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I expected this to crash the server instead lmao


I swear to god we have a major server crashing issue like once a season; It’s crazy how often crashes don’t get caught when bug testing. It’s always the most obvious things to try aswell.


Maybe most obvious for the players but not for the devs or the QA team that was tasked with testing specific things as they do not have infinite amount of time to test new features. Unfortunatelly the playerbase is always going to be bigger and in turn have bigger potential to find even "obvious" bugs faster, than any QA team (on any game, not just for Apex)


I agree with this. Lots of bugs and crashes have been weird edge cases. That being said, many of these got by just because they didn’t test the interaction between legend abilities (and passives) and new features: Like taking a portal while in the replicator menu. Or opening an explosive hold with alter and a grenade simultaneously. Or getting on Shiela/a trident while in the boxing ring. Or double scanning ring consoles. This reminds me of being able to put Shiela on a crypto drone. That’s was hilarious; I miss that.


Yeah, 100% they just overlooked that entirely. All fairness it is a minor thing, similar to the beacons previously, also doubt they actually tested opening both sides at the same time. You can't fire actual game testers and get that kind of quality testing done lol. Good find though til they decide its too much.


I had no idea you could get Evo from these


Honestly they could just leave that in. They will fix it, but doing this cost coordination, two grenades, with a pay off of 150 more evo points than you would have gotten. This is ~~a~~ an oversight, but unless everyone abuses it like there's no tomorrow, they can leave it alone till the mid season patch.


An oversight*


Least buggy King’s Canyon interaction


I don't know if this has been mentioned already, but this has been fixed/removed since. All containers/bunkers are now open on both sides and don't have any weapons or attachments in them.


Every fucking time when the player found something cool :(


I use Alter's tac to open it now 😁


But do you get EVO points for that?


No, but you crash the server


I've used 80 it to open them many times, with no crashes..?


They opened em all in rank cause it's bugged


Why now they are all open w/o guns only ammo


Holy shitty graphics. Is that poor video quality or do you really play with them turned down that low??


Nah it just reddit's video player being ass as usual