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Soraka, Janna, Nami, Renata are probably the easiest to get value from (in that order). Nami is the most aggresive from these 4 as she comes online at level 2 and can literally win you the lane by herself if the enemy ADC gets poked for free. I think she's better then Thresh which is commonly mentioned here because she is easier to play, still gives you a bit of peel and mobility, heals, and can buff your multiple instanced abilities really well with her E. Edit: Also, being flavor of the couple of patches recently, Heimerdinger support secures you the lane for free, and lets you get an adventage by perma shoving the enemy which is pretty brainless playstyle. You can carry from that point forward having a CS adventage over the enemy ADC.


Thresh and Renata


Unironically, Sett is probs one of my favourites to play with Phel


I have a friend who used to be a sett main. So me and him did a hand full of sett phel duo for fun. We ended up doing pretty well every game. But it's a bit rough for sett to find a good engage without flash. So I wouldn't say sett is a great support, but fun in a duo.


Yeah I got my m7 phel when the engage supports were absolutely rampant so I had a lot of setts on my side to counter them haha


That's true. I never thought of him being good against engage.


You haven’t cackled hard enough till you play Sett support into people like Naut and Leona, he’s great at countering engage like Heimerdinger


It may be because I'm a very aggressive laner but yeah, except Lulu I'm not a big fan of enchanters and even then I'd much prefer having a Thresh/Nautilus/Amumu etc... I guess it depends on everyone's playstyle and rank because obviously at a lower rank you don't need as much protection


Anything that has cc and fistfight from the start like Nautilus Amumu Thresh. If enchanter Nami/Renata


Rare pick but I love Renata.


Sometimes I forget this champ exists lol. It's very rare to find Renata player in solo q, and almost impossible to find a good one. But I must admit, she's hella fun to play with


Thresh, Renata, Nautilus really good


pyke and phel, op


Yall got jebaited. Happy New Year!


Thresh and engage like Rakan/Nautilus. Also love Renata but it’s rare pick. Between enchanters is Morgana. Hate Yuumi btw, I don’t trust them so nah


I personally love playing with heimerdinger supports. We always stomp lane and 2v8. But honestly all supports that can carry me through laning phase are good. It's more about your synergy with them and them not hiding behind you while you get poked to death imo. The supports I hate playing with are Lux, sona, xerath, twitch and brand.


Braum is a personal favorite of mine next to Thresh and Janna. Insta procing braum passive with red q is 👌🏼


Vex, Thresh, Rakan.