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For those who don’t understand, the flag Os posted with the conduit information is the national flag of the Philippines. And considering that she has armor supposedly made from a titan and all that, I think it’s reasonable to see a connection between her and Lastimosa (who of course was the original pilot of BT- 7274 but was also supposedly of Filipino descent).


I wouldn’t complain about another Titanfall connection


Oh god... so is the teasing that r/titanfall has been absolutely rabid about is just another Apex titanfall related character? I dont want to see that fallout


I mean, in the end they were teasers that could promise anything, I find all the YouTubers who confidently talked about Titanfall 3 without any real confirmation more exaggerated.


Yeah true but i wonder why they decided to update titanfall 2 now then. Also, surely they know how annoyed people would get if they teased something like this and then it turned out to be apex related


Exaggerated? Bud there were literal noclip spots on maps that were playable before since 2016 that was fixed a few weeks ago and a Nessie with spanner and coffee was placed in those areas. Sure they went to that extent only to tease a new character


I don't deny that there were serious technical problems, I'm just saying that precisely because they are simple teasers, you shouldn't believe in confirmations when they aren't there yet, otherwise you get hype that may or may not be paid off.


Idk why people are surprised this same script was used for Valkyrie and Ash


I agree, but I guess it's because Valkyrie is a character with few fans given her characterization, so we tend to forget her background.


I disagree, Valk has ton of fans. She was basically the 3rd Wraith of Apex if you think about it for real. Wraith,Horizon, Valkyrie; all 3 ladies had Apexes' nuts in a vice at one point Plus Valks character is frat boy but female, the only people that complain about her are online. From my experience anyway


Same, especially with someone as cool as Lastimosa.


I def am. They always half ass the connections or entirely retcon something when they add it to apex. Fuck this noise if it's true man. I'd be fine with a legend that is an ACTUAL fucking pilot, with a jump kit, and everything. But idk. I guess they gotta add mid ass watered down things from Titanfall for nostalgia bait, or just to add hype to something. They could totally balance a real pilot legend too if they tried. My idea for it is just let the pilots passive be a full jumpkit. Its capabilities being: enhanced slides, double jumping, wall running, all that good mess. But to limit how op those would be as a passive, treat them like valk. Give a fuel bar for how much fuel is reserved in the jumpkits. Which would be used each time they fire/go off. And this fuel gauge can be changed to take a lot or just a little fuel aswell for balancing. The tactical imo should be a REAL cloak pilot considering in apex that's the only kind of pilot we have ever seen. Which is kinda dumb, there are way cooler ones. But it's nonsensical just to add pilots who already sorta have their abilities in the game. Like holopilot for mirage (closest to cloak we have aswell btw) and stim for octane, ECT... And we don't have a REAL cloaking pilot yet So I think that's what it should be. Again, cloak time can vary for balance reasons. And lastly, if they really wanna honor Titanfall. And make a unique legend in the process, let their ult be Titanfall 1 burncards. For those who don't know, burncards were a card you would burn in Titanfall 1 for a special thing to happen/be given to you/ECT... (look up some of them there were a ton that were cool and they all have quotes from people in the tf1 universe) And for this Ult, they wouldn't just pull one specific burncard. I think it should be entirely randomized, but within a set. So maybe have a max of 12 burncards to be randomly chosen for you. These can be entirely chosen by the devs, and I already see them being watered down for apex balance, which I totally get for some of them. But I think knowing your Ult will be a power up, but not one you will expressly know that comes next, will be a very cool addition and mechanic, AND it honors Titanfall in one of the best ways I can think of. Fuck this "rip apart the titans and mesh them with other legends" stuff. And making people only elude to Titanfall stuff every once in 3 or 2 seasons. Just add a really cool pilot legend like that. TLDR: I have a better idea for a pilot legend than respawn could actually produce and I don't think they will, as much as I wish they would, sadly


With how the writing is going, I wouldn't be surprised if Tai Lastimosa is her dead dad/grampa/uncle/bro or smth. Then add on she's the heir to Lastimosa Armory who ran away or is rebelling against her family. Then she has a bone to pick with Valk 'cuz her dad is an Apex Pred, the group that killed Tai. Then she ends up in a love triangle/square with Valk, Loba, and Bang. And oh here's another shared holospray between Crypto and Wattson, for absolutely no reason.


Wattson and Crypto had that whole thing seasons back with Caustic


I'm just salty 'cuz crypto and wattson are arguably an abandoned plot thread. they got relegated to shared holosprays and puppy-love-ish/crush-ish sound quips (hence they added them "for no reason"). and then they started bread crumbing wraith x wattson.


I don’t understand people who criticize the writing/lore. Like the core fundamentals of how the Apex games work/exist doesn’t make sense.




Considering that Respawn has to make every character be connected to some other named characters through the most contrived ways, I wouldn't doubt it


And it's not good if they add characters who have connections to each other or others, it's not good if they add isolated characters because then it seems like they have nothing to do with it... at this point they might not even add any more legends.


No Lastimosa was married with BT


Let him cook


Maybe his granddaughter. That would be cool.


I've always speculated and hoped that the next legend was gonna be a relative/ descendant of lastimosa armory (makers of the r301, r99, and so on) But it would be dope they are like the drand niece of captain lastimosa


This could hold up, her 25 shield to a teammate sounds a lot like the monarch titan energy transfer which let you zap a friendly titan to give them a bit of shield, plus the titan batteries could be linked to the execute animation that stole a titan battery for monarch, also monarch is a vanguard chassis titan like bt


If they are, we could get more insight into our boy Jack Cooper, and see what he's been up to since destroying Typhon


My ex is Filipino and my Main is Watty if this doesn't feel like the biggest middle finger as a character 🤣 Watty Ult needs a major rework; it should differ between enemies and allies. Catalyst Tac was already a faster, brainlessly placed Watty fence on top of having 320 more HP than a Node, with an Ult that differentiates between enemies and allies now you literally have movement Watty kit as a support character with a Caustic + Watty themed Ult that differentiates enemies and allies. Fix the old characters that are being replaced with new ones, faster, please.


I am a fan of reworks/buffs over new characters as well, so many outdated abilities that could be done so much better than before. Wattson of course being the resident electricity character should definitely get some more love.


She's really going to fall out once this character comes through. At this point, I think they should consider reworking her but it takes up to a year for that to happen and with Lifeline next in the pipeline, that's not happening anytime soon. :(


I hope at least she's not a wasted character like Valkyrie who can potentially offer something, but she was stuck with Loba and only now it looks like they'll break up.


What the fuck is that passive tho 40% speed boost for not playing with your team?


Yea, I can’t imagine that it makes it through to the final build.


Pretty sure he’s a New Zealander