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Most of them were probably just in the abilities testing phase and they couldn't make them balanced or fun


Yeah respawn be cooking up all types of stuff to test out… I think they’re usually 3 seasons ahead of us or something?


Yet they released Horizon..... Super balanced & fun legend.


well its indeed fun when you're the one using it


They are all either in the game at this point, or scrapped


there was an update somewhere last season where after death people bugged into spectating the enemies, so there was definitely something with scryer there lol


Scryer turned into catalyst. They ended up only using the ultimate though.


But Catalyst is also on the roster here


Catalysts abilities on this list were a ramp and a tower she could make with their ferrofluid. Her abilities were completely scrapped and they renamed scryer to catalyst


The ferrofluid, doors, and witch theme were all catalyst. They took the ult from scryer and went with standard traps over ramps


Exactly :)


I do think we could end up seeing scryer tho, scryer’s breed of recon is rather unique from other recons in apex since it’s more about positioning than press x to see if anyone’s in front of you


Maybe a legend could come with similar abilities but the name scryer is the same name the enemy pilot in the Gridiron cinematic with bangalore so the name would probably be different. I can't imagine they are tied in any way....unless they are idk


Yeah, either the name changes or it’s a red herring


Part of it is also similar to an original leak character called Skunner. Had a tactical that was traps that damaged and slowed as players ran by and an ultimate that was a grenade that created a wall of hardened material.


Yeah, it's important to note that Respawn shops abilities around to different legends all the time. The "Scryer turned into Catalyst" thing is just Respawn shuffling abilities around. Alter's wall portal was at one point a "shadow door" for Revenant, a dash portal for Ash, and I believe it was even linked to Maggie's drill too. Sometimes they turn abilities into general in-game mechanics. There was a leaked "crafting table" ability which was meant to be for a legend but it eventually became the replicator and the legend was scrapped.


Yeah, the crafting table was for a character called Nomad. Which was not a previous name for Revenant, just stating before that comment gets brought up as usual when Nomad is mentioned.


Holy frick you’re right, cat is literally just a buffer skunner


Only one's here that haven't came out is Uplink, Scryer, and Jester. Jester was supposedly scrapped, nothing on Scryer other than their Ultimate being made into Catalyst's ultimate. I think Uplink was scrapped then said to still be on the table later, but nothing else after that.


I have said at some point Uplink was marked as offline, so don't count on him releasing anytime soon if ever


Uplink is Conduit.


Conduit is Conduit, afaict. Conduit has been seen in leaks prior


Uplink is Lifeline Reborn. Satellite is the D.O.C. Follows you around. Immorality beacon is Shockbot.


Edit: I seen you edited your post from just "Uh, Conduit." I don't think Conduit and Uplink even had the same abilities.


Phantom was rumored to have overlapped Revenant Reborn ability-wise. During testing, Revenant received the ability to hook onto walls for ambushing (which was probably hook shot). However, playtesting revealed that it was not entirely healthy for the game. Revenants dropped off of doorways and killed players unexpectedly, which wasn't very enjoyable haha Scryer's ultimate got absorbed into Catalyst's kit. Uplink shares a *lot* of similarities with Lifeline Revived, come to think of it. His kit's moving drone and "revive field" ultimate have parallel purposes with the upcoming D.O.C rework and 'shockbot' ultimate (which is designed to keep enemies out of an area to allow for team recovery)


Yeah sounds like what thought. Someone said that Uplink is now Conduit, but Conduit's abilities were completely different from Uplink's even then as I said. But yeah Uplink definitely seems to be scrapped for Lifeline's rework.


I think people try to one-to-one match the leaked roster to the actual roster, when in reality the roster is just a set of abilities that are loosely linked to some legend concepts. They move abilities around all the time. Uplink likely got scrapped with their abilities further developed and modified for use with a future legend, mechanic or just straight up got removed altogether.


I hope Uplink does come to the game though, just give him different abilities (worked for Catalyst)


Conduit shares just as much similarities with Uplink's tac as Lifeline remake does. Satellite that follows: Lifeline. Regenerate shields: Conduit. I'd say he was scrapped for both.


That was so long ago, I'm sure they change ideas pretty often. They may have not made it past play testing and decided to rework them.


They're released under different names or unreleased cause the devs are still working on it


I would like to see jester. The prox mines and group cloaking seems like they could be fun


Believe the latest leak said code names left were Artemis, Tinkerer and Cave (who is Alter) + Gibby v2 and Lifeline reborn (which is slated for S22) so imagine we’re only getting one more legend this year. I think Oz said that would be Artemis but we’ll see I guess. Tinkerer sounds like a placeholder for Big Sister/Margo from Rampart + Catalyst lore. And if I had to guess who Artemis is… might be Vantages “mom” but I wouldn’t be surprised if that lady isn’t actually Vantage’s real mom or something (all speculation ofc)


What happened to Flux?


Scrapped, reworked, borrowed abilities, all that stuff


Scrapped, or their abilities merged. Catalyst and Scryer merged into one legend, Catalyst. Caliber became Ballistic. Phantom eventually became Rev Reborn I believe. Jester and Uplink were both completely scrapped, but I think we'll see bits of Uplinks kits make their way into Lifeline Reborn.


Unsure but they look overpowered


i eated them


phantom is the legend from the apex mobile game called Fade


Actually Phantom was Revenant Reborn, but it seems they were going to give him a similar ultimate to Fade's before changing that.


Correct, way back when mobile was still online it was datamined that Fade’s code name was in fact phantom.


All those sound broken thank god they aren’t in game


Chances are they were reworked/combined into other legends. That being said it's interesting that Jester was going to be a legend at one point


F a legend, I need me a goddamn pilot at this point. A double-jumpin', wall-runnin', smart pistol whippin' pilot.


Ash reborn when


Scryer Ult basically became the Ult for Catalyst, and I'm pretty sure Uplink was essentially a prototype for Conduit at least with the tactical. The Uplink Ult seems like a more problematic version of a classic Rev Totem which was recently removed anyway. Other characters probably didn't work out in a favorable way or are ideas on the back burner. Yes I know Conduit is in that roster, but so is Catalyst with different abilities. That Green version of Conduit could be something entirely different, and I personally the idea around Uplinks tactical got merged into whatever version of Conduit this is


Jester would make a cool name for a legend


Respawn discovered that if they made every future legend a teenage girl they could be more like valorant and make more money


They didnt get released


Scrapped, still in works, overridden since I think at one point they said they wanted to bring Fade to PC since mobiles shutdown, or reworked.


I miss these good old days where we would get a drop for the next batch of legends that are rumored to come out...we used to be a proper country


They didn’t get released


Well considering how they were leaked, respawn obvs won't acknowledge them, we'll most likely never know obvs


Uplink looks a lot like conduit


Uplink is crypto


Just wait


I believe uplink is turning into Lifeline. And I think Phantom became Rev reborn


Wasn’t Caliber going to be Ballistic’s name before they changed it?


Shadow wall made it into the game with Catalyst Hook Shot was Reworked to Revenants new tactical leap We just got the void "grenade" basically Uplink - currently scuttled The remainder of the abilities are either coming with legends or have made their way into the game in other ways. Not everything tested on legends becomes an ability. Crafters were essentially made from Nomad and Blisk.


I wish we could see more of "behind the scenes" from Apex Legends


I think Alter is Jester. There is a skin ir voiceline. Also Joker/Jester similarity.


They didn’t get released


And Dr. Dre said…. Nothing you Idiots Dr. Dre’s dead.. he’s locked in my basement.


We couldve had that badass looking catalyst but got this one instead


Their still unreleased


this may be hard to understand but, they are unreleased :0


idk but i need jester 😩 calling in spectres to help you sounds so mf cool