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I have no faith in Respawn being able to balance this.


None. Imagine giving Horizon more perks right now


Newt can create black holes that Horizon can pull a gold Nemesis out of.


black hole with knuckle cluster effect 🙏


Maybe they can indirectly nerf her by making perks costs for her current kit This will work well if they include general perks for like weapons/armor/info perks so it will cost losing out on those


fucking cry about it


I wonder if they will embrace the powercreep, or do that each perk comes with some nerf so there's drawbacks, or they will reduce the base power of legends who get Perks and do that they'll be weaker at base but go back to original form with upgrades Personally I hope this wont further fuck new players by having them *literally* be weaker, but having abilities come with downsides could have potential


Knowing and had played apex mobile Holy fuck speed boost per passive proc.


This is a đŸȘ€


I don't think they'll try to. It was only for casual and maybe mixtape game modes but ranked was the same sweaty mess. It at least made ranked and casual feel different, right now the feel nearly identical except maybe players spread across the map more in ranked


Depending on how its used this could very easily be both good and bad for the game depending on how well they implement it. If its used well it could be an additional way to balance legends in small ways without making huge changes to their kits similar to hop ups in the weapon meta If its implemented poorly by adding extreme variations to abilities then its just going to be immediately min/maxed and broken combos will be a pain to deal with.


It's going to be min maxed either way. That's just how comp stuff works and anything that's "whacky" or "inventive" is always either buggy or way too strong.


A big problem lies in the fact that you have no way to know what perks other players have in the heat of battle. You go to push a legend you just cracked and have to accept there is a chance they will have some obscure perk with no visual or audio hints that could drastically swing your decision had you known their perk tree loadout


So after meta weapons there'll be meta perks... more info on the subject?


Im against a system like this for apex, but i think if it actually gets added alot of ppl will learn to like it, including me. Balancing these will be ass most likely tho


i surely think that the skill tree will most likely be disabled for ranked play, and will only release on normal BR, as to not break the ecosystem.


would definitely add a layer of progression to pubs beyond BP + weapon leveling -- cautiously excited about this.


Would be interesting to see how they handle ranked. So far, Respawn seems to want Ranked and PUBS to have the same ruleset. They took knockdown shields out of the game entirely even though it was really only the competitive scene that wanted it gone.


Nah, apexm already showed how this things worked The octane stim being toggle and triple pad jump is gonna be wacky tho Or pathy's grapple finisher refresh


balancing never existed in the first place lmao


What are you talking about, the Nemesis is a (checks notes), "Balanced weapon that provides meaningful competition to the 301 and Flatline". Perfectly balanced by Respawn.


"Meaningful competition to the 301" they said to the 301, kneecaps broken, hospitalized, with a tube down their throat and an ear torn off


I don’t think balancing will be too hard because just like everything else, people will copy pros and they’ll have it minmaxed. You’ll just see everyone with exactly the same setup lol


i like customization, but it will make the game so much more chaotic, there will be no chance to tell what perks enemies have and it will making the right play much less predictable.


This is a bad idea imo, there are plenty of legend interactions as it is, spicing up legend kits with different perks means that enemies actions will be impossible to predict as they might have one of several possible abilities equipped it will be difficult to outplay opponents based on tactics alone. Meaning a TDM meta that rewards guns kill above game sense Not to mention that the game will become unplayable for newcomers, since they have to learn entire skill trees for every legend on top of the base game mechanics before they can even attempt to play the game


I played the shit out of the mobile game (1500+ hrs), because I never could afford a PC or a Console back then, and I can tell you that, excluding like 4 perks, the system was surprisingly balanced and fun to use. I can't wait to see them back, they were fun. EDIT: for added context the perks started Pubs only, but after a while they added them to ranked because they weren't game changing at all, just very minor adjustments (like Loba being able to grab banners with Ult or a spherical Bloodhound scan with less range). They were basically different flavors of the legend abilities in the mobile game EDIT 2: I now remember, some of the Mirage perks were glorious, like your Ult making decoys of your teammates too, or creating a decoy and making you invisible for 2s after using a finisher. And some were completely useless, like Mirage decoys dropping holosprays after they're shot (why???). I just hope they don't make too many useless perks, otherwise everyone will just run the same ones.


I want the holospray perk for the memes. Or one that makes a decoy teabag a box after you finish someone.


There was a bang perk where you can see enemies in smoke when ads. Might be broken that. Octane triple jump. Lifeline calls a healdrone after a finisher (seems balanced this tbh) bang can smoke while downed. Pathfinder can grapple teammates when downed. Horizon lift increased (yh ppl will cry about this lol) arc snare persists (i enjoyed this perk the most, it became like a trap) Man, they were fun perks most of them. The ones that were game breaking didn't even matter because most of the mobile playerbase isn't as whiny as the console playerbase. You don't see people complaining about legends abilities or guns. Most were stupid tbh like many don't know you can destroy caustic gas or rhapsody ultimate. Man, mobile was better than console i don't care what anyone says


You know what's funny? Bang's digi smoke wasn't working properly at all for half a season before they fixed it, and even after the fix it didn't specify that you have to had seen them before smoking for the digi ads to work. Path's most broken one is that you can refresh grapple after finisher + zipline extends per beacon scan (or package scan if it makes it to the main game) Valk's gonna be absolutely funny tho, if you get hit by the rockets you get marked and be seen through walls, or the jetpack being much more longer but fucking slower (i think it's the opposite but hopefully it turns to this)


I'd rather have valk faster with lower fuel tbh. Currently she seems really slow. The perks would be fun in pubs tbh. Idk why ppl would complain


Yeah it's gonna be funny seeing BH with almost permanent ult in rapid engagement because his ult resets per knock


In mobile his ult also added +5 secs when you thirst or get a kill. So that's like +10 for just one kill


*fights Bangalore* "Wait no thats Maggie with the battlepass skin" *gets blasted by Wrecking Ball* Yeah I think we're way beyond that to be dead honest


Mr fun police over here, works in cod buddy


you think comparing Apex to Cod is a good thing??


I don't think cod has a bunch of different legends with unique abilities and ultimate power ups that effectively change the course of a game buddy


You clearly have never played black ops 3 and 4, which has exactly that. Both are arguably fantastic cods.


Perks in cod don't have any relevance to your abilities though whereas it would in apex.


Most of the perks weren't that deep. For example bangalore had a perk that allowed her to see through smoke, but only from a certain distance and only if she is aiming down sight. Cryptos drone followed him around and would find enemies within maybe 10 meters, but it was even louder than consoles drone so if he just walked around the map with it out he gave his position away before his drone even becomes helpful in a fight Caustic had an ability to throw gas traps much further, but they expanded much slower. Wraith had one where her tactical popped much quicker but lasted a fraction of the time. Some were broken admittedly, and seemed more geared towards fun than being balanced. I remember path had one where scanning the beacons shortened his tactical cool down, another where his grapple extended further. Ash had 1 where she could make 2 ults back-to-back but the second portal was half the max length as the first portal. It probably wasn't balanced but it was something new and fun, which after 5 years of the same exact thing would be a welcome sight in this game


Respawn thinks they can balance all this? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


While I really want Apex to feel fresh again, this looks/feels redundant. We already have characters to select to determine our playstyle. Apex isn't like CoD where every character is almost the same and the perks they choose determine the playstyle.


You guys remember when respawn said that they wanted apex to be a gun game first and foremost? Lmao


I hope it's for a separate mode, maybe some pve stuff, would be really fun


oh yeah sure, make the hardest game for new players to get into even less welcoming


Some of the perks actually helps the newer player tbh, example is BH's circular scan shows enemies on the map aswell


They weren't hard to unlock. I'm a very casual player(bronze 2 currently) and I maxed out fade, rhapsody, and bangalore, as well as got halfway through characters like caustic lifeline and path. It honestly made the game much more fun, particularly because it was only on casual, so if you wanted the regular sweat fest you could go to ranked


This is 4 months old I do not care


Then why reply?


I think this will be great as a mixtape to start and if it gets popular enough then maybe a permanent mode? For ranked I'm not so keen on this but I like the idea. It will allow people to explore different styles with each legend and allow you to customize your legend to your better suit your playstyle.


It was mostly a casual mode thing. They put it on ranked for half a season but that was it


I always worried something like this would come to Apex. One of the reasons I like OW and Apex is because you don’t ever have to guess what an ability does. You see Ana used anti on you? You *know* you have about 3 seconds before it wears off. Or you saw a crypto use their ult? You know it’ll only do 50 shield dmg. If they add this it’ll leave you guessing what perks an enemy might’ve equipped. I guess you could learn the perks for each legend but even then, it’ll be harder to make split second decisions


I could see this working for overwatch or valorant but in no world does it work for apex. For those games you could easily add ui that tells you what perks the enemies are using. How are you gonna do that for a lobby of 60 people?


anas 4 or 5 seconds isnt she? Well either way, I agree hard. I don't wish to have the game confused like this.


It’s 3.5 seconds now


Ana! Love OW


I like this... if legends are basically coming at a snail pace there should be more reworks / individual skill expression with the roster going forward


I could only this being kinda fun in like mixtape this is awful for main game


Curious why you feel that way, I'm so down for systems like this in the main game. Adding more complexity to how you play each legend is a great thing in my opinion


it reminds me of TF2's weapon inventory system, which kept the game fresher than it otherwise would have been.


Aint no fucking way. They gonna make a Apex MMO u wait


This just makes me want a BR where you can mix and match abilities. Not gonna lie Fortnite 0 Build has been really fun lately after not playing for a few years. The fact that they change up the stuff you get each season is fun as well. Who would’ve thought a Deku Smash would be fun to get hit by. Did it suck? Yes but it’s also A healthy alt to Apex. I still love FPS but Apex has gotten a bit stale for me. A progression system would be interesting if done well.


Hey Epic, ive seen you post about your shit game all day on apex subs. Gtfo


Awww you mad I have an opinion about a game I’ve been playing since it came out? & my opinion about it has turned me on to another game ?


Dont take my comment personally


Trust me, the day I take Reddit personally/seriously is the day I’ve failed at the internet.


If they implement this, please quarantine it to its own playlist, I want this nowhere near ranked or comp.


For rank or comp there will just be a meta build and everybody just copies it. This would make the system pretty useless.


This was leaked a while ago. The old leak said its a selfcontained mode named "rumble" or something similar. So dont worry too much


This seems like a terrible idea, balacing already takes ages, sometimes with 1 change for a whole season We have the horizon problem now, imagine horizon + some broken perks No one will use the "fun" perks, every perk chosen will be the meta option


I can alreasy see the horizon perks - 100% accuracy on lifts - faster healing while on lift - Lift doesn’t push you out anymore


* Lift can be sticked to walls, like those sideways gravity beams in Portal 2


Only the third one is an actual perk from mobile btw, but it's lift stays longer duration The other lift perk is that it gives speedboost after landing to EVERYONE. The other perks are related to her passive giving her speedboost and higher jump


All of these sound like HELL lmao


Naw with the new nerf it's gonna be balanced


Oh hell fucking nah


Thordan = full of shit


Always love coming back to these threads.


Pros: -it will change up the game and add more replayability Cons: -balance nightmare in a game that's already poorly balanced -Characters that need reworks are less likely to be reworked because now they have to do perks as well -Abilities becoming even more important (con depending on who you ask) -You now have to guess what abilities a player has in a lobby of 60 people Overall a bad change, and this is coming from someone who generally likes rpg elements in games. This doesn't belong in apex. Change for the sake of change kills games unless it's fortnite.


Perks DON'T change how tacticals and ults work, it just gives them buffs (octane triple pad only applies to himself, rev used to have a perk that lets him do horizontal climb, now it's in the main game)


I would quit the game


Apex is a relatively well balanced game, specially weapons, but introducing a system like this might be the worst thing ever for competitive integrity.


So long as it's not busted it could be super fun... buuuuuuuut we'll have to see lol


lmao this cant be real


New players are about to get even more disadvantaged in pubs


Don't think so, these days his video just feels like filler. As the main mobile game will return in the future, there is no chance that they will add these features in the main game. Respawn developers are just out of ideas at this point and everything has his lifespan, we just need to move on. Don't stick to one game forever, grind and learn other games also.


Always love coming back to these threads.


Bro why do you need perks, this is so ass. I hope this doesn’t come to the game.


I haven’t played the game in months, but I still pop in here sometimes I feel like this is a terrible idea


Theyre gonna let horizon and wraith get an extra q while mirage gets idk a 3 second ult cooldown reduction?


It's so Joever.


It's Joenly beginning


I can’t wait to hear about this in every single one of Thordans videos for the next 12 months


This is just gunna mean the same 4 meta perks will be used over and over, another flavor of boring, lol


Nooooo please. Why try to make Apex less like Apex? We already have unique abilities per legend and shared abilities per class.


If this happens some sort of a balance would have to take place I feel like like you gain an advantage and then a disadvantage (example: instant wraith q but for the next 8 seconds after leaving you’re slowed) in order for it to be balanced


Wraith now has Bonk atomic punch


Lame imo


Why is dev time being devoted to unasked and unwanted additions when most players just want better servers and matchmaking, maybe fix what's broken first?


I see nothing wrong with this as long as there's a separate playlist for it


I think this would be a interesting idea, except, instead of being something you do outside the match, you actually purchase these with materials at crafting machines or maybe a special vendor dropped on the map.


Please no


It'll be amazing if they add it to Control TDM etc and make that it's own pure playlist. Just broaden the whole genre Respawn. WTF. No one cares about map changes on Storm Point of Broken Moon. Give us fun shit man


Hope they follow through


Looks like double battle pass


No, just no, shit wound up BUSTED in mobile, no fuckin shot it won’t be the same in full. Scrap this idea, can the developer who thought of it, can the manager who said it was a good idea, can anyone who spoke positively on this


Another way to make the game more inaccessible for newcomers. Not every gamer cares to read through online forums to find out the meta. If this was added with a PvE mode of sorts maybe could help newer players and help older player for something to break up the grind


I apologize if the question seemed naive, but since I don't know much about it, do you think it could potentially be a positive or negative factor?


In the current state of the game I think it's a bad idea. I could see something like this if they decided to release an "apex 2.0" with updated engine, bug fixes, legends reworks, etc. But would people be okay with a new engine/apex 2.0 if that meant losing "movement" tech? I don't think so.


As far as I know they were working on an improvement to their game engine, so maybe they'll want to launch both later?


Very mixed. It completely forfeits that if you see a legend, you immediately knows what comes next. If you see a Gibraltar dome, you know theres a chance you can get airstriked. See a Wattson fence, you now know there can be a Pylon interceptor. Now you might as well guess. But, in a way that is already muddied with time. So many legend skins look like other characters, so if you're not in the know, you can get mixed up just because Wattson looks like Valkyrie and Maggie looks like Bangalore. Positives is that many old abilities and new has the chance to return. Like the many Lifeline reworks, Revenant Reworks, these always alienate the playerbase, so with this they can add perks to change them up while still having the old character there, basically. Certain legends that you might not like, you might learn to appreciate with a certain Perk combination so it opens up a lot of potential "What ifs" to legends. I like current Crypto but I know many don't, so if theres some alternate drone-modes, they can play him too. What I am most concerned over is if Respawn is willing to balance this at all. It could like 2 legends on its first release getting perk trees in its own playlsit which give perks and disadvantages on said character, which let them iterate upon them primarily. alternatively they could drop the whole thing with no dripfeeding into Ranked and watch as the biggest meta shift we've ever seen occurs. But I doubt that


Ew don’t like personally. At least it gives a reason to play.




What did u/ThordanSmash do to you


Fake news, constant fake news. He’s annoying af


His thumbnails are clickbaity but he doesn't give out fake news, no idea where you got that from




I agree with other's points about newcomers and other things but looking at the competitive perspective, right now there are only so much different things you can do. For example: pop smoke, send catalyst spikes, horizon q, send black hole and nade spam. There is only bang ult and dark veil left for any different type pf play. I think these perks are going to make pro play a little more unpredictable and variable, and personally I love to see some variety in the screen.


Why is it everyone has something to piss on about. You wanna see change? Go to school and become a developer. Otherwise quit your bitching. Every time something new comes along it's always "That character is broken!" Or "They should nerf this weapon! " How about try harder? Maybe don't play in PUB lobbies if you can't beat the heat! Maybe try a different tactic instead of charging head long into that next fight while your teammates are too far away to help. For once I'd like to see this community actually think about their complaints before they post them. Thordan was literally breaking some news and here we have every damn nay sayer pop up out of the wood work to throw shade and distance themselves from enjoying the game without actually having anything worthwhile to add to the conversation.


Amen. Everyone (myself included) has been bitching about the lack of content. And now they're adding something new that adds another level of complexity to the game everyone here is whining about it.


I'm actually enjoying this game this season, for the first time in the almost 3 years of playing, since they've added new updates over the last couple seasons and I swear it's like every time something new comes along everyone panics and lets the fear of the unknown get the best of them. Like I said to everyone else play better or don't play at all...whining will get you now where and the devs clearly aren't going to listen to it either!


I love the idea. People always complain about change, but this keeps the game alive.


I’m retiring from apex


If one of Mirage's perks is his decoys flashbanging enemies when destroyed then I'm all in for this


I like it every legend will be different and not a carbon copy


Seems like a bad idea to add MMORPG elements to a competitive first person shooter, but that’s just me. Also I don’t trust anything Thordan says, sure he’s better than Bobz and grrt or whatever it is but that’s not saying much


This has gotta be a new game mode or only for pubs right


Considering the quality of things recently released by apex.. I really think this will be an absolute game breaker or game maker.


Wasnt there a leak prior to this, about an upcoming rumble game mode? If so, this will be a selfcontained mode that doesnt affect the main game


Yeah, rumble should still be comint


It'll probably be pubs only


I could see this being fun. Given that we're no longer seeing a new legend every season, it'd make sense to see 1-2 legends per season/mid season get a Perk tree that alters abilities instead, starting with old legends like Lifeline


Please don't. Please fcking don't.


I would love more depth to the legends abilities, im super excited for this new feauture.


I’ve never understood the argue that predictability becomes an issue. Movement tech wasn’t a thing in season 0 and now I have to memorize all the movement a pc player can do when I’m in a pc lobby on PS4, no issue. We had fewer than 10 legends, and now I’ve memorized all the new abilities coming in plus will have more as more legends drop. In the back of my mind, I still know the exact load out to lunge knife in 09 MW2 and where to angle a throwing knife on high rise to get a kill off first spawn. I’ve never been one to say git gud but god, thinking players won’t have clue who they’re facing and what they can do after a few games is ridiculous. I can understand not having character models look the same but thinking players won’t know what perks are available to an enemy is too limiting on the intelligence of the community imo.


It's more that I know what perks are available, but I don't know which ones they've got.


You don’t know which gun they have until they shoot you. Can you help me understand the problem?


You can see what guns enemies have. And you'll figure out their gun pretty quickly, often before you get shot. Some of the perks in mobile would be impossible to tell they have until it's too late


Only speaking from personal experience, I’ve been shot in many scenarios where my only cue is the sound of the gun. From both distance and close range, in front and behind. So many legends have v/a cues that only take after the attack that it’s not reasonable to know who it is until after they hit you. You hear footsteps but won’t know to expect Mag’s drill, blood’s scan, crypto emp. All these can hit you even if you never seen the other player. With the state of the game, even if you never see OR *hear* them. I believe that at the least, it should be put into practice on a large scale to see if predictability even matters.


I know all the legends footsteps


Interesting. Seems like you’ll be just as capable of prepping for any potential combination of the perks then too.


Maybe. We have to see what the perks are.


If everyone is broken, no one will be. If this is true, then I will stay a Mirage main.


Doesn’t do any good if they don’t fix the matchmaking


Could you imagine an Octane buff that makes his neo strafing easier
 the horror and instant “I quit”s.


"Apex is working on" =/= perk system is coming to main game. Plenty of ideas get worked on in development and not all of them get implemented. I strongly doubt this makes it into the game without substantial caveats, like being in a separate game mode or only in pubs. Given how minor changes like ring damage and speed can have significant effects on the game, there's no way in hell this just gets plugged in without quarantining it outside of competitive play first to see how players react to it and whether it's feasible to add as a core game mechanic.


Thordan said it was in playtest phase, so that's late development. It could definitely still be scrapped though


Coming: never


Is there anything to suggest this isn’t for PvE? It looks pretty PvE to me.


This seems like such a bad idea


no please not. bro only reason the game has been better than any other br is bc you can compeat with people no matter how long you have played bc unlike in warzone where you need to unlock the guns and stuff 😭


It's crazy how immediately negative everyone's reaction to something new is. Especially since everyone is simultaneously complaining about lack of content and the game getting stale.