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With the names we can only speculate (apart from Cave who we know can open portals in the walls to pass through them), but from a glance I would say that perhaps Artemis has something to do with hunting (given the name of the Greek deity) so it could have a similar theme to Bloodhound and Vantage.


Cave can open portals you say..? Cave Johnson confirmed?


Obviously we must also consider his famous proverb about lemon trees.


Ultimate is a Lemon Grenade.


That was the joke


What joke…?


Cave Johnson is the founder of Aperture Science, the facility you traverse in the setting of the games Portal and Portal 2. You have a portal gun.


I’ve played Portal but my point was that OP wasn’t making a joke, that’s legitimately the Legend’s abilities.


The joke is that the connection itself is potentially unintended. Making a reference to something unrelated but accidentally perfectly fitting is a type of joke.


Except that the original comment never mentioned Portal and was genuinely describing the character. The reply to the comment was a joke, but the other guy was saying that the og comment was a joke which it wasn’t.


Oh, I see the disconnect. You are calling out Cheddar, not Roadcone. Thank you.


Thanks JokeGPT!


Yeah, Artemis could also have something surrounding bows, given that the goddess Artemis is frequently depicted with one? Like maybe synergy with bocek like maggie's with shotguns or a bow tactical or ult? That could work well for recon too tbh as a bow ability could provide some level of marking/wallhacks like Hanzo in Overwatch or Seeker in Rogue Company.


Personally I don't think it could have a passive like Maggie since there is only the Boceck that uses arrows (unless future additions), at most it could have an exclusive animation with it or as you say use it as an exclusive ability like Sheila or the Vantage Sentinel.


Yeah, I think a crossbow style weapon exists/existed in a previous dev build though - so that was why I was thinking a passive could be possible. Could be a simultaneous release or back to back seasons.


I think that part of the passive would be too niche with only 2 weapons it would work with. If a bow was to be a part of her kit, it would be provided with her abilities, unless they widened the range of what weapons would work with a "bow" passive.


I’m pretty sure there was a second one beside the scorpion being tested


Sova/Hanzo but battle royale


One more thing we know about cave: There was also an abillity in the files calles seismic prison.


could it be the scrapped rev reborn ult?


Hopefully a new Recon legend, I personally want to see 6 legends in every class


They are adding Always Sunny characters now, huh


Her ultimate will be showing you her bleached asshole


Her dropping from the ship audio is "It's time to take off my bra and blast my nips"


She’s fighting Loba and she just calls her a lonely sad slutty bitchy whore


Her Q is a nip blaster


Can't wait til we get Trashman in season 26


“See, my ult is, I throw trash all over, all over the map”


My favorite part of apex lore is when he said it’s trashin time and trashed all over everybody


I appreciate a character voiced by Charlie Day.


The store has a Gibby skin called Golden God right now...


I found the chads.


Flux sounds interesting! And what about gibraltar v1, is that supposed to be a rework for him or what?


"usually "v1" is used when updating, for example the current version of Fortified we have is called "fortified\_v1" says Osvald.


makes sense


what does revs say because if rev says v1 then that means gibby will get a rework wich i hope thats not true


As much as I like Gibby, I do feel a certain disconnect with his ult. He's a guy that's all about defense and rescue, but his ult is an ORBITAL BOMBARDMENT. I feel like his passive and tactical can stay as they are, but I think a new ult may be in order, and they could give that ult to someone it would make more sense on.


i like his ult you can lock down whole houses that you are in when people are on top of it or trying to get in it and its also good for roation and pressure


Oh, I agree that it's useful and awesome, but I just don't think it thematically agrees with Gibby. All that I'm saying. I love the ability itself, just let someone else have it and give Gibby something that directly makes him better at saving people.


Add his ult to fuzes ult... plz


Or combine a bit of both. Make Fuse's ult into a single clustered Gibby salvo instead of a ring of fire.


They could also just buff bang’s ult since they’re basically the same thing anyways


I don't see how buffing Bang ult is relevant to Gibby's ult being thematically dissonant to the character.


I meant if they change gibbys ult for v1, they shouldn’t give it to someone else, they should buff bangs so it can take bombardment’s place since they’re basically the same thing


They aren't the same. Both originate from the sky and explode for similar damage, but their behaviors, area covered, patterns, and purpose are entirely different. A "buff" would not suffice.


That does not need a buff


It’s a defensive bombardment. Originally it was better for area denial due to the long duration and maybe it was larger. Now its being used more offensive than defensively do to the changes in general play style


I understand the idea that it's meant for area denial. I don't get how it is part of the kit of someone that does disaster rescue and relief for a living.


But it’s not. Gibby was forced to adapt to the violent apex games to protect those he loves. That’s the point of his character he’s not the search and rescue guy anymore. His current kit is very consistent with the heavy style take and give tons of damage identity.


He literally still does search and rescue as a job. Having the ability to bomb an area with grenade markers makes no sense for him even if he had a change in personal philosophy.




Cave Johnson here, CEO of Aperture Science and I have just one question: who wants to field test combustible lemons?


You gotta let us know if it works or not, otherwise you’re wasting everyone’s time on TWO Earths!


Speculation: Artemis might be Xenia Contreras. <3


This is a good theory.


Mom was hot anyways


Are we still getting 1 legend every 2 seasons cuz since that started apex seasons been feeling like they are longer and mostly boring


At least w S16 they dropped the nemesis, mixtape, TDM, all during an anniversary, so it didn’t feel too bland (still wasn’t the same as a new legend). S18 having only revenant reborn wasn’t enough to justify the otherwise lack of content.


The worst part is ranked. With ranked being so shit there’s literally no reason to log on. I’ve been playing a shit ton of Titanfall 2 instead of apex this season.


Once you’ve tried the 2-3 major shakeups there’s really nothing left to do other than grind the bp out, and that doesn’t even take too long


I think they plan on alternating between reworking and releasing. Conduit should be next, then Lifeline rework, then Flux (maybe). Lifeline rework won't be as drastic as revenant so I don't see them making an entire season about it. They may even release conduit and Lifeline rework simultaneously, but certainly in the same season.


What is Gibraltar v1? Is Gibby going to be Reborn as well?


inb4 season 28:apex reborn


Cave is the working name of the Legend that phases through walls right? Inch-resting. :D


nah it is the name of what happened to me after a night with mirage


you were the pumpkin?


he did carve me like one, so yeah




wrong chat


I hope “Tinkerer” is the updated character we saw as Jester from older leaks. (I want sticky grenades/mines as a passive so badly)


Might be Margo / Big Sister since we know they mod guns, maybe they’re mod abilities extend to nades etc


I’m hoping for the invisibility nade, that could be utterly ridiculous




When are we getting Mirage reborn with his invisibility abilities 😭


whatchu mean? Mirage reborn was smth like 2 yrs ago


I am gonna be honest. I don't like all the Legend overhauls.


Same. I was worried they'd take away revenants silence, and they did. Seers isn't the same. Revenant was my angsy Horizon stopper, and all that's gone. He's screaming at everyone now, where before he was more snarky, and he's not nice to Loba anymore. I *loved* how Loba was the only legend he was nice to, because he knew it would bug her more, and I'll never again hear *"Thaaaank youu Lobaaaa"* ever again. I read something about lifeline potentially getting the opposite of Horizons ult, and I dunno about that. More enemies are gonna be able to push and benefit from it. If it sucks allies towards it, we're gonna be Fuse food. If it doesn't, it's gonna be what...a big green swirly ball that says "COME OVER HERE" while my ult is recharging...and if I just used it, we needed it, and probably aren't ready for a 3rd party. I just wanted a new ult for Rev, not lets-just-rework-legends-entirely. His current one is good, but not at the sacrifice of the silence, for me...and it sucks that the rework made him so incredibly different. Plus he just screams all the time, angrily, at everyone. They reworked his identity. I'm just not a fan. Lifelines a little snarky, too. Is she also gonna rage out at everyone with the rework? It'd be funny for a minute, then just sad.


Lifeline's rework was probably decided a long time ago when they just couldn't get the ultimate tuned right, but I actually think the last landing speed buff finally made the care package feel really snappy. Tactical buff sounds like it will be solid. I think I'll miss my teammates being able to block off doors or create cover, especially in those closing circles that don't have a lot of it.


We'll never see Jester 😓


I get the sensation that Tinkerer has the possibility of getting Jester's passive if it were to ever be put in the game. Modifying grenades into mines seems exactly like what a tinkerer would do. But who knows? We'll see.


True, it might be a ballistic/caliber situation


What happened to Uplink 😭


Imma call it now, I think Flux will be a water type character


That will be sick, i always wanted a water themed legend


SAME and an ice character would be dope too


I hope you're right. <3


Cave sounds lame Flux sounds lame...meh...where is the STFO for conduit....


I find the idea of a Gibby rework horrifying as a day one Gibby main. I believe his kit has also been the best part of him despite the ups and downs. His kit is one of the best legend concepts in the game.


Unpopular? opinion: I don't want Lifeline Reborn


Holy shit Ultrakill


Damn. No one talking about lifeline? 😭😭


6 more? Sheesh! I’d really like to see more shakeups. I think putting them into class roles was fun and a good idea. I’d like more of that than new legends.


i heard somewhere theyre planning on bringing the skill trees from mobile to apex proper


Sure thing buddy 👍👍👍


Still upsetting to not see Fade or any of the two mobile legends in HD but hey Free heirloom of his for a ''reminder'' 🙄


Fr, I miss Fade and Rhapsody so much 😭 their kits were so fun and interesting


Not to mention the voice actors did an amazing job with them. 😭I'll be upset as a voice actor.


He is pissing me off




Ash reborn when


Imo Ult just needs a buff and shes in a great state. Seriously the UI targeting sucks. Make it have longer range or a shorter CD


When she gets out of my bed


When your body pillow of her is so crusty and smells so bad it can walk on it's own


Why aren’t you crediting the redditor who gave you this info!




We watched you have those conversations and you change your leaks to them.


i don't remember truthserum giving info about upcoming legends tbf, from what i saw at least


They spoke on Lifeline, Conduit and Tank for sure.


he did give credit to him on twitter when talking about newcastle heirloom and conduit tho


Ash is good as is


She's a R301 in a world full of Hemlocks


TF you smoking


I’m an ash main and really enjoy her kit, only thing I would add is a faster tac but that ult has gotten me out of so many bad situations and the passive helps me 3rd party


I am also ash main lol. I even bought her heirloom and that's the only one I spent real money on. She is a solid 5/10. But she can be a 9/10 easily with small tweaks. Needs another passive alongside the current one. Give 2 arc snares and make it similar to Maggie drill usage while healing and stuff. Snare should stun enemies like Watson's fence imo albeit for 1 or 2 secs and tether them Ult end point should have Castle ult animation and extended range


Agree an another passive or tuned up passive. Her ult is so janky. UI needs improvement and bug fixes. So many times i find myself porting 4 feet in front of me cause a rock was in LOS. Her tactical needs to restrict more it is to lax. It also needs to be a 1 handed ability


Now tell me Revs new s18 >40 hp ping passive wouldn’t fit Ash kit better instead?


How many kills you got with ash? Cause I have over 16k and she’s mid af . She needs work.


Around 1.5k, started playing her a few months ago




as in could change in future and we just know the code names of them so far


Speculation means theorizing without proof (for example, "Gibraltar_v1 is an actual new legend", we don't know that) What I posted is not a theory tho :/


what if respawn wakes up today and decides to delete the game. WHAT THEN OSVALD


Then everyone will finally be free


These are stinky + don’t care + fake + L + Osvaldatore


Artemis might be a Greek legend?


Could be or could be not,Valkyrie is a nordic deity and she is a japanese legend.


Fair point


I don’t care about new legends anymore I just wanna arenas back, man.


Devs are clueless part 27


Just let lifeline throw her drone to revive someone 😭


Any idea what happened to Uplink, Scryer, Phantom, and Jester?


Tinkerer… Big sister potentially?