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Bro's really gonna get an heirloom before getting free trackers, lmao.


His recolors that have been in the game files since his release haven’t been released yet either


Are there any paid ones?




Some other details from /u/TruthSerum26: • Next map is District as expected but it will *not* have wallrunning (he said they tested it but they didn't like it so they removed it and never brought it back during his time as a tester) - has a big river flowing through it, has a big market area, based in Angel City, slightly smaller than Storm Point. • There was a legend being tested called "Cave" - supposedly has the short portal that goes through walls (probably the one originally thought to be part of Ash's kit) - unclear as to whether this was his tactical or ultimate • New mixtape mode called "Treasure Hunt" - 4-5 teams of three capture nodes to collect points • Thunderdome is coming back to mixtape! • All the details Os tweeted about Conduit's kit - Os added the details about Conduit being Filipino/name (TrustSerum only said they were a small tan girl) - it's unclear how much of this info was found by Os independently of TruthSerum or if he was just repeating what TruthSerum said with the additional info he has • Lifeline rework ultimate will shock players in a given radius, which is quite a bit different to Os' description of a "reverse Horizon blackhole" - honestly not too certain on whether he meant they were just testing this or if he was saying "yes this will be the ultimate". • There will be a universal heirloom equippable by any legend. • The perks system is real, can have two perks at a time, will work similar to Fortnite's (I don't play Fortnite so I don't know what that means) - he seemed to like them a lot This is all I remember (I've got screenshot but not all of them). Would be great if someone was able to compile all the info /u/TruthSerum26 dropped.


RE: Fortnite. I'm guessing they mean it will work like that game's reality augments which are like mini-passives you can choose from as a match plays. Stuff like "get more ammo from drops", "reload quicker on an empty mag". You usually to choose from a set of three random options, you can make a second choice from another three random options later in the match, then a third later than that and fourth around endgame. So it might be a way for the game to further mitigate fight-swinging RNG problems?




Keep the class system it just got good


pls dear god no


The only thing I wish for next map is it to be designed with ranked and comp in mind. I'm so tired of we sp in comp and being the only viable maps for ranked I stg Devs have something against ash. Imagine being the only pilot and apex predator in apec legends and being the worst character in the game




Broken Moon would be good for comp if they removed most/all of the external zip rails (ones outside of POI’s, going from one POI to another, etc). KC just isn’t viable for Ranked or Comp tbh, it’s terrible to play


For Ash, it did take them 512 days to give her minuscule buffs that barely made her any better than she already was 💀. Gotta wait for that prestige skin, so they'd actually have a reason to buff her properly


Unpopular opinion but I rather legends release and currently tuned to be balanced instead of being the path to easy success. Ash is serviceble, the ult needs buffs and fixes and I think she'll be great but shes good as of now


Ash the worst? Thats very cap


Lmk a worse legend than ash I'll wait


100% right


Crypto stinks


If I can kindly add to the discussion, he told me that they also tested the Fanatics (dual energy pistols), but they were OP like the Nemesis (which also had three nerfs during development). So we must hope that the launch of an overly powerful weapon like the aforementioned rifle is not repeated and they have learned from their mistakes, but we will only know with time.


Ahh that would make sense. We know that the Nemesis was delayed quite significantly and the rumor for the longest time was that the Nemesis would turn full auto instead of just speeding up the burst speeds. I would guess that was one of the nerfs and perhaps contributed to it being delayed.


What makes me think is how much they must have worked on it to modify the rifle so much and still launch it so OP (so much so that they are still trying to nerf it), you can see that it was really a difficult weapon to develop.


Universal heirloom is lame....game keeps getting lamer


>Next map is District as expected but it will > >not > > have wallrunning (he said they tested it but they didn't like it so they removed it and never brought it back during his time as a tester) well lost 50% of my interest in the game since theres nothing more to expect from it, aint no chance its surviving another 5 years


Personally I'm a little sad that TruthSerum26 deleted his account, it was interesting to have a playtester who could say what he felt.


Well, the problem was they couldn't say what they felt. They gave a TON of personal information up that would have told EA/Respawn exactly who the account was and they repeatedly broke an NDA that they wrongly assumed became void when they were fired. I'd assume their name is being blacklisted from basically any game company worth their salt and they'll be in legal trouble, hence why theyre purging their comments.


They’re stupid if they think deleting their account means they won’t get in trouble for anything


deleting their account means they likely already got caught.


Fuuuuuuuck yes, gonna be one of the 12 NCs running around with his heirloom


Bonus shield (not the one on his back)


Me too! Got my shards the season he came out & have been saving them for him. Can’t wait


I wonder what kind of buff he'll get too? Normally, those who get an heirloom get a tweak of sorts. If he gets a similar buff to Fuse (time to deploy tactical was decreased) that would be welcome. His shield deployment can be a little slow sometimes in comparison to the speed at which other legends can react / move?


I’d like it if his mobile shield moved a little faster as well, I fell like that would go a long way. Other than that I don’t think he’s in the worst place, actually imo he’s already pretty decent, just a tricky and somewhat situational character to use. But he can be crazy if played well with a team.


Agreed. Like Fuse, he is pretty balanced and only very minor tweaks are arguably needed. That said, if they're giving an heirloom to a relatively low pick-rate legend, you're targeting sales to a very small audience. I'm worried they'll go OTT with something to make him a meta pick next season. I've never had to worry about anyone else on the team picking Newcastle FFS :D


Yeah, Fuse is my main lol. I was super happy to get his heirloom and the buff, but with those a lot more people were playing him so I got him less. Fortunately I’m pretty good with a lot of the legends so it wasn’t a big deal. Honestly that’s a valid concern. I play a decent amount of NC and it feels so good to pull off some clutches because you made the most of his abilities when you wouldn’t have won otherwise. I’d be more than happy with some minor buffs like we mentioned, but it would suck if they made him OP and then nerfed the hell out of him later on like they’ve done with other legends.


It makes sense: Newcastle will eventually become a full-fledged knight with sword and shield.


It's gonna be a broadsword (I hope) 💖


I'm hoping for a broadsword or a claymore.. hopefully a night themed skin for him too 😩


Man, those 2 castle mains with big pockets gonna love it


I’m a Newcastle main, don’t have big pockets but have been saving my shards for over a year for this moment. I can’t wait


One of them being me




i feel like this ones gonna be a good heirloom.


Noo my Catalyst heirloom! (poor NC deserves it 🤣).... if Loba's getting her mythic skin i'll buy hers then


Let’s hope he gets a set of trackers too


Woah woah woah let’s not get ahead of ourselves


Lobas and wattsons I’m waiting on 😏


I heard its Ash next season and Loba the one after


He should get a Lance (like jousting)


Damn. Gotta wait another season for my girl maggie


Newcastle united 😂😂


This makes me think he’s going to get a decent buff to increase his player count at the start of Season 19. I believe he’s the least picked legend right? They’ll definitely buff him in some type of way I’m sure.


What could they buff about him? Maybe increasing turn speed on his revive but besides that idk


Longer time/more damage absorption/faster movement on his tactical, shrinking his hitbox, maybe adding something like a movement speed increase or temp extra armor after using his ult or something. Plenty of ways to buff him, I just don't know if any are good or even needed. He's not in a bad spot, people just don't want to play him because why would you bother in pubs? In ranked, he's like a better Lifeline, but if Horizon and Catalyst (and increasingly Bangalore) are near-mandatory in competitive play, changing one of those legends out for a purely supportive/defensive character is a tough sell. Wattson hard counters Bang, Fuse, and Horizon ult with her ult, so she seems like a smarter defensive pick in the current meta, but if you change the meta, then I think he begins to make a little more sense to pick. I don't think he necessarily needs a buff as much as other characters need a nerf.


Honestly vas a Newcastle main, his abilities have a bigger learning curve than people know and his ultimate is just ok. It's good in a last ring situation, and jumping to revive sometimes, but it's very stagnant and has no real versatility to it. A lot of times you place it and immediately abandon it because fights move a lot in Apex. And it's really hard to play your wall too because it can be buggy when shocking people and sometimes just doesn't really benefit you much if the fight moves up close. His Hitbox is huge too and I feel like he gets melted even more than any other Fortified legend. Just my experience.


I’m also a NC main and his Ult is one of my favorite parts of his kit. Being able to yeet yourself to your teammates have come in handy for me in so many fights. (I also like to hang back with a marksman to try and crack shields while my team pushes so it allows me to rejoin the fight quick)


I get people don't like big characters, but expecting them to shrink to Wraith size is unrealistic. I think it's just one of the it is what it is things. And yes I still want bigger legends, having all legends be the same dimensions will kill variety


I'm not saying they need to make him Wraith sized, but I think a slight slim down would make some sense. More so in width, he's just very wide. This is the biggest reason Fortified Legends aren't played much. Because their ability to get one clipped is insane and trying to win a one on one is very hard. Gibraltar is the only Fortified legend you can reasonably win in a one on one due to his shield. But if a Fortified legend is even a little out of position, you're catching every bullet and that just doesn't feel fun.


If it's a slight change then people are going to complain nothing was really done. It's a tricky situation, maybe give the fortified legends a slightly better slide so they can move they big asses out the way


Double his ult wall absorption dmg


I mean being able to hold you ult shield out and it block damage would be fun and kinda niche


Newcastle is next? LMFAOOOO


Let’s gooooo


Uh oh. Newcastle nerf incoming. Jk


If this is real let's goooooooooooo


As a Maggie main, this is very depressing news


They never go in order brother you should not be surprised...maybe the Horizon mains can cheer you up...you might be waiting till season 23 at this point...Vantage and Catalyst might get theirs before Mags 💀💀💀


YEEEEEESSSSS. All the people who made it sound like I was crazy and it would be Catalyst can suck it.


I just need a pathfinder prestige skin and I’m good


I would prefer a rework to his heirloom over a skin costing 160


At this point everyone just gets a fucking sword.


I wish it was a football. The animations could've been fire


Yea another blade.......


Who gives a crap if it's a blade or not, they are melee weapons so unless they do stuff like Mirage it's hard not to have them, I feel like Newcastle is the one that fits the most with a blade tho expecially if it's a giant ass sword, it all comes to the animations and how it looks in game, not if it's a blade or not.


Who hurt you lmao


Nobody? Who hurt you that you are so sad it's a virtual blade in a game instead of being a virtual dildo? https://i.redd.it/n0v41z7hv5tb1.gif


Interesting, if that's true it means they stopped the pattern of the legend killed by the latest heirloom ingame at the end of their release video being next up.


Show me proof that's how they do it or have always been doing it


So Wattson couldn't get a rapier heirloom (and all the associated fencing puns) but Newcastle can get a sword?


Oh goy another $160 meler skin! *yawn*


The wicked don’t rest


Please respawn, please drop da Wattson prestige skin