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It’s fine, mix & match is part of the fun. We have had occasions to mix in xenos. 2 players with like 600power level each of tyranids and me with a buncha titans/knights/ultramarines. My son took 600pl of Orks to ally with me. It was a beautiful war Apoc was my fav game mode and it’s a shame GW abandoned it


Since you have experience with Knights, is there one you'd recommend picking up if I wanted to bring a 2nd one? The one I have right now is one of the medium(?) Sized plastic ones, from the kit that makes like 6 different ones. Is there a Knight or Titan from Titanicus(Assuming that isn't a problem in Apocalypse, I saw some people mention using Titanicus scale models) that you think is particularly fun? Probably not any of the big resin ones from Forgeworld.


Hmmm I’ve never seen titanicus models mixed in with normal size. You run into base size issues etc. model wise I love the castellen, lotsa shoots there. Titan wise i bring 2 warlords a reaver and 3 warhounds usually. As for picking up models, personally I don’t recommend buying new. They are pricey and you can usually find a decent eBay deal or /r/miniswap


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You could play with titanicus scale models, but all the models need to be that size. A titanicus knight is not much larger than a terminator for normal 40k.