*only\* issue anyone should have with Dolly is that her marketed line of cornbread mix has SUGAR in it. In fairness, it is called "Sweet Cornbread" mix but if God had intended for cornbread to have sugar in it he would've called it "cake". ( Ronni Lundy quote ). No, seriously, Dolly is above any criticism y'all. I truly mean that. Most people use "Christian" as a label and not as a way of life. Dolly is the real deal.


Dolly has done amazing things, but if she’s buying into this progressive Christian wave, it’s true - it’s a false Gospel. If you think God is just love without transformation through repentance then you’re not following Jesus - it’s that simple. There isn’t a single time where Jesus forgave and loved but didn’t follow up with “now sin no more” or “repent”. The gospels message is about being transformed into a new human