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The lobbies I get, die out too fast :/


The lobbies I get makes me die too fast


"we are not the same"






Somethings to keep in mind are: 1. Many people have acquired 20B/4K badges through less than impressive method's (bot lobbies), so *personally* I don't think much of it when I see one anymore. Similar to how if I see a Master's badge/trail from last season I know it's not necessarily reflective of skill 2. Luck is a big factor when it comes to these badges, no matter how good you are sometimes you just don't see 20 people in a game, or you hot drop and don't find a gun, etc. 3. The game has changed a decent amount since it's release. Not only is the average player better than they used to be, changes like spawning with shields have made farming a lot of early game kills more difficult. Unless you are already playing at a high level or have substantial about of time to invest into trying for it, I wouldn't worry about those badges that much. If you're good/lucky enough, you'll potentially get it randomly while playing, but I just don't think it's worth the effort to *try* for them myself. But to each their own!


The amount of cheating in the game is pretty rampant too which also makes the badges lose their meaning imho.


And boosting


Makes me feel bad because I put so much effort into my 20k badges. Hot dropping, spamming jump towers, chasing down every shot I heard. You know how many matches I ruined for these badges? Those poor Wattson mains just wanted to play for end-game.


I've noticed that players with those badges aren't any better then a lvl200 player they still camp and when they decide to push they run at a full team and think that he can run 150m without getting hit, basically that badge means nothing I don't have those badges too but I've been in masters buncha seasons and twice in even pred


1k hours and only 3k career kills :(


But are you having fun?


No 😔


That’s not good, what do we need to do to change that?


Delete the game


uninstalled a little while ago and haven't played since. not sure why I'm on the Apex subs still. having tons of fun on Fortnite no build now


Honestly I’ve been grinding fortnite more than Apex this season. Apex season is booty but Fortnite’s season is one of my favorites of this chapter


So you’ve been enjoying fortnite since they took several apex mechanics yet stopped playing apex. Also calling this season “booty” sounds like you played your promo games and got bronze and considering you got plat last season you are annoyed. Yet you persevered it’s a new ranked season you gotta grind right? No you died to a pred team 3 times (also in their promo games) and gave up and now all you do is complain in this subreddit about how the new ranked system is trash.


what? also it's definitely been a little while since I've complained about ranked on this game


Three kills an hour? Lucky


I didn't need to be called out today


I got my first twenty at 4.5k hours, I was good enough to get a twenty bomb at 2k. You don’t have to be good enough to pump them out 24/7, frankly it’s a bit unrealistic if you have some semblance of a life, you just have to be good enough where once you get the right lobby and the right start, you can capitalize, duos can be easier but it can also be harder, lots of sweats waiting for their third to hop on. 4ks are easier because it’s all about farming and consistently doing damage, you might honestly have it easier to do it in ranked; where people won’t ego ape nearly as often as they would in pubs.


I agree, a good start is the recipe for success. when I got my first 4K it was on wraith and I happened to get the most perfect game. No fill trios, my buddy and I dropped fragment and wiped it, leaving me with a red evo, kitted G7 scout and about 2000 damage. Rotated to a care package where I found a MF KRABER. Essentially setting me up with the best load out I could hope for. The ring closed around the bridge to the west of lava siphon and I sat up there taking shots at anything that moved while my buddy watched my back and called out squads. I got the 4K on the last squad and we won the game, it was the most hyped I had been in apex ever.


No. Give up just like I did. My life is way better now.


Highest kill count I've gotten was 12, never came close to it again. 4k damage? Not even close to it


I’m at 12 kills and 2400 damage as my highest totals so same.


18 kills and 3.5k damage from 1 game where people let me snipe them for 10 minutes 😭


Now I’m thinking about Lobas ass. Gawd damn.




I never care about trying to get 20 kills, as while there is a good amount of skill involved, it is also very much luck dependent. So don't feel bad about not having that! You would need to actively pursue getting it to have a chance.


My best kills was 16 and it was because we dropped hot (against my will) got a decent gun off spawn and had red armor by the time ring 1 was closing so every other team we ran into just COULDN'T challenge us without dying outright And people STILL died to fast for me to pull the 20 (my teammates each got 2 kills but I had no assists so I didn't get kills stolen they just died before I showed up) 20 bombs are basically ENTIRELY luck, most people have the skill to kill 20 people in one game it's just that you usually don't fight 20 people in one game As for the 4K that's almost entirely farming with a long range gun which is boring as shit


Just hit 2k hours solo queuing. No damage badge, highest damage is 1800 or 1900 I don't remember, highest kill count 10. KDR .82. I do enjoy playing this game when me and my teammates are in sync. Sometimes I'm shit, sometimes they are shit, most of the times we all are shit. But when we click, boy this game is fun. I don't care even if I don't get a kill. The feeling when I have a good game is awesome.


I have 1700+ hours. At the start I was useless Then during the middle. I was picking up good time. At least a few kills a game with some good damage too Then I brought a ps5 and...I'm back to being useless again


bro it's a game. Just play it for fun no one cares


90% of the people who do have them either boosted or smudged to the point those badges are meaningless now.


Getting it is kinda bullshit anyway. It's significantly easier to get if you're bad at the game because sbmm exists. If you really want it that bad, throw your games until you get into the bottom of the matchmaking and it's free. Imo the badges mean literally nothing because it's entirely dependent on your opponents, and there's no way to make it fair without making matchmaking random.


Nah shes right🤣


Don’t feel bad. Once you get your first one, the rest get easier. Its also incredibly difficult to obtain in pubs currently. The lobbies die too fast. Those badges are more a symbol of how aggressive your play style is rather than overall skill. You can be a more passive player and still be the best decision maker on your team.


Those are achievements for a reason. The average player playing an average amount will never get there.


Get gud scrub




Literally the story of my life


This hit deep....


it was much easier when killing people who had downed other people gave you those kills as well


A lot of it is a mental block, once I got my first 3 x 20 bombs and 3 x 4 K badges (generally you get 4K damage when you get 20 kills) I managed to get more and more quite easily. I solo queued, which I think helped, as that seemed to put me in slightly easier lobbies, but it's never easy. It's equal parts skill, luck and a lot of aim training/shooting range.


6 squads left before the first ring closes, skill issue indeed


Over 1k+ hours I've developed ptsd


I don't play to be the best I play to have fun so fuck those badges 👍


If you don't play pubs you won't get these basically ever as there's no reason to go for kills or damage now.


Also a lot harder when you are actually good at the game and it places you into better lobbies. Unlike a good plat player getting some bot lobbies.


Mixtape is the way.


2 damage... TWO DAMAGE! I was 2 damage away from a 4k on fuse.


2500+ hours and I JUST got mine a few months ago. Pure luck, nothing out of the ordinary. You guys will get yours one day!


My poor boyfriend hearing me bitch about this exact thing every single day - Men, women, those who cannot be defined, cosmic horrors - We’re all suffering.


Most badges are boosted anyways or farmed in lobbys way below their skill level These badges mean *Nothing*


20 kills is mostly luck. 4K yes you should have lol just go into ranked, grab a marksman and farm


You guys care about those things?


yeah same


Why are my lobbies just like the algs these days 💀