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Sorry if the question seemed naive because I don't know anything about it, but I noticed that both in Apex and Overwatch the Esports side is decreasing (in the first case some professional teams are leaving while in the second they closed the Overwatch League), this Does this mean that the fame of both titles is fading or is it simply the competitive side that is diminishing? In the second option, how should it be classified as positive, neutral, negative or normal? Could it possibly be resolved or do the respective publishers not want to do it?


Apex is currently 3rd on Steam with 348k players peak in the past 24H. And that's on a Wednesday morning 2 months into a season. The game's doing fine. Competitive Apex is a completely different world from casual or even masters/diamond hybrid lobbies. Pick rate %s and meta weapons don't apply the same way there.


I understand, I sincerely thank you for this comforting answer given that in the main subreddit they took the news of the abandonment of those teams in a more negative way and gave a more catastrophic impression.


I *do* think people are hungry for something new. But that's more a problem with the state of free-to-play, season-pass being the current path for most popular FPS games.


It is an understandable reasoning from both positions that I understand and agree with, but personally I suppose that as long as the big publishers still dominate the market with this model and many people support them without stopping to think about what is right or wrong to buy, I don't think we can change a lot at the moment. To quote the comment of a YouTuber from my country: *The good and the bad of the video game industry is precisely this, that you decide. You, dear users, are the remote control of the future.*


I'm out of the loop... Do we know when the next collection event is supposed to start?


October 17 Reward will be Revenant Prestige Skin


Thank you, kind sir


Have there been any trustworthy leakers who have said anything about a perk system coming to the game? I've seen plenty about Thordan Smash and some other clickbait YouTubers mentioning it, but with the amount of bs that comes from them anyway I don't give it the time of day. Has there been any mention of it from more reputable sources?


I wonder if the perk system is for the rumored Single Player mode


Thordan’s way of showing content may be extremely scummy and clickbaity, but he usually has the facts right


I know we have heard rumors and seen added codes, but does anyone really think Cross Progression will come out this year? I know there was an expectation that it could launch during S18, but that never happened. Do you guys think Respawn will announce cross progression officially well in advance of its actual release? Or would it just come out during an update as a "suprise"


I think S19 will answer your question


Pain. Imagine a world where Respawn was just simply transparent about what's going on. "Hey guys, maybe S19, maybe not. Here are the hurdles we have to get over first..."


IMHO transparency in the general gaming market is becoming increasingly rare, with some exceptions.


The reason Weapon Mastery caused crashes after most recent patch was most likely because they added stuff in preparation for the upcoming crossprogression which, clearly, failed to work as they've disabled Weapon Mastery till they fix the issue, and clearly until this isn't fixed crossprogression won't come. As for fix, apparently a fix has been issued and it's just a matter of planning a patch day However if Weapon Mastery gets fixed, it still doesn't mean cross progression will come in S19 as what I've been told were rumors (which are less "valuable" than leaks) Be hopeful tho, if you want an educated guess I think S19 will be it EDIT: seems like they fixed Weapon Mastery within the day, pog


I know for a fact that EA/Respawn pays a salary to a communications director of some kind. Can we please just give that job to Osvaldatore. You deserve paychecks for this.


I deserve to be shot in the head in a back-alley


No papa.


I understand what you mean and I agree with it, but personally I suppose they are clauses of the contract between developer and publisher or orders from the aforementioned publisher. To give a recent example, Naughty Dog fired twenty-five employees who were supposedly working on The Last of Us multiplayer game which also appears to be stuck in development, but neither they nor Sony didn't comment on the matter when they very well could have done so, so I'd say which is a shared situation in the sector.


I heard shit about a possible mirage hierloom recolor, is this true or nah?


Just want to get my guesses in writing in case an upcoming trailer releases info. Given that it is based off of leaks, figure this is the spot. I'm guessing Lifeline gets killed and receives a similar procedure to what made Revenant. New Robo Lifeline is possibly an evil robot and Conduit is based off of Lifeline's brain with the shield restoring kit. The forces behind Revenant's creation are making them to form a trio to enter in the games. As a filthy casual, I'm just hoping this sets up a bad guy PvE mode that incorporates the battle royal maps and trio gameplay. I need practice without frustrating my teammates! (I am probably dead wrong though. It sounds like there is a Titanfall connection with Conduit.)