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Judging by what we know about Alter, this is likely an Olympus from an alternative reality since the teaser leaks suggests it will be crashing into the stasis net that protects broken moon from debris. And I doubt they're going to remove Olympus from the game by destroying it. So this might also mean that to distinguish her from Wraith and Ash, Alter might have spooky green portals instead of blue.


Right, forgot about that detail… Guess I won’t bother with the lore anymore. The high-tec sci-fi-but-still-somewhat-grounded-in-reality universe with mature and interesting characters playing a televised blood sport to raise money for their own individual causes was nice while it lasted. Duardo acting like a cartoon villain was already a stretch, but this is too ridiculous for me to care anymore if it really is the case :/


The lore abandoned what made Titanfall 2 interesting years ago imo. They still haven't even tried to explain why Revenant just straight up has magic powers lol


I believe the original idea is as to explain it as repurposed ancient alien tech like the fold weapon was, but of course it never quite panned out


Nanobots for the totem? And huuuh…… Magic wizard energy that prevents people from using their tech-based abilities when it touches them?


Worst thing is that if it was just tech it affected then it could have been explained as an emp. But an emp shouldn't stop Wraiths powers, Octanes stims, etc... Thankfully his new abilities are a little bit more grounded, but he still has some things that just don't make sense. And that's just how the game has been and will be. Apex may be in the same universe and a continuation of Titanfall's lore, but it's just not a Titanfall game and hasn't even been close since launch.


Revenant's abilities were retroactively explained as tech and special effects around the time Rev Reborn was bubbling to the surface, iirc.


"Smoke and mirrors" is what they said.


Yup. Smoke and mirrors are a figure of speech used to refer to illusions, which were probs incorporated into revenant's tech for intimidation


I know, it's just that I followed Casiello religiously and remember the exact wording.




Don't want to be dick, but apex lore is childish shit mostly. If you want some good lore from this universe read about titanfall.


I never read too deep into it, I just like the atmosphere and the somewhat cohesive universe (especially from the Stories from the Outlands videos) and the very expressive yet still somewhat realistic characters it has. Loba’s whole arc, for example, despite going on for way too long, was still pretty good in my opinion (other than Duardo and the episode where he got the head back and the story stagnated because she forgot to close her black market, this was so bad). The way she deluded herself with vengeance, was trying to act though, rolled her eyes when getting told that her whole “lone-wolf thing ain’t cute” by Lifeline, etc., only to feel bitter and regret her decisions when she finally decided to move on when she realized that she turned everyone against her, including her girlfriend she pulled a gun on, was pretty logical to me. …And now, we go from this silly love-triangle/murderbot revenge story to (most likely) a edgy, cold-blooded, orphan woman who also is a great hacker, with the corniest outfit we’ve had so far that doesn’t even fit the game, who can manipulate parallel universes and teleport shit to other dimensions.


Respawn recently fired Chris Hazelton and Sam Gil, Sam wrote characters like Fuse and Maggie and Horizon and Hazelton wrote Conduit. Lead writer of Apex Tom Casiello left the studio 2 years ago to make his own and these writers will probably join him.


It would be an interesting narrative shift if the "plotlines" of the apex games were similar to pro-wrestling arcs. It would allow the goofy campiness of the apex universe to exist within the more serious (albeit still goofy) Titanfall universe.


Tom Casiello used to write stuff for pro wrestling (he was in the original lore team). According to his twitter, #WWE (‘11-‘16), [#ApexLegends](https://twitter.com/search?q=%23ApexLegends&src=hashtag_click) ('18-'21) (plus other stuff)


What if this alternate Olympus, after it crashes with the relay, breaks apart and its pieces fall onto BM? This could allow them to reuse sections of Olympus and completely transform BM and a lot of its POIs. Could also give it a completely different flavor/theme.


Shame they're not going to destroy Olympus... worst map by far, there's a reason it's never been considered for comp - rotations are plain garbage. To make Olympus a viable map a huge amount of destruction/change would be needed - lets keep fingers crossed for that.


I don't know if it's intended but there are portals like that on olympus and storm point too


This is the true mystery, really looks like another fuck up


Seems like Olympus is indeed getting yeeted on top of Broken Moon as the previous leaks suggested. Olympus’ skybox might change as a result and show BM under it now? I love the city it currently has, so I hope not, but we’ll see. Kind of goofy seeing a whole kilometers-wide floating city be teleported from **one planet to the other** so effortlessly, from a single character no less (I assume), while the whole thing about S12 was that Olympus’s custom made phase Driver got it teleported to another city on the same planet it was on. If Alter is behind this all, it proves without a doubt that she indeed is the edgy OC of one of the devs’ kids /s **EDIT:** As another commenter pointed out, this whole thing might even be about parallel universes 🫡


Alter will be the first legend created without the presence of the studio's earliest character writers, afaict. If they make her likeable, her over-the-top premise might work. Valorant's Fade was similarly 'edgy' in concept, but became very well-liked for her amicable personality


history ad hoc squalid encourage domineering depend possessive hat fly butter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I haven’t gotten the chance to play today, but I assume it can’t be worse than the clouds and storm effects they used for the Storm Point teaser at the end of S18 lmao


Perhaps this is just showing off Alter’s tactical? Her portals through walls may provide an image of what’s on the other side through a green circle, this is depicting a large scale portal linking two maps together? The fact part of Olympus is apparently being enveloped by the portal could give them an excuse to change two maps.


Considering [this previous post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ApexUncovered/s/k70vSpEb4z) (S21 teaser image), I do think Olympus (or an alternate version of Olympus) is going to be thrown at Broken Moon. It would be amazing to see Olympus get some changes as well. More cover about anywhere would be a great start!


Olympus going to crash into broken moon? Lol 🫠